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[WIP] Nova's Plernets, a Kopernicus mod dev thread- Stockalike GP2 and GP3!

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Fun Fact: the semi-famous planet mod Asclepius first appeared in this thread!

Hello! This is my first mod, and so be patient, it might take a while for me to get it right.

There are a lot of mods that add some form of Gas Planet 2, but none really add the original planet that NovaSilisko was planning to make. It sounds like the kind of thing that you try to add in before the game is released, so it seems that Gas Planet 2 will probably not ever happen. ;.; But that's okay, because now (or soon at least :P) there's a mod for it! Here is an image of it in the tracking station, named "Meander", Jool's original name:



_Augustus_: Helped with Kopernicus configs and names

Interplanet Janet: Helped with names

StarCrusher96: Agreed to help with color and height maps

CHECKLIST (In order of when I'll do them):

- GP2 (Meander)

- move Eeloo

- Daphy (Fluff)

- Potatus (Squash)

- new Vall

- Fonso (Bunt)

- WIP release 1

- Gas Planet 3 (Egar)

- new Tylo

- Ringed moon (Bore, old Tylo)

- WIP release 2

- Volcanoes on Laythe (I actually have an idea how I'm going to do this)

- Geysers on Eeloo (Unlike Laythe, I have no idea how I'll do this)


Edited by ThatGuyWithALongUsername
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I think Meander itself is pretty much done for now. Here are its stats:


And yes, I did change the gravity to 1.2 gees. It's clearly edited. I also basically just made a bunch of tweaks to Bastion, the example gas giant in Kopernicus. It still uses the ring texture from the examples, since I have no idea how to make my own. (Oh gosh, I'll have to do normals...) Oh well, I won't get sued until I release it.

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I think Meander itself is pretty much done for now. Here are its stats:


And yes, I did change the gravity to 1.2 gees. It's clearly edited. I also basically just made a bunch of tweaks to Bastion, the example gas giant in Kopernicus. It still uses the ring texture from the examples, since I have no idea how to make my own. (Oh gosh, I'll have to do normals...) Oh well, I won't get sued until I release it.

It's cool that you're (nearly done) with the planet! And that's a nice little amount of G's.

If you want a ring texture, I've got one here; http://imgur.com/N2bvNa4

You may want to rename it, though. Maybe... Meander_ring or something.

Edited by Interplanet Janet
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Those rings both look good and tacky, I like it...

May the power of the Kraken be with you in the creation of this mod...

Seriously, the Kraken may appear during tests of the worlds...

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So, what should we do, LongUsername?

Should we collaborate? And if we do, can we please not share our emails (rather, upload preliminary development files to Mediafire, MEGA, or Dropbox and share it through PMs)?

- - - Updated - - -

Those rings both look good and tacky, I like it...

May the power of the Kraken be with you in the creation of this mod...

Seriously, the Kraken may appear during tests of the worlds...

They're my creation, thank you very much, although I made a new version for LongUsername.

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