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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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They really should have posted a *bit* more info in the devnote, a picture announcing it's coming to PS4 just stirs the pot. Something like, "KSP is coming to PS4, but another company will be doing the port so you don't have to worry about us wasting time on it." would suffice.

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  mythbusters844 said:
I bet the PS4 - snip- yes.

So basically you're looking for a reason to be salty. If they were developing it in-house, there would be too little manpower. If they give it to another company, we get the worse version.

Ignoring all the things like, you know, processing power and things.

  mythbusters844 said:
Which is why we have 1.0.3 right now and the game is completely optimized and has little to no bugs. It's acceptable for an early access game, but why stay in early access when you can go 1.0 and get money?

Yes, annoyingly snarky rhetorical comments that have no meaning are great.

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  Captain Sierra said:
You sir are being unnecessarily hostile. You do not appear in a position to speak on behalf of early adopters, not with a May 2015 join date. Us early adopters very much got our money's worth. We can be annoyed at the development direction, but we got what we paid for ten times over and can't complain in that regard.

- - - Updated - - -

citation needed. source plz?

I apologize for not reading through the almost 20 pages of forum spam that is this chaos to find every detail. /sarcasm


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My reaction:


I suppose someone out there with a potato of a laptop might have better luck running it on the PS4.

But, IMHO, there are better things the Devs could've got to doing first:

1. Working out physics multi threading, and on demand asset/(or at least texture) loading.

2. Procedural items of interest on all planets, and associated modifications to science, so a basic mission gives you at least ten minutes worth of stuff to do when landed, as opposed to the current 30 seconds.

3. Create more game modes and features- maybe even a time budget mode for people who actually want to play space program, rather than space dogsbody.

4. A basic built in real size solar system mode, and/or visual enhancements.

Playstation is going to create a lot more testing and debugging work. I hope they are ready for it.

  Tankman101 said:

Which is why there's a second studio on this.

Oh, Ok. That's not too bad then.

Edited by Tw1
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Even tho I try to avoid feeding the "pc master race" vs "console pesant" debate, I feel I have to speak up here.

The KSP that gets released on PS4 can not, will not, and never will be as good as the PC version.

Why? 4 big reasons:

1. Controls - How the heck are you going to fit all those controls on to that controller? The only way I can come up with is multiple-button combinations being used for single inputs, which is just plain cumbersome.

2. Performance - As is relatively well known, the PhysX engine used by the Unity game engine runs ONLY on the CPU, without even the possibility to run on the GPU. Seeing that the physics is what bottlenecks this game even on desktops, the PS4's 1.6ghz AMD cpu does not bode well for framerate at all.

Even full multi-threaded physics support (of the more than one thread per single vessel type) wouldn't help much. It simply doesn't have the computing power required to get a reasonable and/or playable framerate, especially with large part count ships. Even a 250 part vessel (normal for many stock large launch vehicles with payload) would likely send framerates to sub 5fps on a PS4.

And desktop CPUs are available for less than 100$ USD with 4 cores and roughly double the speed (~3.2GHz Intel I5, IIRC)

3. Mods - There is simply no way that Sony will let unsigned software run on a game that runs on their console. And they won't devote the manpower needed to verify that all those mods don't do anything nasty when put on the PS4 version. And there would be people making mods for the sole purpose of doing "something nasty" to the PlayStation Network accounts of players, or the PlayStation Network itself.

4. Updates - Sony will require the source code for every single update, tear it apart, and go over every single line of it with a microscope, before they even think about letting it on the PlayStation Network.

This takes time. Lots and lots of time. Expect the PS4 version of KSP to be behind the PC/Mac/Linux versions by at least one major version. (If it existed right now, the PS4's version of KSP would be 0.90 or 0.25.x)

That means by the time the update is ready for PS4, people who are actually interested in the game will have seen all the videos of the new stuff on the PC version, and at least some of those will have bought a PC version of KSP for the simple reason of keeping up to date with the updates.

Holding back PC updates until the PS4 version of the same update is ready would generate so much hate in the PC KSP fanbase that it would make all the previous negative press combined look like an ice cube compared to Eeloo. In other words, it would be PR suicide to hold back updates.


Even if the controls and performance problems are solved, mods will NEVER be a thing on a console version, and updates for games on current generation consoles are always checked by the console maker no matter which console it is.

Oh, and I just thought of another reason it won't be as good as the PC version of KSP.

KSP was developed for PC/Mac/Linux.

Ports of PC games are never as good on consoles as they are on the PC. Especially when they're done as an afterthought, instead of right from the start of development.

And you can't optimize it as well because you (usually) can't use the same optimizations on all platforms, instead having to optimize for each platform separately (PC/Mac/Linux have more in common with each other than any of them have in common with the PS4 as far as operating system and hardware, so you must optimize the console version of the software separately from the PC/Mac/Linux version)

Edited by SciMan
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  Tankman101 said:
So basically you're looking for a reason to be salty. If they were developing it in-house, there would be too little manpower. If they give it to another company, we get the worse version.

Ignoring all the things like, you know, processing power and things.

You misunderstood my post. Please re-read it.

  Tankman101 said:
Yes, annoyingly snarky rhetorical comments that have no meaning are great.

That has all the meaning in it. You're not trying hard enough. Here, I'll try minimalism:

KSP 1.0.3 now? KSP bug. Early access, no 1.0.

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Guys, think about it this way. Sure, everyone here is a PC-gamer and plays KSP on the PC and doesn't care about other consoles. But what about the people who can't afford the time and money to set up a PC, or already have a console, and thought that KSP was a really cool idea that they could not play? They wouldn't be a part of this forum of course, because they can't play it. But when they load up their gaming news website and an article mentions that rocket sim they liked the idea of being ported to a PlayStation4, and assuming they have a PlayStation4, their eyes are gonna light up, because they get to play Kerbal Effing Space Program!

And of course, as has been stated several times, the console dev team will not take away at all from Squad's work on the PC core game, and in fact has boosted the development of Unity 5 upgrade.

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  mythbusters844 said:
That has all the meaning in it. You're not trying hard enough. Here, I'll try minimalism:

KSP 1.0.3 now? KSP bug. Early access, no 1.0.

So basically, annoyingly snarky remark about how impatient you are, while also commenting that a release that you know 0 circumstances of was released too early for reasons that you don't know.

BASICALLY no meaning.

  GregroxMun said:
But what about the people who can't afford the time and money to set up a PC

insert pcmustardrace "stop being lazy and build it" :P

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I think the silver lining of this is that Kerbal Space Program has always been an inspiration to many kids for exploration and space, an area which desperately needs attention. You may disagree on how resources are being allocated at Squad, but this brings an educational orbital mechanics and space sim to more people, and a cash flow to Squad to make sure development continues on all the shiny things like multiplayer and 64x support.

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  Tankman101 said:
So basically, annoyingly snarky remark about how impatient you are, while also commenting that a release that you know 0 circumstances of was released too early for reasons that you don't know.

BASICALLY no meaning.

You're still misunderstanding my post. I'm not impatient, I'm just mad that a developer I paid with my own money isn't giving us urgent bug fixes for our game. I'm tired of your perseverance right now, so I can't spoon-feed you on what I'm talking about.

  Zucal said:
...a cash flow to Squad to make sure development continues on all the shiny things like multiplayer and 64x support.

Those aren't guaranteed though and have just as much of a chance of happening as...say...something like Squad ditching us completely with all of our money. Next thing you know multiplayer is canceled for the same old "unity not us".

Edited by mythbusters844
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What I would have instantly said "YES!" to would be some kind of Kerbal Space Program mobile "port." Not just taking the game and moving to a mobile device obviously, that would never work. But making a mobile game similar to some kind of 3D SimpleRockets. That would broaden the scope of KSP players as well.

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  mythbusters844 said:
You're still misunderstanding my post. I'm about to go to sleep right now, so I can't spoon-feed you on what I'm talking about. But a quick visit to /kspg/ should make it easier to understand.


Oh, the squad hate 4chan board. So basically you were already mad at them and would continue to be mad at them for all eternity.

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More money (if people buy it on PS4 in sufficient numbers) if wisely reinvested in the game, will make the game better for everyone in the long run. Only if most of the new income is unwisely cashed out, does this become a bad thing. Companies have gone bankrupt after cash infusions, by wasting money on fancy new offices.

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I was really excited to see the announcement for the PS4 release. I plan on getting a PS4 soon because that's in my budget. A good PC that can play games isn't in my budget.

You guys are saying that the game can be buggy/hard to control and that's true. It can be. It probably will be. But you guys also don't seem to realize that there can be updates made to the game even when the game is already sold. If there weren't updates to games on consoles then there would be tons of glitches in console games, but they're caught and fixed and updated. You just have to download them.

Also this is pretty good for business and publicity. They will earn more money, meaning they will be able to improve the game more because they have more money. There will be new people in the fandom who are as excited to play as you guys are! This game could inspire someone to become a rocket scientist!

Just because it's going to console doesn't mean you guys have to all have to get angry. I don't even see the point in being angry. If you're so mad about the game going to console then why are you playing it in the first place?

By boycotting it going to console, you're boycotting people having fun.

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  Tankman101 said:

Oh, the squad hate 4chan board. So basically you were already mad at them and would continue to be mad at them for all eternity.

I wasn't mad at Squad when I bought the game. I was happy with them and thought they were amazing for a while. I started getting annoyed at them with the announcement of beta and got mad with the release of 1.0. I arrived at where I am today when the rushed thing known as 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 (at least they fixed the bugs eventually) was released.

  HospiceAntlers said:
I was really excited to see the announcement for the PS4 release. I plan on getting a PS4 soon because that's in my budget. A good PC that can play games isn't in my budget.

You guys are saying that the game can be buggy/hard to control and that's true. It can be. It probably will be. But you guys also don't seem to realize that there can be updates made to the game even when the game is already sold. If there weren't updates to games on consoles then there would be tons of glitches in console games, but they're caught and fixed and updated. You just have to download them.

Also this is pretty good for business and publicity. They will earn more money, meaning they will be able to improve the game more because they have more money. There will be new people in the fandom who are as excited to play as you guys are! This game could inspire someone to become a rocket scientist!

Just because it's going to console doesn't mean you guys have to all have to get angry. I don't even see the point in being angry. If you're so mad about the game going to console then why are you playing it in the first place?

By boycotting it going to console, you're boycotting people having fun.

Touchie. I'm mad at Squad for...erm...complex reasons, but a PS4 release viewed objectively is obviously going to benefit tons of people.

...the game can be buggy/hard to control and that's true. It can be. It probably will be.

Squad's not developing it though :^)

Edited by mythbusters844
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  mythbusters844 said:
Those aren't guaranteed though and have just as much of a chance of happening as...say...something like Squad ditching us completely with all of our money.

What? Squad have said multiple times that whatever happens, development will continue. They have lots of content in the works, at least 2 updates planned out for the future, multiplayer coming soon, and KSP is a massive source of money for them that they are not going to abandon for a long while. Squad taking their money and running would ruin that revenue stream, along with their reputation. You make no sense.

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The thought of moving resources around with a controller sends a shiver up my back.

Other then that my only question is.. why Sony? Why not Microsoft? Most here surely play KSP on Windows so wouldn't it have benefited to have KSP on Xbox to coincide with Windows10 maybe?

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  Zucal said:
What? Squad have said multiple times that whatever happens, development will continue. They have lots of content in the works, at least 2 updates planned out for the future, multiplayer coming soon, and KSP is a massive source of money for them that they are not going to abandon for a long while. Squad taking their money and running would ruin that revenue stream, along with their reputation. You make no sense.

Touch - ee, but it does make sense in some way. You're just saying "you make no sense" because you don't want to hear the truth. The updates you're talking about aren't guaranteed either so there's a chance that multiplayer will be canceled for the same old "unity not us". It'd be hilarious if the Unity 5 update was scrapped for this reason.

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I haven't been on this part of the forum too much lately, but geez, I'm seeing a ton of hate for Squad! That's really a huge shame.

I think there's definitely potential for KSP on console. I really don't even think controls will be a huge issue. Also, maybe I'm alone on this, but I actually trust Squad not to commit to something until they've thought about it and they think it's a good idea. Apparently they believe it will run well enough. I haven't looked into PS4 hardware but comparing raw clock speed is naive sometimes.

Unity by nature ports well (they somehow stuffed the entire XCOM games onto tablets through Unity), and they're hiring another team to do the porting, so even worst case scenario it won't affect PC players or current development.

Chill dudes!

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My take on this:

Its a good thing.

If there is one thing i hear alot of while browsing KSP's reddit page, and the forums, its stories of people who were touched and affected by the game, Ive seen tons of stories of how the games has helped people get jobs, how its inspired them to go to college for aerospace studies, etc etc. When is the last time you heard stories like that about say.... GTA5? :P

Expanding the market base and bringing the game, and the science and inspiration it brings along with it to more people is an awesome idea. Not only that it brings more money to the company who developed this game, which can in turn be reinvested into bringing us more features. Not all folks have PC's and only have consoles. They deserve KSP as well :) Some PS4 players may see our awesome modding community and decide they want the PC version as well.

The concerns about it taking up PC dev time are unfounded (as its being developed by an outside company) Maxmaps has said its even helping them speed up Unity 5 porting. Squad is on top of fixing the bugs, 1.0.3 will be out soon as stated by Max. and Unity 5 is progressing.. life is good.

Its not like this is the first time Squad has teamed up with another development team to bring about a different version of KSP (Talking about KerbalEDU, developed by TeacherGaming)

All of the armchair quarterbacks, and negative Nancy's should take a step back and trust Squad to do their thing, and remember that is their company to run. Heck I care about the game as much as the next person, but i realize that Squad could stop devlopment right now and i know with the 1200 hours played i have in this game ive more than go the 17 dollars worth I spent on it :P ( and ive even got the worth of the 5 or 6 copies ive brought for friends and strangers :P)

This is a good idea, and a good step foward for a growing company.

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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  mythbusters844 said:
Touch - ee, but it does make sense in some way. You're just saying "you make no sense" because you don't want to hear the truth. The updates you're talking about aren't guaranteed either so there's a chance that multiplayer will be canceled for the same old "unity not us". It'd be hilarious if the Unity 5 update was scrapped for this reason.

If by "truth" you mean "your own bitter, bitter conjecture". You seem to have an entire scenario planned out in your head to be angry about that's based on a handful of words that do not support it.

Why can't we be excited that this is going to bring more people into the game we all care about? Why does every announcement of literally anything need to be met by a torrent of vitriol?

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  mythbusters844 said:
Touch - ee, but it does make sense in some way. You're just saying "you make no sense" because you don't want to hear the truth. The updates you're talking about aren't guaranteed either so there's a chance that multiplayer will be canceled for the same old "unity not us". It'd be hilarious if the Unity 5 update was scrapped for this reason.

I want to hear the truth, but from Squad, not a random forum user trying to convince me that Squad is literally about to drop everything and run just because they hired another company to port KSP to PS4. The updates I'm talking about have been guaranteed- by Squad! There is a working dev version of multiplayer, and it's been in development for years. Suffice to say it works, and they are going to implement it. They have zero reason to stop work on the game that is making them money, and you have offered no reason why they might.

Apologies if that came out sounding a bit harsh, it's late and I haven't had hot chocolate yet. :)

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  Zucal said:
I want to hear the truth, but from Squad, not a random forum user trying to convince me that Squad is literally about to drop everything and run just because they hired another company to port KSP to PS4. The updates I'm talking about have been guaranteed- by Squad! There is a working dev version of multiplayer, and it's been in development for years. Suffice to say it works, and they are going to implement it. They have zero reason to stop work on the game that is making them money, and you have offered no reason why they might.

Apologies if that came out sounding a bit harsh, it's late and I haven't had hot chocolate yet. :)


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