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Temperature issue

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I noticed a kind of issue with temperature gauge.

I am in orbit on the first pic Time 4D:02:14 and T° is 416

On the 2nd pic Time is 3sec later 4D:02:17 Temp is 414°

On the 3rd pic Time is more than 1h later, 4D:03:22 I switch on another ship, made an orbit and switch back to my SSTO: Temp is still 414°

Temp is not going down when you're not here! Is it a stock issue ?




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Nothing happens to a craft while you're not focusing it*.

It consumes no electric charge, and generates no electric charge. It dissipates no heat, and generates no heat. These things are only ever calculated for actively loaded vessels. This has been true for all versions of KSP and will likely remain true in the future, because changing it would kill your performance with more than 2-3 vessels in space. Calculating everything fully is so expensive that it's simply impractical to do.

* technically, if the craft is not focused but still in physics range (2.5km) of the currently focused vessel, it should be processed normally, IIRC.

A select few things, like the science lab, work for unfocused vessels. This is done with a trick: the vessel in question actually doesn't calculate that itself at all. The game does it independently, and whenever you focus that vessel, it force-updates the status of the vessel to the precalculated value.

Edited by Streetwind
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