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Setup Action Groups In Flight?

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I built a vessel that was, once separated, both a Fuel Barge to run from my Minmus Mining Base to the orbiting fuel station and a run-around shuttle for Minmus science contracts.

I set up action groups to switch each vessel from horizontal to VTOL modes but I seem to have lost one of the action groups. Is it possible to add these in mid-flight. I'm happy to have a crack at editing the persistence file if needs be.


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Each actiongroup module is tailored to the craft with the command part that controls the craft by default. Separating the ship wont remove action groups for the vessel which that part is still on, but for any others. Simple; transcribe the action groups settings from the primary ship to the secondary ship with a bit of file editing. Each module is at the end of the list of parts, right above control state, I believe.

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