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steam summer sale


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15% are you kidding me?

looks like I won't be playing this game for a long time :(

Watch for both Flash Sales and it being an actual Daily Sale...STEAM usually does Flash Sales of its more popular games at least 1 time in the sale.

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Definitely grab the demo (and the old ~.25 one if possible. I think it might have included a few more things). Also wait for flash savings, the rule is never buy something that will be on sale to the end unless it is already 75% off (and even then you should wait until at least the end in case it winds up in a nice bundle).

Another point: according to internet chatter, the steam FAQ on refunds claims that asking for a [standard] refund is fine to get a better sale (I'd read the official document before trying this). This might help if it comes up in the "curtain call" sales.

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15% are you kidding me? looks like I won't be playing this game for a long time :(

If you're old enough to complain about how much something costs, you're old enough to go get a job and pay for it.

$34 is not expensive, even if you work at McDonald's. Xbox and Playstation games these days are running at 70 bucks each.

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It would be worth the full price (maybe even more) if some of the biggest issues were ironed out. But they're not. So I can't in good faith say this game is worth the full $40... or even $30...

I'm really hoping 1.0.3 will change my mind.

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Considering the joy amazing graphics and nice quests (which are not present in KSP) can give you as well as true sandbox gameplay (which most other games don't have) KSP is easily worth 40$.

Once it reaches RTM (like when it really does, not when SQUAD thinks so) it will even be worth full 50$ imho.

Looking at how many hours I have spent with KSP and subtracting those caused by glitches, bugs and crashes twice because they are annoying and subtracting the money I donated to modders for fixing and enhancing the game I still feel like I cheated SQUAD buying it at about 30$ or so at 0.23.

I hope they will release an addon (or nice DLC) which I would buy in any case just to give them a little more of the money they deserve.

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If you're old enough to complain about how much something costs, you're old enough to go get a job and pay for it.

$34 is not expensive, even if you work at McDonald's. Xbox and Playstation games these days are running at 70 bucks each.

If you're old enough to deal with money, then you shouldn't try to tell people how much something is supposed to be worth to them.

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