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That\'s not true at all, however maybe you may be right about the limited discrimination bit.

It\'s either RP is fun, or it is horribly restricted and not fun but 'proper'.

Your statements are very reluctant to compromise, it seems for you it\'s either total control or no control. \'\'Horribly restricted\'\' as in how? That it\'s orderly? If you banned people for spelling your instead of you\'re then that would be horrible, it\'s a very strong word.

In the latter part, you\'re saying \'\'proper =/= fun\'\' This is not only incorrect from my viewpoint, but also a window into your line of thought, people that finds proper as a lack of fun as well directly indicate they need to be improper to have fun, ergo, they are completely and utterly unsuited for any kind of roleplay.

So to me, instead of lying out fair counter-argument to a controlled system, you\'re losing the context and instead pointing to yourself as unable to roleplay.

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Your statements are very reluctant to compromise, it seems for you it\'s either total control or no control. \'\'Horribly restricted\'\' as in how? That it\'s orderly? If you banned people for spelling your instead of you\'re then that would be horrible, it\'s a very strong word.

In the latter part, you\'re saying \'\'proper =/= fun\'\' This is not only incorrect from my viewpoint, but also a window into your line of thought, people that finds proper as a lack of fun as well directly indicate they need to be improper to have fun, ergo, they are completely and utterly unsuited for any kind of roleplay.

So to me, instead of lying out fair counter-argument to a controlled system, you\'re losing the context and instead pointing to yourself as unable to roleplay.

Unable to roleplay?

You\'ve seen for yourself that I am fit to roleplay, although I think you may be right. Rules are definately needed, just not too many.

Leave some stuff to actually roleplay instead of having a system for everything! I mean, as long as everyone does it responsibly, we should be fine, although that\'s where the problems start. Not everyone will do it properly.

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and if it about spelling thats discrimanation and ilegal

Discriminating against someone who is unable to spell when it is vital is not illegal. That\'s like saying not allowing someone who is unable to see fly a plane is illegal because you are discriminating...

*EDIT* Anyway it was probably your attitude, racist comment, general impatience, need I go on?

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yurp, and Lord Wasteland tried taking my land too >:C...even if it is optional >:CC

It was a re-set. No one had a claim on any particular spot.

And you could have asked him nicely, instead of swearing at him...

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Discriminating against someone who is unable to spell when it is vital is not illegal. That\'s like saying not allowing someone who is unable to see fly a plane is illegal because you are discriminating...

*EDIT* Anyway it was probably your attitude, racist comment, general impatience, need I go on?

now have im been racist(that 1 post i did not know it was racist but upon reilising it i removed it)

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yurp, and Lord Wasteland tried taking my land too

For hecks sake, it\'s a reboot. Nobody else has been wingeing about people taking \'their\' land from the old RP, because they realise it\'s not actually theirs anymore. I didn\'t complain when Caesar took my country, Weegeee hasn\'t been moaning that I took half of his, etc.

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#i did not know it was offencive

im autistic and have dislexia

Skunky\'s got Dyslexia and i\'ve got Autism, we\'re both moderators and highly professional in what we do here.

Now please, people, this was meant to be a careful discussion about touchy subjects, and is as such to be treated with care, let\'s take a step back to that phase, shall we?

As for racism and free speech, as a matter of fact, the internet is arguably the biggest dictatorship in the world.

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I agree that this forum should be more strict than \'the one that drowned in chaos\'.

And I also agree on the \'fit or not fit for roleplay\' test.

And also I agree that Ascen should be a second moderator.

Yay for logical loyalism!

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I agree that this forum should be more strict than \'the one that drowned in chaos\'.

And I also agree on the \'fit or not fit for roleplay\' test.

And also I agree that Ascen should be a second moderator.

Yay for logical loyalism!

1.pleese dont ban me i wish to start a new

2.i think so to but not to have too much power so he cant shut down the site again

i though i was good for mod as i belive i second chances

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2.i think so to but not to have too much power so he cant shut down the site again

I do not understand what do you mean... He didn\'t shut down the old RP... It was the \'Superiors\'

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1.pleese dont ban me i wish to start a new

2.i think so to but not to have too much power so he cant shut down the site again

i though i was good for mod as i belive i second chances

Didn\'t you start anew before, too?

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