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[1.0.4] Stock Clamshell Fairings (June 1)


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Better fairing separation for stock parts players? Lower memory footprint? Option to use "confetti" separation selectively if it is desired?

Need you say more!?

Loving this one small mod, it really is a giant leap for.. Ahh you get the picture!

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Better fairing separation for stock parts players? Lower memory footprint? Option to use "confetti" separation selectively if it is desired?

It's still a plugin for a plugin and ProceduralFairings is a whole 3.5mb lol and if you wanted "confetti" separation you won't need the plugin but still if it's your thing and was just asking didn't know if, I was missing something or not.

EDIT- HEHE @Captain Sierra thats me in human form lol.

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It's still a plugin for a plugin and ProceduralFairings is a whole 3.5mb lol and if you wanted "confetti" separation you won't need the plugin but still if it's your thing and was just asking didn't know if, I was missing something or not.

Proc-Fairings is also an entirely seperate set of fairings that just clutters the menu.

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How well do the fairings separate in the upper atmosphere?

I usually dump mine after 20 km up because eventually gravity losses outweigh drag losses. But while I've experimented with Stock Fairings Tweaker I eventually abandoned it because I had a few Unplanned Rapid Disassemblies while in orbit when the larger pieces collided with my rocket.

If the fairings here separate more cleanly and clear the rocket's path, I'll happily switch to using this.

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Yup it works wonderfully! Now all we need is half number choice and side separation order choice and were golden.

Claw created an addon that does that. It was sort of a branch off his stock bug fixes. I think it's linked in that thread.

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It really was delightful to blow the fairing on a Soyuz and see them drift on in two pieces rather than eight. I and my solar panels thank you!

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the only response required to this mod's existence:

My response is "Why the heck was it necessary in the first place?" But great job at fixing Squads crap xEvilReeperx, I'd still like to see tri-fold symmetry clamshell separation though.

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Claw created an addon that does that. It was sort of a branch off his stock bug fixes. I think it's linked in that thread.

Ooh really? I will look for that. Have you tried it?

- - - Updated - - -

Nice. Now we just need to be able to strut to the fairing base.

Yup, you can strut to it fine. Also you can strut to the inside of the fairing. Just Place a part in symmetry where you want the struts and offset it away from the payload.

Then attach the strut from the payload to the offset part then delete the offset part. When the craft loads the struts will attach to the inside of the fairing. I cant confirm how stable it is but test it and see.

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Ooh really? I will look for that. Have you tried it?

- - - Updated - - -

Yup, you can strut to it fine. Also you can strut to the inside of the fairing. Just Place a part in symmetry where you want the struts and offset it away from the payload.

Then attach the strut from the payload to the offset part then delete the offset part. When the craft loads the struts will attach to the inside of the fairing. I cant confirm how stable it is but test it and see.

Yup, seems to work fine.

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Yup, seems to work fine.

Gus, how you getting on with hiding the grey striped band? I get an upward force as well as outward when the base is offset inside. The way Squad made them makes it very tricky to make realistic looking rockets. ;.;

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