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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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  sal_vager said:
45 pages in, tons of info, posts from Maxmaps and articles from HarvesteR telling us the porting company has experience with Unity5, even a link to a Wiki page showing Flying tiger do more than just flash games, yeah, they're just "a freaking flash game maker", you're a little late R&S :)

They've never released a game on the PS4, and haven't released a game for the PC in the last 15 years. Stop shilling so hard sal.

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
They've never released a game on the PS4, and haven't released a game for the PC in the last 15 years. Stop shilling so hard sal.

Lol, I'll just let the PS4 release speak for itself, there's no pics or gameplay footage yet, so I'll wait and see, as trying to prove something without evidence is a waste of time, whether in support or hoping it'll crash and burn ;)

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  sal_vager said:
probe powered srb claw missiles, just jettison the probe after they hit, no shutdown...

stupid all-caps crap on these forums...

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
Excellent damage control.

Thanks for the compliment, but we really all should stay on the topic of the thread.

With that in mind, I'd love to hear from someone with experience of the PS4's physics capabilities, it has 8 cores but only 2.75Ghz, more on the CPU's it uses here.

As KSP will be a Unity5 game it'll use PhysX, but I don't know how other PhysX games fare on the PS4.

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  sal_vager said:
Something like this would be interesting.

I know people do it, but I've never considered a joystick for this game. I could, however, be convinced to use that thing.

Imagine it with BD Armory... and a little LCD display... *shudders*

Edit: Am I right in thinking that they won't have either of these things for the PS4 version? Because they would be outrageously awesome.

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After reading both the devote-that-really-should-have-been-an-announcement and Harv's Unity 5 article that should have been the devnote, and from skimming this and the other threads, here's my perspective on things:

Squad (especially Max) REALLY needs to work on communication with the forum community. The devnotes is no place for a simple picture that should have been put in the announcement section, and a lot of information was posted on other sources (reddit, twitter) that only made it to the forums via community members. The PS4 FAQ was too little too late. Communication failures from Squad aren't really a new issue, but this was an especially bad failure.

Initially I wasn't happy with the PS4 announcement, but after reading Harv's article I feel a little better about it. I'm still skeptical of their choice of partners, but it sounds like they made a tech demo of KSP working on a PS4 before Squad committed to this, so maybe they have at least some coding skills. Their website and accomplishments list is still atrocious though, hopefully Squad made the right choice with them and it won't come back to bite them later.

It sounds like this decision may have been linked to the mysterious deadlines around the 1.0 release. I seriously doubt Squad will comment directly on this, but as others have said the little bit of information we have on the timelines lines up.

The Unity 5 update sounds like it's progressing nicely, hopefully we won't have to wait too long for 1.1, but I would rather it be delayed and stable than early and buggy. Hopefully the game will finally get a proper balance/polish pass this time since it didn't really get one for 1.0.

I hope Squad backports the PS4 UI and control scheme to PC once they're done with it (as an option, definitely not as the default) for those of us with gamepads who like to connect our PCs to the TV occasionally and play on the couch. I don't have a PS4 and don't plan on getting one, so the existence of a console version doesn't really mean anything to me, but I don't have a problem if one exists so long as the integrity of the PC version is maintained. If it's optimized well, it could provide a decent low-cost alternative compared to a gaming PC.

Ultimately, I wish Squad success in this endeavor, so long as the PS4 version doesn't further negatively impact the PC version (1.0 is already done, but it sounds like now it's providing some benefits for the Unity 5 update).

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  Lord Aurelius said:
Squad (especially Max) REALLY needs to work on communication with the forum community.
No one cares about the forum community, we're literally the "vocal minority". If you really want to be heard, go to Reddit.
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  regex said:
No one cares about the forum community, we're literally the "vocal minority". If you really want to be heard, go to Reddit.

In all honesty, this is the truth that bothers me more than anything else, even the stupid fairings.

reddit is garbage.

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  r4pt0r said:
reddit is garbage.

I used to think the KSP subreddit was good.

Then the PS4 version was announced, everyone started speculating, and then the squad bashing started.

It only got worse, with the entire sub seeming to become /r/pcmasterrace overnight.

That place is baaaaaaaad.

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  worir4 said:
But..but... we are a valued vocal minority right?

Right. People at Squad are so confident in our ability to search for info outside the forum that they don't post official info here any more.... :sticktongue:

EDIT: I was wrong: they use devnotes to announce marketing decisions.

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Well, this thread reached page 5 before Maxmaps posed.

  Maxmaps said:
No dev time lost thanks to the kind people at Flying Tiger, who have shown us fantastic progress with getting the game working on the PS4. Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project.

Worry not, 1.0.3 is still being worked on and you shouldn't have to wait much longer for it.

Edit: And you'd be amazed at how well the DS4 works with the game. We certainly were ourselves.

Which was about an hour after the thread was made, which was about 20 minutes after the twitter post, so not that long.

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  sal_vager said:
Well, this thread reached page 5 before Maxmaps posed.

Which was about an hour after the thread was made.

So he was 5 pages (or one hour) later. Remember these are official forum. In the website kerbalspaceprogram.com they have a tab labeled "community" with a link here. I fail to see a link to Maxmaps' twiter or to somewhere in reddit.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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  Holyvision said:
I can't believe there isn't any more info on 1.0.3 yet. All they talk about now is ps4 and next major unity update. I hope something happens very soon to remind the pc ... that they still care about the PC's success.

As an aside, I have never once seen/hear any person "poke or ask for ksp to come to the ps4" as in the notes from squad. I seriously have never even seen a remotely close whisper about this before. If someone has asked about it before, there's likely a 1:1000000000000 ratio of those people to people asking for PC fixes and etc.

Not mad or ranting, just getting confused/concerned.

This, 100%. Don't particularly care if you think its a rant.

Where is 1.03 with the handful of fixes that are rather important.

When can I feel like i'm sitting on a stable version where the part values (or even the physics of the universe) are not going to change arbitrarily on me?

When can we expect to not have frequent CTD.?

When are the heat mechanics going to work as advertised (and not leak memory)?

When can we expect space bound liquid tanks?

When will the word of the devs (ie, 1.03 "days, not weeks away") be held to a standard?

Since 1.0, I have watched through the devnotes as the story unfolds. Two (or is it three?) people have left the team. So.. 20% productivity hit?

There were 3dprinted ships, there are plushies for sale that don't even have a physical design available to view, there are lots of talks about kerbal for schools.

Now there's a port of a game that isn't finished, while the game is being re-made in unity 5. Are they making unity 5 64 bit from the start? I doubt it. The writing is constantly on the wall here now.

Now, we have this big PS4 announcement. Yeh. Game ports should probably be done once the game is at least stable. Just my IMO. Vanilla KSP on console. Wow. Programming the game, giving us features which were indicated.. these things should have been years before any talks of porting this game.

Why does it seem like this has quickly become a big cash cow?

Maybe squad had good foresight in the beginning but now it seems like the cart is constantly being put ahead of the horse.

Remember that whole SimCity situation?

I'm sorry if this post offends anybody. I'm quite happy with this game, i'm just not happy with the present state of affairs/direction, although post 1.0 i guess we should just "be happy with what we get".. just could have been so much more.

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  r4pt0r said:
  regex said:
No one cares about the forum community, we're literally the "vocal minority". If you really want to be heard, go to Reddit.

In all honesty, this is the truth that bothers me more than anything else, even the stupid fairings.

reddit is garbage.

In all honesty, it's our own fault.

There are simply a lot of useless, insulting posts for every post that says something that the devs might consider useful. Take the "Proper Fairings ASAP" thread (chosen because of your sig pic ;)), for every post that says something constructive about the fairings there are at least ten or so that are of the "Squad is incompetent", "mods do it better", "I can't believe they did this", "Squad fix this now, I paid money!", "this has literally broken the game and I won't play anymore"-style posts. What do those posts contribute to the conversation? Why would a dev spend their time reading through them to find the couple of posts that actually provide useful feedback? We would do well to remember that the devs are people who have feelings and are unlikely to take kindly to being insulted or having their work belittled, and if that is what 90% of what they read here is then why would we expect them to pay attention to us?

reddit, of course, has the same affliction, but at least there are tools there for filtering content by upvotes and such which makes for far less chaff to sift through to find the wheat. Maybe the new forum software will offer something similar, but for now it's an edge that reddit has over the forum.

I say all this as a forum guy who never uses reddit, who would greatly love for the forum to receive more official attention. If we want the forum to be taken more seriously, we need to consider whether what we are posting is actually a real contribution or just bandwagoning bashing with non-constructive criticism. There will always be trolls and haters who are just posting to hear themselves talk, but we can make them a minority if the more conscientious posters make a real effort to increase the signal to noise ratio around here. I may be naive, but I think we are still a great community, better than the way we react to some news makes us seem, and I believe we can do better.

All of the above is just my personal opinion as a long time forum member, not to be read as an official statement or moderation message in any way.

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  Violent Jeb said:
This, 100%. Don't particularly care if you think its a rant.

Definitely a rant.

Where is 1.03 with the handful of fixes that are rather important.


When can I feel like i'm sitting on a stable version where the part values (or even the physics of the universe) are not going to change arbitrarily on me?


When can we expect to not have frequent CTD.?

Depends what's causing it :)

When are the heat mechanics going to work as advertised (and not leak memory)?


When can we expect space bound liquid tanks?

You already have these.

When will the word of the devs (ie, 1.03 "days, not weeks away") be held to a standard?

Work takes time, true anywhere.

Since 1.0, I have watched through the devnotes as the story unfolds. Two (or is it three?) people have left the team. So.. 20% productivity hit?

Two, and good luck to them.

There were 3dprinted ships, there are plushies for sale that don't even have a physical design available to view, there are lots of talks about kerbal for schools.

There's a physical design now, go look, and Squad has offered deals for schools since forever.

Now there's a port of a game that isn't finished, while the game is being re-made in unity 5. Are they making unity 5 64 bit from the start? I doubt it. The writing is constantly on the wall here now.

Actually yes, it'll be x64

Now, we have this big PS4 announcement. Yeh. Game ports should probably be done once the game is at least stable. Just my IMO. Vanilla KSP on console. Wow. Programming the game, giving us features which were indicated.. these things should have been years before any talks of porting this game.

Nope, Squad planned multiple platforms back in 2011.

Why does it seem like this has quickly become a big cash cow?

This is bad why?

Maybe squad had good foresight in the beginning but now it seems like the cart is constantly being put ahead of the horse.

Remember that whole SimCity situation?

Apples, oranges.


I'm sorry if this post offends anybody. I'm quite happy with this game, i'm just not happy with the present state of affairs/direction, although post 1.0 i guess we should just "be happy with what we get".. just could have been so much more.

That's nice, and more is coming, it's easy to get upset when the development process of any game is largely hidden, but devs of any game will have a lot going on that they can't or won't make their customers privy to, one reason is precisely because of the backlash that can arise from people who don't know what's going on or disagree with it.

When there's more info we'll find out more.

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yeah, Squads communication with us has become (for some time now) really quite bad. As a (fairly) long time member I feel kinda sad about this. It's not the way to treat a very dedicated fan base (it's not surprising we've become a little bad tempered).

So, it's a little hard to digest this thread....am I right in saying that there will be a pretty well defined "firewall" between the console version and the PC version (ie whatever choices are made for the console version, it won't effect the PC version).

Is that correct?

I don't quite buy that just because the console version is being done by a 3rd party that it won't slow down core development. That's the classic mythical man month pit fall (team of 4 takes on new worker to increase output, but team becomes slower overall as new worker has to be brought up to speed). The 3rd party co will be requiring input from the devs which will initially decrease overall productivity. I don't have a problem with that in itself, that's a factor of team expansion. I'd just rather have an honest, "yes guys this will slow things down, but we hope it will fuel better things in the long run".

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