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Space center looks awful

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After quite some time away from KSP I just fresh installed latest version through steam, upon first loading of the game the first thing I see looks awful, image below:


Initially I had some mods installed too, so the first thing I did was remove them all: Problem remains

Played with GFX settings: Problem remains

Disabled AA (after reading this can cause some issues): Problem remains.

Edited by Bishop149
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Good thing you never saw the scrapped trailer park/VABarn stage then! :P

But seriously, it's the first level of all KSC buildings, they are supposed to suck. :D It gives you one more incentive to earn enough money to upgrade them!

Edited by Awaras
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Wow, ok so its meant to look like that.

Huh, IMO there's a difference between "make it look primitive" and "make it look like a graphical glitch" . . . . . Squad appear to have gone for the latter

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How does that even look like a graphical glitch?

Buildings are smaller+textures are different=graphical glitch?

I never even put thought into the fact that someone wouldn't understand the tier 1 KSC, but now that I have I still can't see how it could be mistaken for a glitch. How else would they make it "tier 1?" :confused: Not trying to be rude, I am just genuinely confused. At first I thought it was a troll post, but the thread owner's second post suggests otherwise.

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I'm tempted to make this my signature because I laughed at it for minutes on end when I saw it:


How does that even look like a graphical glitch?

Buildings are smaller+textures are different=graphical glitch?

I never even put thought into the fact that someone wouldn't understand the tier 1 KSC, but now that I have I still can't see how it could be mistaken for a glitch. How else would they make it "tier 1?" :confused: Not trying to be rude, I am just genuinely confused. At first I thought it was a troll post, but the thread owner's second post suggests otherwise.

It's because the tier one buildings look like a pile of buffalo excrement compared to the godly tier 3 buildings B9 gave us. Seriously, they're SO BAD. Their color schemes don't even match or don't even progress properly, which ruins the sense of "upgrading". I understand that they're supposed to look primitive, but that doesn't mean that they should be terrible compared to the other buildings or that they need pieces of sheet metal duct taped to the sides of things. How come the crafts the Kerbals make are so good yet their buildings suck eggs? Their destroyed buildings look even worse. There's visible texture tiling on all of the destroyed buildings, and the models themselves are pretty bad.

You should have seen the barn, it was beautiful compared to the ugly tier 1 & 2 buildings we have now. Unfortunately

Agreed. Though the textures were bad and the barn itself was pretty poorly modeled and didn't look like a barn at all, it was much better than the dark-green mess we have now.

I'm inclined on making a spin-off of

with the tier 1 and tier 2 buildings.

EDIT: Sorry if this post is a bit heated. I went into angry rant mode. :P

Edited by mythbusters844
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I don't understand...you're saying an upgrade can't include a paint job? Why would they need matching textures?

I think they look beautiful and serve their purpose as smaller versions of the full size.

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I don't understand...you're saying an upgrade can't include a paint job? Why would they need matching textures?

I think they look beautiful and serve their purpose as smaller versions of the full size.

Because the tier one and tier two buildings have matching textures but the tier two and tier three buildings have different textures. It has no consistency, kinda like the tier one and tier two building textures themselves.

And sure, they serve their purpose, but I and many others think they look bad.

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A lot of people wishes better graphics for eons. But life wouldn't be life if every wish would become reality...

I am really sad to see that the community has more competent programming and designing power that the devs itself.

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I am really sad to see that the community has more competent programming and designing power that the devs itself.

The same is true for every game with more than a handful of players.

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Yes, I agree, Jouni. The power of the mass. But if wonders me that *a single modder* can do more than Squad. There are quite a lot of mods out there done by one person or only a small team doing things Squad doesn't. And if I read the comments in the appropriate forum threads, often there is a "why it is not stock?" comment. I am not saying that Squad should have done ALL of this improvements but in fact they have done nothing at all since... 0.21 or 0.23 or so. Quite some time ago.

While it was pre beta everybody knew that the priority in game development was not graphics but to complete the feature list. To have no improvement at all was surprising (and in my eyes dissapointing).

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but in fact they have done nothing at all since... 0.21 or 0.23 or so.

Going to have to stop you there.


Released 1st May, 2015.

→ Main article: 1.0.2


Overlooked an issue in 1.0.1 regarding overheating when splashed down


Released 1st May, 2015.

→ Main article: 1.0.1


This is a small revision patch to address some of the most noticeable bugs were encountered since the release of 1.0.


Released 27th April, 2015. First official release.

→ Main article: 1.0


Female Kerbonaut model

Improved aerodynamics

Improved component heating and cooling through atmospheric friction, solar radiation exposure, convection and more

Resource gathering from planets, moons and asteroids

Procedural fairings

Internal views for all cockpits

Parts relating to above, such as ablative heat shields, air brakes and mining drills


Released 15th December, 2014. First beta release.

→ Main article: 0.90.0


Editor overhaul

Kerbal experience and professions (Pilot, engineer, scientist)

Extra contracts (Integration of Fine Print)

Biomes on every planet and moon

MK3 overhaul

Upgradable facilities (in Career)

Organization of parts, including custom filters

Tutorial and help


Released 7th October, 2014.

→ Main article: 0.25


New spaceplane parts from Spaceplane Plus mod

Redesign of some old parts and textures

Added Administration Facility with ability to choose strategies in Career mode

New explosions

Destructible facilties at Kerbal Space Center

New difficulty options menu

Added crew transfer without EVA

Added new Navball vectors (prograde, retrograde, radial in/out, normal and antinormal)

Various bug fixes and tweaks

Integrated Spaceplanes Plus mod into KSP


Released 25th July, 2014

→ Main article: 0.24.2


Fixed a critical issue which prevented opening the right-click menus for several parts.


Released 24th July, 2014

→ Main article: 0.24.1


Various bug fixes and tweaks

Fixed a relatively serious issue with module loading which could result in missing modules if loading old craft.

O-10 Maneuvering engine scaling was off. Engine rescaled to proper size (smaller).

Fixed missing FX components on root parts after resuming a saved game or reverting.

Fixed a bug in Rescue Kerbal contracts, where rescue by means of external seats or claws wouldn't complete the contract.

Fixed a very annoying and potentially destructive bug where approaching another vessel could mess up your control state.

Tweaked costs for several spaceplane and aerodynamic parts


Released 17th July, 2014

→ Main article: 0.24


Contracts system in Career mode for gaining money and reputation

Reputation System in Career mode

Mission Control building now accessible for managing contracts

Parts cost money; space program has fiscal budget

Parts and fuel recovered after flight return money to budget

UI in Space Center view in top center shows, from left to right, Available Funds, Reputation, and Science

UI in Space Center view in bottom bar, beside time warp control, displays Universal Time

Three new buttons beside Resources in flight UI: Contracts, and Notifications

Throttle defaults to 50% at launch

New Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer powered RCS Vernor Engine

New monopropellant fueled O-10 MonoPropellant Engine


Released 1st April, 2014

→ Main article: 0.23.5


Asteroid Redirect Mission!

New SLS-styled parts

New part joint system

12 additional new features

11 bugs fixed

And that's just the wiki, there's a lot more that the wiki doesn't list.

It's easy for a modder to concentrate on one thing, after all they don't have a whole game to work on, just one asset.

This thread is going nowhere, the tier 1 buildings are supposed to be basic, you progress to better buildings, starting with tier 3 stuff would make no sense.

If you want that you can play sandbox.

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