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Saitek Farming Simulator Side Panel... Does this look perfect for KSP?


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  GregroxMun said:
I like trains. But I'm not going to buy a train simulator until it has game-like parts. Perhaps a trainbuilding sandbox where you have to build your engines and rolling stock in a KSP-style editor out of parts and connectors, and make sure things are linked up right and the boiler, firebox, etc work right, or else bad things.

It also needs Kerbal style bridge building because they just go together.

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  Temeter said:
I hope so. It's a bit ridiculous how most of the joysticks currently sold are the same i've found ~10 years ago in stores.

Funny you say this because I used to have a Fly 5 joystick YEARS ago, and wanted to get back into my sims so I looked at joysticks just a month ago. Didn't really see anything new that caught my eye and it was the same stuff.

I've always wanted the X52, so I just went to ebay and bought one from there. I haven't really setup the controller yet. During my search I did see this farming simulator hardware and first thought it might be good for KSP, but I wouldn't be able to flightsim with it much. Opted for X52. This still leaves me the option to make use of an ardunio and make a "navigation computer" and set it near my controller.

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  Alshain said:
Train simulators appeal to the same people that like model trains. (I am not one of them) To them buying the DLC is no different than going to the hobby store an buying a new car for their model train, but takes up less physical space.


Things I don't understand entirely are really stupid things like Goat Simulator and Grass Simulator.

Also good if the train sim has an editor/dev mode that you can access. Then you can even make your own routes. I spend many an our setting up my super elaborate Central station as the ultimate station ever before updating to 8 made kuju rail simulator not run properly.

Like kerbal, it lets you experience something that's not so simple do do IRL. I'm not so likely to become an astronaut, visiting other planets, likewise, I'm not so interested in a career in train driving. Plus, IRL, there's a lot less opportunity to drive steam engine.

However, this gives you a chance to try, and learn a thing or two.

IIRC, Grass Simulator is just a Joke, and Goat simulator is more of a sandbox game, set up as a parody of the simulation genre and glitchy early access game.

  GregroxMun said:
I like trains. But I'm not going to buy a train simulator until it has game-like parts. Perhaps a trainbuilding sandbox where you have to build your engines and rolling stock in a KSP-style editor out of parts and connectors, and make sure things are linked up right and the boiler, firebox, etc work right, or else bad things.

This could be cool. I imagine you'd have a lot less freedom to place things, as train components don't fit together in as many ways. Depends how detailed the interaction between parts is, otherwise some things could be attached radially.

Edited by Tw1
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  r4pt0r said:
I dont understand the appeal of these "sim games" that are popping up. Flight sims I get. Racing sims I get. I even get the humor for the surgery sim game, it is fun.

But farming sim, trucking sim, train sim(and its dlc, that you can purchase all of for only $2500, and thats the 50% off price today) I just dont understand.

I completely understand you opinion on sim games is yours, but, as a trainz 2010 and nolimits simulator (Roller coasters), I have to say, there is something very fun in creating your own little world, and then experiencing it in a semi-realistic way. :)

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  goldenpsp said:
Honestly what I wish I could find is something along the lines of the old Apple 2e joysticks. Small and accurate (can run between your thumb and forefinger)

I bought a 3-axis and an Arduino today because I got hyped. Guess I'm committed to the hardware crowd now...

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  goldenpsp said:
Hmm. I already have an aduino waiting for a project. No idea how to integrate the two however.
Wire the joystick through the Arduino and see if zitronen's plugin will work for you. You could even use a potentiometer to test the Arduino before dropping cabbage on the joystick. I'll write something up once I have the pieces in hand, too.
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  r4pt0r said:

But farming sim, trucking sim, train sim(and its dlc, that you can purchase all of for only $2500, and thats the 50% off price today) I just dont understand.

I have farming simulator 2015, a whole range of trucking simulators, and enjoyed the train simulators too :D

It's certainly a good inspiration for the production of Kerbal Truck Simulator 2015 :D

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  regex said:
Wire the joystick through the Arduino and see if zitronen's plugin will work for you. You could even use a potentiometer to test the Arduino before dropping cabbage on the joystick. I'll write something up once I have the pieces in hand, too.

I will have to play around. The arduino was a gift but I don't have any background really in electronics. Never too late to learn though right?

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  goldenpsp said:
I will have to play around. The arduino was a gift but I don't have any background really in electronics. Never too late to learn though right?

Give it a bash. The KSPSerialIO plugin regex linked to has some pretty good example code to get you up and running with some indicator LEDs straight away.

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Nah, the buttons are neither big enough nor colourful enough for KSP. We need something even more ridiculous looking!

(Also, if that is a giant grey button, it needs to be recoloured red. The same as I plan to recolour my keyboard's spacebar red for KSP...)

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  Freshmeat said:
If you are in the price range of $150 you are far better of building your own from scratch. Gets the added fun of DIY, and you might pick up a few skills in the process.

Nice suggestion, but I for one have no spare time - it all gets sucked up by KSP!

(On the other hand I do have plenty of money*, as I am too busy playing KSP to spend it on anything else! :D )

*Oh how I wish this were true...

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  Freshmeat said:
If you are in the price range of $150 you are far better of building your own from scratch. Gets the added fun of DIY, and you might pick up a few skills in the process.

Where do you sources a stick like that tho?

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  Rocket Farmer said:
Personally the farm control stick is a little to close to the day job so I'll stick to being a keyboard astronaut....

:D I LOLed

Alternatively, since so many modern farm implements seem to come with their very own COCKPITS... It's understandable why the darn things are so expensive! I dare any city slicker to even know what to do inside a modern tractor or harvester, and not screw something up. Respect for all the people out there, working in dusty fields, knowing exactly what to do with half a dozen or more sets of hydraulic levers, a hydrostatic drive or 2 or more gear ranges, throttle and torque converter, a pair of PTOs, and a swath of other controls and gauges. The only things I know of that consistently have more readouts and controls than typical heavy machinery, tend to be things that fly! :cool:

In my experience anyway. :P

Edited by richfiles
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  regex said:
Because of this thread I priced out initial components for a dual 3-axis joystick Arduino Uno-run box; I'm looking at some $80 for the hardware, no enclosure, and I haven't even started shopping around. Realistically, I think I can create a custom controller board for under $100 (USB, dual joystick, up to 14 switches), and I think others have done similar already. The best part is that I can get started for under $50 with one joystick plus the board and a few switches and go from there.

Two of these things, one for translation, one for rotation and you have yourself an awesome docking controller. Arduino Mega compatible boards go for around $10. Nice illuminated buttons go for $1-2 a pop, a switch or two and some scrap material for a nice enclosure.

Yep, $100 should be enough.

A few months ago I started collecting the parts, got some nice displays, analog voltmeters (for fuel and power level, radar altimeter, etc.), got the KSP mod outputting the data (thank you mod guy!), but then realized I don't have enough room on my desktop for what I have in mind. Since I'm in the (rather lengthy) process of turning my attic into a live-in-able area I postponed further development. Once I move my PC there, I suppose I will continue this project.

  richfiles said:
I dare any city slicker to even know what to do inside a modern tractor or harvester, and not screw something up.

Everybody knows that modern harvesters are like Roombas. You turn it on and the thing drives itself until it hits something, then turns around and goes off in another direction.

Edited by Shpaget
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  stibbons said:
I kind of want to buy one of these to play Farming Simulator.

Kind of also want to buy one to butcher and use the joystick in my custom KSP panel build. That's a perfect size.

http://www.amazon.com/YUEQING-OMTER-ELECTRONIC-TECHNOLOGY-OM300B-M2/dp/B00CS6O3SY 3 axis joystick

http://www.amazon.com/YUEQING-OMTER-ELECTRONIC-TECHNOLOGY-OM400B-M2/dp/B00CS6O4NI 4 axis (3 plus button)

I've considered getting these for a custom controller. I like them, but considering I also play Farming Simulator, it probably makes just as much sense for me to go with the Farming Simulator side panel controller from Saitek, and build a custom controller around it.

But seriously... How can I deny SOME degree of custom controller when I have the goodies below! :sticktongue:





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  Shpaget said:
Two of these things, one for translation, one for rotation and you have yourself an awesome docking controller. Arduino Mega compatible boards go for around $10. Nice illuminated buttons go for $1-2 a pop, a switch or two and some scrap material for a nice enclosure.

Yep, $100 should be enough.

I bought the 3-axis version of that. If I like the joystick I'll buy a 4-axis for the second one and make the top button for toggle SAS or something; would be really nice for launch, I think. Also planning on checking out our local recycling place because I hear you can pick up nice old switches, but I may just source them online at the end of the day. I don't think I'll go for anything huge, mainly just a docking/general flight controller; a big, glorified gamepad. A few of the guys I work with are into messing around with the Arduinos so I already have a nice support group to egg me on.

Thread hype is nice, but when the guy next to you starts going off about all the stuff he automated at home, well, let's just say my credit card kind of appeared on its own.

  Shpaget said:
A few months ago I started collecting the parts, got some nice displays, analog voltmeters (for fuel and power level, radar altimeter, etc.), got the KSP mod outputting the data (thank you mod guy!), but then realized I don't have enough room on my desktop for what I have in mind. Since I'm in the (rather lengthy) process of turning my attic into a live-in-able area I postponed further development. Once I move my PC there, I suppose I will continue this project.
Good luck with all of that! ;)
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Looks fun and useful for KSP indeed... And i bet it will be even more awesome as RCS controller for Elite:Dangerous... Because of you i now have to consider this... Because of YOU! Thanks :)

- - - Updated - - -

  Red Iron Crown said:
3d mouse for life. A bit pricy (and Windows only on KSP, IIRC) but it gives you six axes in one hand, allowing attitude + translation or completely unlimited camera control (especially useful in the editor or map mode).

I own a SpacePilot Pro, but i really never found fun in using it for games. I want immersive controls when playing games... Lots of buttons and stuff, things that make you believe, you are right inside a cockpit. A 3D mouse is to measly for that in my opinion, but ok... Nothing can compete with a 3D mouse, when it comes to precision and functionality.

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  regex said:
The fact that there's an entire suite of controllers dedicated to a farming simulator is ... disturbing to me, for some reason. OTOH that device looks awesome for KSP.

This is the first thing I thought.

- - - Updated - - -

Get one of these guys to make you a custom job. :)


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  Shpaget said:
Everybody knows that modern harvesters are like Roombas. You turn it on and the thing drives itself until it hits something, then turns around and goes off in another direction.

Yeah. The human is only there for insurance purposes, and the controls just to make the spectacle more convincing.:sticktongue:

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  tg626 said:
Where do you sources a stick like that tho?

For my new build (not the one in my sig), I use a second hand gameport joystick and, I kid you not, an old C64 joystick. Got it for $5. Would have been better of buying a second hand USB joystick due to the way gameport joysticks where built, but it works out:


This was built for something like $30, with a clone Arduino it will get to $40. Stage, throttle, attitude and translation and three spare pushbuttons that I still ponder what to bind to. The idea is to couple with another casing with info LCD screen, analog guages, and a lot of switches and buttons. That one is still under construction. I estimate total price to be somewhat less than $100, but that includes some spare parts I already had.

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