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[1.1.3] Contract Pack: Historic Missions [V2.3.0] 23/07/2016 - Display Updates and Mars exploration!


How should the pack be separated? (In addition to the Full Pack)  

237 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you like the pack divided?

    • Agency Based
    • Chronologically Based
    • Country Based
    • Era Based (1945-1975, 1976-1996, 1997 - 2017)

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I'm playing the RSS version of this, along with SMURFF.  So far, it's been a lot of fun, but I have noticed a few problems, mostly related to the altitude requirements not being properly adjusted for RSS.  In the worst case, a few missions require "situation:  sub-orbital flight" and "altitude 70-140km" or something similar, which are impossible to have both at the same time since space doesn't START until 10km. 

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I've got a question : I started a new career and do the first historical of Pre1960Mission, the A-3, the R-Vs, the first V2, but the V2 no.20 won't show as available (despite the conditions are OK). I've got the Sputnik-1 and done it, now I've got Sputnik-2, but no V2 no.20. If I decline Sputnik, it came available again a few seconds later, but not the V2.

Is there something I missed ? Will the missing V2 will be accessible at a time ? (hidden conditions ?) Because without this mission I can't access to future contract (the Vanguard ones and so the following) :/


EDIT : OK; it show up after Sputnik-3 :wink:

Edited by Cassin
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Hey there,

Firstly I would like to say the work that was put into this mod is amazing and I would like to thank you for making this. 

Now, I was planning on starting a new save with Small Scale Real Solar System and was planning on using this mod for my contracts. The only issue is that I'm not sure which version to use (RSS or Stock) and if either will work at all. 

If anyone has experimented with this or just knows the answer that would help a bunch, and if not I'll just have to try it myself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been trying to get the RSS historic mission contract pack to work and I tried it in stock KSP with only the required mods. I have discovered that when this contract pack is activated certain other contract packs will not show up in the contract window. I was mainly testing with the RSS historic mission contract pack and the Giving Aircraft a Purpose contract pack. I can activate all the mods in stock KSP including the non-RSS historic mission contract pack just fine. Basically this mod without RSS works fine but when RSS is added then this contract pack is hiding other contract packs. If RSS is added but this contract pack is not added then the other contract packs show with no issues.

The only other mod I am having issues with is the Grand Tours contracts not showing up at all in stock KSP. All the other contract packs were showing up in stock KSP. Also I am using CKAN for my downloads. I also deleted all the mods before I installed any new mods. Also I want to clarify that I was using the RSS contract pack with RSS installed and the non-RSS contract pack in stock KSP.

Edited by jason3609
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hi there, first of all love the mod and the whole concept of it

but i have a small problem, i came to the part where i have to built the V2 20th Blossom-1 rocket, so i start reading the description and the background. so it came the whole point were the first pod with bug was send up to space.

now here is the problem i have encountered, i cant find that core or nose cone for it. i have the A4 nose cone with parachute, the a4 empty cone and the A4 empty/warhead cone.

what am i missing or doing wrong?



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I really want to sink my teeth into this as career seems to stagnate after the first few available missions. But in a little lost, when I installed the pack I had no way to compete the missions. Do I have to hunt up the packs for the missions and install them in order to compete the missions? It am I missing something. 


The first mission was essentially to fire a v2, do I need to find a pack that has a v2? I think it had a different name but that was basically the rocket.

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On 4-9-2016 at 10:06 PM, sturmer said:

hi there, first of all love the mod and the whole concept of it

but i have a small problem, i came to the part where i have to built the V2 20th Blossom-1 rocket, so i start reading the description and the background. so it came the whole point were the first pod with bug was send up to space.

now here is the problem i have encountered, i cant find that core or nose cone for it. i have the A4 nose cone with parachute, the a4 empty cone and the A4 empty/warhead cone.

what am i missing or doing wrong?



anybody got some ideas about this matter?

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I am not sure of this is a known issue, but I have progressed to the point where I have been offered:

Hayaubsa & Rosetta-Philae 

When I attempt to accept these contracts, I will click on the green check mark, nothing happens, then again and the behavior is as if the contract has been accepted, but it disappears , only to re-appear over and over.

I think, based on the exp error, is that they are both trying to make the asteroid, but don't?

Not sure if this screen show will help or not.


My question is now, since these contracts keep coming back, is there a way that I can "not" have to keep showing up?  I have tried to disable them through the ALT+F10 option, but.. they are still appearing.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Did a search, came up with nothing.

If I have this pack installed, and I'm following the contracts, but I decline/fail/ignore some of them, will the mod still keep generating contracts? If so, how? Will it continue to follow the same program, move to a different program, re-offer the same contract, or what?


Specifically what I want is to be able to use this mod as a guideline and to spice up an RSS career, but I don't want to follow it slavishly. At the same time, I still want (for example) to get the whole series of Apollo missions even if I decide not to accept Apollo 1.


(I'm running 1.1.3 currently.)

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Couple of bugs to report

1: Small issue: Soyuz 10 asks me to dock with Salyut 1.  However, salyut 1 won't be offered for another 10 days, after Soyuz 9 is complete.

2: Bigger bug - I completed Gemini 1 AGES ago.  However, I've not been offered Gemini 2 yet - it says the prereq is not completing Gemini 1 for 10 days before that.  Not sure what's going on - the config for Gemini II looks just fine, maybe there's a CC bug going on here.


Edited by Maxsimal
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