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[ BIG FAT BUG ] Ore containers filling/emptying instantly

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KSP Version: v1.0.2 Windows 32-bit

What Happens: Ore containers are instantly filled/emptied.

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to Replicate:

1. Launch ISRU to Minimus orbit (don't forget electricity and docking ports)

2. Launch Miner Lander to Minimus (lander craft with ore container and drills)

3. Land on Minimus, extract ore, then dock to ISRU station in orbit, produce fuel.

4. So far no problems.

5. Restart KSP

6. Undock miner craft and land it on Minimus. Check that your ore container is empty.

7. Activate drill. Ore container is (almost) instantly full.

8. Launch, dock to ISRU. Once you dock, ore container is instantly empty.

Edited by GagaX
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I've been having a similar issue when mining asteroids. One thing that I'm beginning to note with that; if you deploy the drills and then activate harvesting BEFORE the drill has fully deployed it will instantly drain the asteroid of all resources. This may be related, not sure, but check to see what happens if you wait a bit between deploying drill and activating it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

can confirm I just experienced this bug too. didn't happen the first time, but it did the second time. kind of a bummer because I wanted to set up a legit mining operation on minmus to fuel my city sized colony ship on it's historic voyage out of the system using nothing but moon dust(fuel).

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I've seen this too, but figured it was some odd mod interaction. It also seemed (for me) to go away on a save/reload or by going away to another ship and coming back.

Also, it never seemed to hurt. At the worst, I'd get my ore/fuel faster than I should and as I don't think that's a bad thing (When time warp does the same thing with such a slight bit of more work what's the difference?) I just accepted it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never had a legit filled ore container empty itself. I've only ever seen the situation where you land, start drilling, and instantly have a ton of ore. Then you leave that ship and come back and the ore tank's empty.

Every other instance but that one, ore tanks have behaved themselves. If your ore tanks are unfilling themselves after you sat through a long session of mining then that's a different story.

From your first post, you seem to have experienced a similar thing to me, though. The only difference is you spent fuel transporting that phantom ore to space before it vanished.

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