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Does the EULA prohibit multiple installs on the same computer now?


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I was idly reading through the EULA today and I noticed a couple of Things.

DEPORTED grants you, and you accept, the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-commercial, limited right and license, during the term, to copy, install, access and use one copy of the Licensed Application solely and exclusively for your personal use on any computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the Licensed Application was designed [e.g., Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Mac OSX] that you own or control.
So I can't use it on Linux?
7.3 Make copies of the Licensed Application or any part thereof, or make copies of the materials accompanying the Licensed Application.

7.4 Copy the Licensed Application onto a hard drive or other storage device except as specifically permitted herein.

This seems to prohibit multiple installs on the same computer. I would love clarification on this because it is hell on modders, especially when testing in clean environments vs. interaction with other mods. It is also hell on players who like to have multiple profiles of KSP. For instance, I like having a full stock install for challenges, a modded install for playing, and a modded install for RSS, plus all my modding installs. Plus, what does this mean for modifying and redistributing KSP's stock models? Is Ven's Stock Revamp in trouble?


The application is licensed not sold, to you for use only under the terms of this license. DEPORTED B.V. (“DEPORTEDâ€Â) reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
Seems like Squad isn't actually the owners. Has this recently changed?

Do I see DRM in our future? Are we all operating under a bunch of "unspoken rules" that will bite us in the butt later?

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That is very worrying. Having multiple installs is crucial just for backups alone, never mind modern and people who need them more.

If what you found is true, then my game is so buggy, (OSX crash issue) that I have to break the EULA to be able to play it. :huh:

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True. But who is DEPORTED BV? Are they part of Squad, a licensing company, etc?

EDIT: A quick search on Google turns up nothing but the EULA and Terms of Service, and a bunch of congressional hearings on immigration.

Edited by Zucal
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Interesting... would really like to have some clarification on this

To be fair, it could just be standard boilerplate EULA print, but it does kind of run against the grain of current KSP SOP.

I think the same. Its just a standard EULA thats not made for KSP

Edit: Just noticed that it names a company with an adress in amsterdam. What is going on where?

Edited by rudi1291
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I am very confused by this. I assume by copies it is referring to physical copies, perhaps this EULA was added because of Gamer's Edition... What even is DEPORTED? Has SQUAD been hacked? Is today Mexican April Fool's or something? All of these questions and more, will be resolved soon, in the next exciting adventure of : KasperMax, the flame-fighting duo!

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So I can't use it on Linux?

I can't speak for the rest of the info (definitely worrying, but I imagine it's just a "protection" thing and that they don't personally care that much about people having multiple copies on the same computer. What could happen in the future though, I don't know.) but KSP is designed for Linux and you have a "validly licensed" version of Linux you're running, meaning it would be included under that. If you're running a pirated copy of a Linux distro that normally costs money, or are somehow otherwise running a Linux distro that you don't have permission to run, then you can't use it on that Linux install.

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If it's just boilerplate EULA text then someone needs to get on it and start incorporating some of KSP's "unspoken rules", because unclear legal text is a big problem.

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Only DRM KSP has (ignoring Steam) is that you gotta log in to your store account to patch. Don't expect that to go away and I don't expect anything coming in the future.

I'm gonna chalk that up to standard blanket legal speak from some carbon-copy EULA template they probably used.

But who is DEPORTED and why is it referencing them?

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Should be boilerplate stuff or so, half of it is probably illegal anyway in europe. Not to mention that it just doesn't fit Squad in the first place. I'd assume it's on of the things that weren't worked out too well in the games early stages.

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I found a page about them in what I assume is Dutch. Running a section of text through Google Translate gives me this:

Deported BV is a company owned by a foreign entity. The top holding abroad of Deported BV : Parallel Dynamics SA the C.V. , based in Mexico City in Mexico .

So DEPORTED B.V. does seem to have ties to Mexico City, which is where Squad is based as well. Searching for this Parallel Dynamics turns up nothing, however.

Edited by Zucal
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But who is DEPORTED and why is it referencing them?

A post (that has now gone missing, likely moderation action) mentioned that one of the developers might live near where that company is registered, so it might be related to that? But otherwise I have no idea.

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Deported is based in Mexico City, http://drimble.nl/bedrijf/amsterdam/31464408/deported-bv.html.

Deported BV is a company owned by a foreign entity. The top holding abroad of Deported BV: Parallel Dynamics SA the C.V., based in Mexico City in Mexico.

Deported BV has no other at the Chamber of Commerce registered branches

From the website linked.

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Similar discussion here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/620713633850282845/

It's a bit strange though. DEPORTED B.V. is a holding of Parallel Dynamics (located in Mexico City) - but there isn't any information anywhere regarding a company called that in Mexico City.

But Squad (Monkey Squad S.A. de C.V.) is located there. So it's probably safe to assume, that DEPORTED B.V. is actually part of Squad itself and it's all just about some legal aspects.

Also, it's good to know that someone out there actually spends their free time reading the EULA. :D

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