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Wespe HTOHL-SSTO [0.15 Stock]

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Climb pretty much straight up until ~10km, start banking east like you would with a rocket, at ~14km up, kick on the airspike, and cut the jets around 20-22km up. Hit 45degrees at ~28km up, and slowly bring your nose toward the horizon. Should have 1/3-1/2 of a LFT, as well as about 1/2 of each jet fuel tank. Has RCS for orbital maneuvering.

Let me know what you think!

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Took it up following your flight plan and it worked pretty well. I got it into orbit with plenty of fuel to spare like you said. Reentry was smooth but it felt a bit wobbly flying with a joystick. Would have been nice to have some kind of ASAS. Otherwise, nice job. I\'ve been looking for a small space plane orbiter like this.

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