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[1.1.3] Contract Pack: Historic Missions [V2.3.0] 23/07/2016 - Display Updates and Mars exploration!


How should the pack be separated? (In addition to the Full Pack)  

238 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you like the pack divided?

    • Agency Based
    • Chronologically Based
    • Country Based
    • Era Based (1945-1975, 1976-1996, 1997 - 2017)

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  kretze said:
Do you plan a compability to Real Fuels Mod?

Some contracts with restriction of not use solid fuel are not completeable. (PGM-11, Saturn-1, SM-65 Atlas,...)

Ahh I apologize about this, these contracts were a work in progress which accidentally made it into the full pack, before any compatibility could be made, I had intended on recreating missions for all of the launch systems but I have not yet got round to it, they are harmless remaining in the pack but to stop them coming up as contracts I would recommend going into the ContractPack/HistoricMissions/Missions folder and deleting the folder LauncherMissions. Or if you do want to play these missions with real fuels you could find and replace all instances of 'SolidFuel' to the real fuels equivalent in each file in the LauncherMissions folder.

I will remove these from the main pack until they are completed soon!

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Hello everyone,

I am going ahead with an update of the pack probably by this weekend, this may or may not include some more shuttle missions (using the cancelled shuttle missions for Sts-136 etc.) possibly the Luna and Vanguard programs (thanks to gerishnakov). This version will also include a fix to the Soyuz 4/5 issues. If I get time I will try and also make some re-balances to missions (since it is obvious that people are now progressing further into the pack!). Since this release will be 1.5.0 I am hoping to bring the number of contracts in the pack up to the big 500 (just for the record of the most contracts in a pack...ever... -- I have far too much time on my hands!).

Talking of time, soon I will have little to spare for KSP modding what with University starting and all, (or I might have a lot more time... hmmm...) but things will certainly be changing around here. Rokanov has already volunteered his 2.0.0 version for a release upon completion so this Historic Missions thread should not be affected really!

Although I am looking for a partner/partners to assist with my slightly more neglected Orbital Decay mod, due to a series of issues (mostly code organization and optimization based) has been overlooked as of late, if anyone would have any interest helping out it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys! I hope you're enjoying the pack!


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Got another one. Soyuz 2 and 3. Soyuz 3 requires you to rendezvous with Soyuz 2, which it defines in the text as "unmanned," however in the contract file it defines the target vessel as having a crew of 1. Removing this line to negate the requirement, or setting the requirement to "unmanned" solves it.

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Hello everyone,

So next update will be coming out soon, I have fixed all issues with Soyuz capsules, fixed rover contract issues and generally corrected as many issues as I could find. I have temporarily removed the Launchers Missions since these currently do not have compatibility for RealFuels etc, however the new Vanguard missions (courtesy of gerishnakov) will be released in the next update along with possibly some more interesting 'could have been' missions... So stay tuned for yet more contracts :)

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  kretze said:
Do you plan a compability to Real Fuels Mod?

Some contracts with restriction of not use solid fuel are not completeable. (PGM-11, Saturn-1, SM-65 Atlas,...)

Excellent contracts pack by the way. Really enjoying it.

I am finding these contracts to be not completable and I am not using Real Fuels :confused:

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  Kaa253 said:
Excellent contracts pack by the way. Really enjoying it.

I am finding these contracts to be not completable and I am not using Real Fuels :confused:

Ooo the problem is bigger than I thought :S I will look into this, in the mean time Id just delete the LaunchersMissions folder inside your GameData/ContractPacks/HistoricMissions/Missions folder to get rid of these (since they will not be included in the next 1.5.0 update (today!) :)

EDIT 12:21

I have just updated to 1.5.0, let me know of any bugs and I will fix them asap!

Enjoy :)

Edited by Whitecat106
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Whitecat,

I get this when i use the new 1.5 pack:


[ERR 13:13:15.839] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'SoyuzTM-13': Error parsing description

[EXC 13:13:15.840] WrongDataType: Expected System.Double got System.String

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseNumericConstant ()

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseToken ()

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseMethodToken ()

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[system.String].CompleteIdentifierParsing[string] (System.String value)

Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters)

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseDataStoreIdentifier (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token)

Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.

Error occurred near '*':

Soyuz-TM 13 carried Austrian cosmonaut-researcher Franz Viehbock and still Soviet-Kazakh cosmonaut-researcher Toktar Aubakirov. The flight was unusual for carrying no flight engineer. Veteran Russian cosmonaut Alexandr Volkov commanded. The Austrians paid $7 million to fly Viehb�ck to Mir, and the Kazakh cosmonaut flew partly in an effort to encourage newly independent Kazakhstan to continue to permit launchings from Baikonur Cosmodrome. The cosmonaut-researchers photographed their respective countries from orbit and conducted the usual range of materials processing and medical experiments. Artsebarsky traded places with Volkov and returned to Earth in Soyuz TM-12.

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................* <-- HERE

ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode)

ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[string] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression)

ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[string] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression)

ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[string] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, System.String defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation)



ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, String, Func`2)

ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, String)




[WRN 13:13:16.401] ContractConfigurator.AnyFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'SurfaceSample', PARAMETER 'Labs' of type 'Any': unexpected child node '' found, ignored.

[LOG 13:13:18.101] [iNFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator: Loaded 540 out of 543 CONTRACT_TYPE nodes.

This sadly results in a halt of ksp loading :-(

Thanks for looking into this! Also do you plan to include the lunar lander missions ?


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  ManuxKerb said:
Hi Whitecat,

I get this when i use the new 1.5 pack:

This sadly results in a halt of ksp loading :-(

Thanks for looking into this! Also do you plan to include the lunar lander missions ?


This shouldn't stop KSP from loading (and it doesn't look like it is from the snippet of log you've posted). Anyway, there is a minor issue due to 1.7.0 making $ into a special character. I'll fix that under [#322].

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are enjoying the pack, I cannot promise anything but an update to 1.6.0 should be out soon, (this week hopefully!) so if anyone has noticed any bugs please do let me know as soon as possible and I can get these fixed for the next release! I am also looking for more suggestions on missions if anyone has any thing they would like to see added?

Regards, Whitecat106 :)

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Hi whitecat,

Thanks for asking! I would like an implementation of (some, maybe two or three?) lunar lander missions (Maybe a chinese one ?)and some more rover missions. Also have you seen " RoverContractsByWhyren" This module give rovers on planets actual stuff to do like: Drive here and do science X there etc. Very cool if you could implement that too into the curiosity rover for more deepness of the rover missions.

Also it would be cool if you would be willing to include only planned missions today for more play-fun with contracts:

Moon Base: http://www.space.com/29285-moon-base-european-space-agency.html

Mars One(with many supply and build missions): http://www.mars-one.com/

Also may i say that this pack is the reason why my 9 year old daughter got into the whole science is cool and space is even cooler thing! Its really cool to show her some kerbal(y) missions just to go later to nasa.gov and read with her the real mission we just played in KSP. Very very awesome! She is very hyped about getting "smart and know so much to do that one day" after playing so it really shows potential for SCIENCE with girls i believe also she finds jeb very clumsy :-)


Keep up the good work!

Edit: Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129048-1-0-4-Contract-Pack-Rover-Contracts-by-Whyren!-v2-%28July-18-2015%29

Edited by ManuxKerb
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi firstly let me just say this is a great pack loving working through the 60's space program.

I have found a small bug in the later Gemini missions though. In the Gemini-VIII mission the target vessel loaded OK but it didnt show for Gemini-IX. A quick bit of investigating showed that all the later mission Gemini-IX through Gemini-XI had an extra set of brackets in the ORBIT section of the config:




SMA = 705197.178599656

ECC = 6.00734955401844729

INC = 1.00172901748170448

LPE = 178.344718230958

LAN = 326.686242498989

MNA = 5.0835400450637

EPH = UniversalTime()

REF = 1



Removing the duplicate set and reloading solved this for me.

The pack was downloaded via CKAN and is version 1.5.0.

Hope that helps

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  ManuxKerb said:
Hi whitecat,

Thanks for asking! I would like an implementation of (some, maybe two or three?) lunar lander missions (Maybe a chinese one ?)and some more rover missions. Also have you seen " RoverContractsByWhyren" This module give rovers on planets actual stuff to do like: Drive here and do science X there etc. Very cool if you could implement that too into the curiosity rover for more deepness of the rover missions.

Also it would be cool if you would be willing to include only planned missions today for more play-fun with contracts:

Moon Base: http://www.space.com/29285-moon-base-european-space-agency.html

Mars One(with many supply and build missions): http://www.mars-one.com/

Also may i say that this pack is the reason why my 9 year old daughter got into the whole science is cool and space is even cooler thing! Its really cool to show her some kerbal(y) missions just to go later to nasa.gov and read with her the real mission we just played in KSP. Very very awesome! She is very hyped about getting "smart and know so much to do that one day" after playing so it really shows potential for SCIENCE with girls i believe also she finds jeb very clumsy :-)


Keep up the good work!

Edit: Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129048-1-0-4-Contract-Pack-Rover-Contracts-by-Whyren!-v2-%28July-18-2015%29

Hello there! That's great! I didn't think my pack (that I made mostly procrastinating from A-level exams!) would have such an effect! I will certainly look into it, I had always wanted to include planetary bases but was too busy making contracts that happened; luckily now gerishnakov has made some massive additions to the pack, I can work on some more 'what if' missions! I'm glad you and your daughter are enjoying the pack! I will continue to make missions when I have the time!


Hi firstly let me just say this is a great pack loving working through the 60's space program.

I have found a small bug in the later Gemini missions though. In the Gemini-VIII mission the target vessel loaded OK but it didnt show for Gemini-IX. A quick bit of investigating showed that all the later mission Gemini-IX through Gemini-XI had an extra set of brackets in the ORBIT section of the config:




SMA = 705197.178599656

ECC = 6.00734955401844729

INC = 1.00172901748170448

LPE = 178.344718230958

LAN = 326.686242498989

MNA = 5.0835400450637

EPH = UniversalTime()

REF = 1



Removing the duplicate set and reloading solved this for me.

The pack was downloaded via CKAN and is version 1.5.0.

Hope that helps

Thanks for that! I have fixed the issues in the Gemini missions now!

Thanks for the comments everyone! I am releasing V1.6.0 tomorrow (as soon as the RSS version is suitably edited), this includes 'only' gerishnakov's changes (A massive list of additions and enhancements to the pack), the next update will be 1.7.0 which will include some more what if missions, including some cancelled STS missions and some Moonbase missions! Enjoy! I will post again within afew days upon the release of 1.6.0!


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So I did the Soyuz 4 and 5 missions all as instructed and deorbited the unmanned soyuz 5 and noticed the rendezous and dock never registered for some reason. Then deordited soyuz 4 and completed that mission. Is it even possible to complete soyuz 5 without 4? Nothing iv tried will complete 5 it just wont register the rendezous or docking. If i just delete that mission in the files can I skip it? Using latest ksp and pack on stock(not RSS)

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  Tapater said:
So I did the Soyuz 4 and 5 missions all as instructed and deorbited the unmanned soyuz 5 and noticed the rendezous and dock never registered for some reason. Then deordited soyuz 4 and completed that mission. Is it even possible to complete soyuz 5 without 4? Nothing iv tried will complete 5 it just wont register the rendezous or docking. If i just delete that mission in the files can I skip it? Using latest ksp and pack on stock(not RSS)

I think the issue here might be that you have to ensure the vessels involved (i.e. Soyuz 4 & 5) have to be named precisely the same way that the contract names them. In the case of these two contracts that means they must be named 'Soyuz-4' and 'Soyuz-5', otherwise the contract won't register that the parameters have been completed. If that's what you did then I'm stumped.

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  gerishnakov said:
I think the issue here might be that you have to ensure the vessels involved (i.e. Soyuz 4 & 5) have to be named precisely the same way that the contract names them. In the case of these two contracts that means they must be named 'Soyuz-4' and 'Soyuz-5', otherwise the contract won't register that the parameters have been completed. If that's what you did then I'm stumped.

That's incorrect - Contract Configurator never requires the vessels to be given a specific name (it will track it under the 'Soyuz-4' label, but display whatever name the player gives it).

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  nightingale said:
That's incorrect - Contract Configurator never requires the vessels to be given a specific name (it will track it under the 'Soyuz-4' label, but display whatever name the player gives it).

Thanks nightingale. Based on that information would I then be correct in thinking, looking again at the Soyuz-4 & Soyuz-5 contracts, that a vessel needs to complete all the child parameters within a VesselParameterGroup in order for a vessel to be given the defined label of that Group? If that is the case then, yes, I believe those contracts as they are currently written are impossible to complete.

The patch file available here should allow the Soyuz-5 contract to be completed. Tapater you'll need to get the game to re-load the Soyuz-4 contract by deleting any record of it from your save file.

Edited by gerishnakov
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  gerishnakov said:
Thanks nightingale. Based on that information would I then be correct in thinking, looking again at the Soyuz-4 & Soyuz-5 contracts, that a vessel needs to complete all the child parameters within a VesselParameterGroup in order for a vessel to be given the defined label of that Group? If that is the case then, yes, I believe those contracts as they are currently written are impossible to complete.

The patch file available here should allow the Soyuz-5 contract to be completed. Tapater you'll need to get the game to re-load the Soyuz-4 contract by deleting any record of it from your save file.

will do ty sir

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  gerishnakov said:
Thanks nightingale. Based on that information would I then be correct in thinking, looking again at the Soyuz-4 & Soyuz-5 contracts, that a vessel needs to complete all the child parameters within a VesselParameterGroup in order for a vessel to be given the defined label of that Group? If that is the case then, yes, I believe those contracts as they are currently written are impossible to complete.

Yup, that's exactly how it works. To expand, if you have define=Something, the ship that meets the conditions will get assigned the label "Something". If you have vessel=Something (in the same or a different contract), it will require the vessel to have previously been labeled as "Somedthing".

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Hello everyone,

1.6.0 is now out, this includes a whole bunch of fixes and new missions thanks to Gerishnakov! 1.7.0 will contain some more 'what if' missions and will also focus on RSS balancing and gameplay changes. Current missions total is at 478 now!

Enjoy! :)

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  Whitecat106 said:
Hello everyone,

1.6.0 is now out, this includes a whole bunch of fixes and new missions thanks to Gerishnakov! 1.7.0 will contain some more 'what if' missions and will also focus on RSS balancing and gameplay changes. Current missions total is at 478 now!

Enjoy! :)

No worries! Adding new stuff has become something of an addiction for me. I can't wait to see the 'what if' missions you're adding; I'm thinking that at some point I'd like to experiment with the Soviets' various plans for moon landings and lunar bases, including this one.

Edited by gerishnakov
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First of all, this mod is a great piece of work !

I will spend many hours trying to finish all that missions :wink:

However, I found some errors in cfg files that I wanted to report you:

- missing "minCapacity = 0" in A-3 mission making it not-successful even with a probe rocket.

- missing "}" in ReachState Mun escaping in Ranger-3 mission making it available at start and empty.

- typo "tile"->"title" for "Leave Mun on a heliocentric trajectory" in Luna-1 mission triggering a contract configurator warning.

BTW, I am using the v1.6.0 using CKAN on a v1.0.4 windows install.

Let me know if I am using an outdated version.

Cheers !

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  Sparco said:

First of all, this mod is a great piece of work !

I will spend many hours trying to finish all that missions :wink:

However, I found some errors in cfg files that I wanted to report you:

- missing "minCapacity = 0" in A-3 mission making it not-successful even with a probe rocket.

- missing "}" in ReachState Mun escaping in Ranger-3 mission making it available at start and empty.

- typo "tile"->"title" for "Leave Mun on a heliocentric trajectory" in Luna-1 mission triggering a contract configurator warning.

BTW, I am using the v1.6.0 using CKAN on a v1.0.4 windows install.

Let me know if I am using an outdated version.

Cheers !

Hi Sparco, thanks your input. I just tested the A-3 contract again to be sure and it definitely works; must be something wrong on your end? I checked my config file for Ranger-3 as well and the ReachState parameter for Escaping Mun is properly parsed, at least on my end, and it's not available at start in my test game. Well spotted however in the Luna-1 config file; Whitecat if you could fix that in the master file I'd be grateful!

I hope you enjoy the whole pack, Sparco!

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