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[v0.15 stock]UHC-1/a "Thundercrash" | short-takeoff wingless jet*

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This is the perfect crew recovery vehicle, just incase your crew makes it back from the mun, you give them another chance to 'blow up'.

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, but I have a challenge sir. Do the same thing, but with SRBs.

All kidding aside, I think this might be an amazing ship if you put some wings on it on one engine for horizontal flight. This could be useful for exploring kerbin. Heck, this is light enough to take along to another O2 rich planet.

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This is the perfect crew recovery vehicle, just incase your crew makes it back from the mun, you give them another chance to 'blow up'.

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, but I have a challenge sir. Do the same thing, but with SRBs.

All kidding aside, I think this might be an amazing ship if you put some wings on it on one engine for horizontal flight. This could be useful for exploring kerbin. Heck, this is light enough to take along to another O2 rich planet.

It won\'t be good as a recovery vehicle, I\'m afraid, as it can\'t really hover. The best use would be to strap a few rocket pods under it, and deploy it from a ship, as it needs no lift to take-off. Or fly. Or land.

It basically is a jet-powered brick, try to fly it yourself, dl link is in opening post.

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Very cool! I have yet to create a VTOL that doesn\'t explode when turning.

Also, it\'s a nice, well-made video. I half expect to see Iron Man flying by part way through.

Wasn\'t that hard to make the video. Recording, editing and uploading took less than an hour.

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you need to put an engine at the back to make it a VTOL

Won\'t work, as the engines are tilted backwards, to make it go forward. Engine on the back means it would go faster, if it won\'t tip over in flight, and crash. Also, the parachutes are there already, and are needed for a stop, as if you use the brakes, you explode.

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