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Get Scott Manley home a.s.a.p!

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We tried to stop him...




* Get him back on the runway ASAP safe in "this" https://www.dropbox.com/s/euk7jjpq2h7xo8b/FUN%20%21%21%21.craft?dl=0

* Don't change the "this" plane what so ever...

* Fastest time gets on top. (no rules on mods)

* Prove it with screenshots (you know the drill.)

* Xtra kudos if your pilot is named Scott Manley.

* 1.000.000. K (kerbin dollars) If you can land Scott on K2 mountain !

Hints: Don't try to take off before the end of the runway.(and you have chutes for landing...)

It actualy flies pretty easy (when you get the hang of it k_smiley.gif)

"I saved Scott superfast !"

#1 -your name here-

#2 -your name here-

#3 -your name here-

"I landed Scott on K2 !"

#1 -your name here-

#2 -who am I kidding...

#3 -DNQ !

I will check this daily, if someone could design a badge for this that would be awesome.

Now go and SAVE SCOTT ! ! !

Fly safe !

(Disclaimer: Scott Manley® not included)

Edited by Triop
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