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I friggin love laythe! - whats your story when it comes to Jool?


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I managed to land my first base on Laythe. I know it sounds newbish but I have finally been able to achieve more than a Duna-return mission for once :P anyway I bet everyone here is a master and is probably scoffing at me OR you could tell us about one of your favorite/latest milestones (preferably in the Joolian system)


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I'm basically just an excited noob tryna show his worth...

Edited by Macdaddy42
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Dude, nobody's scoffing. Laythe is a pain, mostly because Jool is cruel mistress. If this were an FPS, Jool has racked up enough kills across all my saves ever to get the chopper gunner, the warthog, and almost the tactical nuke. (thats about 20 confirmed kills total, not to mention the dozens of probes that have been eaten as well)

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That would easily be the time when I probed every body in the Jool system, back in 0.18. I sent a single probe carrier with the six probes I needed, and then I inserted them all into their final, low altitude orbits. One by one. All with ion engines.

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Laythe is my dream but i have had troubles to finish the extension of my Jool Scout Mission (the extension mission was land it on laythe and gather some extra science) because i have to restart ksp at least twice. At a certain point, it started to "acelerate" (it was an imagined aceleration, my ship wasn't throttled up or in Jool's atmosphere) and i werent able to warp up to 4 x, so i restarted ksp to prevent that many times but i've already achieve that.

You can follow (if you want) my progress on Laythe exploration (this time it will be with kerbals) here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124693-Fleet-Of-Worlds

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