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[1.8.1] ETT - Engineering Tech Tree - May 4, 2020


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Hello all,

I'm planning on splitting the Modern Physics branch into Reactors and Engines (may make saved games upset, but not save breaking). Also moving mystery goo to the first modern physics node instead of having its own sub-branch. And, of course, adding a few more parts packs.

Any suggestions?

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Hi there great mod.

Got a bit of a feedback:

- where is external command seat ? :-) (i am either blind or it isnt in)

- first nice looking cockpit is too far in the tree. You can go either Mk1 Cockpit or Mk2 from B9 but both are behind fairly high wall. (not science wall but funding goal in form of a science building upgrade).

- in case of spaceplane parts you are essentially stuck with few stock parts for a large amount of time and then it is dumped at you all at once.

(this may be case of my lack of some mod, few aero nodes are empty, like biplanes and subsonic - my guess firespitter)

but everything else is pretty great.

Edited by DirkLarien
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  DirkLarien said:
Hi there great mod.

Got a bit of a feedback:

- where is external command seat ? :-) (i am either blind or it isnt in)

- first nice looking cockpit is too far in the tree. You can go either Mk1 Cockpit or Mk2 from B9 but both are behind fairly high wall. (not science wall but funding goal in form of a science building upgrade).

- in case of spaceplane parts you are essentially stuck with few stock parts for a large amount of time and then it is dumped at you all at once.

(this may be case of my lack of some mod, few aero nodes are empty, like biplanes and subsonic - my guess firespitter)

but everything else is pretty great.

First, thanks for the feedback.

Second, the spaceplane/flight side of the tree needs re-arranging and fleshing out a bit. The cockpit choice was due to intake order, but I can swap that.

As for the external command seat, there was a method to my madness. It is in the rover branch under Field Science, which is why you probably missed it. I put it there because of the Apollo Lunar Rover.

I am planning a big revision next week. Nothing save game breaking, just maybe a little inconvenient for those with saves. Along with adding more part packs and updating new parts from current packs, my hope is to fission the Modern Physics branch into reactors and engines. Hopefully I can perform some fission on the aviation side also so that the nodes aren't overly packed with parts.

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  NuclearH said:
Hello, anyone has the problem with missing items ?

I already unlock the advanced exploration, but the processing lab and the ladders are missing...

I create an sandbox and a science mod and both are ok.

Sorry for the english ;)

Hi NuclearH,

The ladders are sprinkled around the manned branch. The stock ladders are in "Logistics and Landing Modules" and also "Simple LEM".

For the Processing Lab, check the "Scientific Outposts" a few nodes into the Research branch.

Good Luck!

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Awesome mod! I like the idea of your tech tree, it's number 1 for me now.

I have some ideas if you don't mind.

You included the K2 pod in "advanced manned space exploration" node. Would be cool to see the Corvus command pod in this node for those, who use it instead of the K2 pod. But corvus has some additional cool parts, which could be added in the node below. Something like this:


1). Manned Space Exploration (50 ScP)

2). Advanced Exploration (95 ScP) (Corvus pod)

3). Additional Equipment (25 ScP) (includes all corvus parts: nose cone, decoupler, MP-tank and Orbital Meneveuring System)

Also I saw a USI Surv. Pack in the TBD list, which is great. Maybe the "survivability" node could be extended the following way:


1). Survivability

2). Escape Pod (50 ScP) (includes the USI escape pod and it's propulsion system)

3). Inflatables (25 ScP) (includes airbags and floaties)

4). Real Chutes parachutes (already exists)

I like to start with Bi-Planes, But I think, they should be integrated into the aviation tree. I noticed some balance issues. When you unlock the Bi-plane cockpit and some LFO engines, technically you can go to space! Of course, I limit myself and don't fly Bi-Plane cockpit higher than 5 km. Would be great to have the altitude limitations for all cockpits. And if you put your poor Kerbal in an unpressurized cockpit on the rocket and launch he will die of hypoxia. (I saw this idea in BTSM mod, what a pity I know nothing about the coding stuff, I could have integrated this feature with unpressurized cockpits to all aviation parts, maybe someone could do this.)

As I understood, You've also integrated the Deadly reentry parts, it's good. But there are also some cool Heat-Shield parts, that could be integrated into the mod.

NASA - Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology (ADEPT) by OLDD


[1.0.4] Oblivion Aerospace Pack

Great mod, keep up good work!

Edited by panzerwaffe044
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Decided to try this tech tree on a new game. I'm playing it in science mode with 50% science, and I really like the way the early game is set up. After a stint trying realism overhaul, I liked the early portion of that game with somewhat uncontrollable rockets and building things that have to spin to go straight. Your mod is set up with a probe that has no control at the beginning, which encourages trying out builds for what are really sounding rockets, as opposed to the full-fledged controllable rockets. The limited science gaining options at the start also make it harder to get a massive burst of points at the beginning that lets you progress too fast. Definitely interested in seeing how it progresses as more tech is unlocked.

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Hey! Loving the mod so far! I've only had one issue so far. When I tried to unlock the Long Term Science Tech node at the bottom (one of the ones that cost funds) but whenever I leave the R&D building it resets. I've tried it with and without the "no purchase" setting and it didn't work either time.

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  TheDoctor1004 said:
Hey! Loving the mod so far! I've only had one issue so far. When I tried to unlock the Long Term Science Tech node at the bottom (one of the ones that cost funds) but whenever I leave the R&D building it resets. I've tried it with and without the "no purchase" setting and it didn't work either time.

What. What. Hmmm.... Let me look into that one. I haven't seen that before.

EDIT: Do you have a part pack installed that is not on the supported list? If so, let me know which one and I will reproduce the error.

Edited by Probus
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  Probus said:
What. What. Hmmm.... Let me look into that one. I haven't seen that before.

EDIT: Do you have a part pack installed that is not on the supported list? If so, let me know which one and I will reproduce the error.

I have these mods that aren't on the list. (I'm assuming you mean the list on the first page)

Alcubierre Warp Drive

Bahamuto Dynamics

Better Science Labs Cont.

DSD Mobile Processing Labs

Kerbal Foundries Wheels and Repulsors

Tarsier Space Technology

USI Exploration, Freight and Kolonization

I'm using CKAN for mods if it matters.

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  TheDoctor1004 said:
I have these mods that aren't on the list. (I'm assuming you mean the list on the first page)

Those are some great mods. What's happening is one or more of them is putting a part into a CTT holding node along the bottom edge of the tree that I use for distributing parts. I think I know a quick fix for this problem. I will try it. If it works, I will release a bug fix.

EDIT: It worked and I released it.

Edited by Probus
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  BahamutZer00 said:
I think realistic progresson -0 mod has its own tech tree progression optimized for placing all the required parts from realism overhaul. I don't think the two would be very compatible with the current version.

Yep BahamutZer00. I was thinking it would be more like a tech tree for Realism Overhaul. RP0 has integrated contracts if I am not mistaken.

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Not sure if any one else experienced this but I get huge amounts of lag when using this mod with realism overhaul. I only experience this when I am looking at the space station. If I go to the build screen no lag. If I test my aircraft, lag is gone as well.

This only happens with RO, if I turn off RO in CKAN then works fine. Also I am only using your tech pack. Is their a reason this is happening? I cant find any conflicts.

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