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Not receiving science points for experiments

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Ok, I'm fully aware that I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what. I have the science module you get after the goo container. I went up past the atmosphere and 'observed' the experiment. Then a box opens up saying that I will get 22 science for recovering the data, or 7 for transmitting the data. I save it to my clipboard, land, and recover the ship with module intact. I see no points awarded for the flight, and no point gain on my 'scoreboard'. What am I doing wrong? I'm using a pilot, does that matter? Hopefully someone can explain why it tells me I will get 22 points and then not receive them.


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Also, when you recovered the ship, what did the science report say? Did it not even mention the materials bay (that's the name of the experiment)? Or did it show that you recovered it, but it awarded zero points?

If the science report doesn't even mention the materials bay, then it's likely one of the reasons that the previous responses indicated. If it's mentioned but says zero points, that would be an indication that you already have points for that instrument in that situation and you can't get any more.

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Also did you have multiple material bays on board? My first time I tried launching 5 mat bays but the diminishing returns happens on each bay even though it say you will get full science.

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Did you only recover the pilot and not the ship maybe?

This is honestly my bet. You can maximize your science income by getting out of the capsule after landing and doing EVA stuff, so just about every new player tutorial recommends it.

But if you don't climb back inside the ship before recovering, you recover only the Kerbal. The empty craft is still out there, and can be recovered via the tracking station.

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Copy to clipboard?

I think by "clipboard" he means the UI that pops up to show you your science results. The green "keep results" does have kind of a clipboardy icon on it, I think that's what he means by "save to clipboard."

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What Snark said. My Kerbal is inside the craft when I click 'recover craft'. It could be that I hit reset experiment by mistake while right clicking on the module. I'll play around with it some and see what happens. Thanks everyone.

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