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How to create a "slim" KSP copy in 1.02?

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I'm following

, where one of his tips to make your life easier as a modder is to make a development copy of KSP and delete most of the Squad parts so that the game loads faster.

But for me, the VAB is mega messed up. I can mouseover parts like normal but can't click on any of the parts that do exist to place them. I can open existing craft and get the highlight from mouseover, but also can't click on those parts and grab them. The place, offset, rotate, and root tools don't work, but you can set action groups and pick crew. There are buttons for parts I deleted, and things that aren't normally parts - a flag, a potato-like rock easter egg, even kerbals! (And instead of spinning in place, flag and kerbals zoom in, getting bigger than the buttons.)

I'm guessing it has something to do with all the amazingly awesome new ways to sort parts introduced with 1.0. What do you have to do in this brave new world to add (or remove) parts correctly?

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What, exactly, did you do to your install?

Thats what happens when the part selection tabs don't get initialised properly. You can (or atleast could in 0.90) see it briefly when entering the editor (eva kerbal, flag, and the asteroid are just parts that are normally not visible)


I no longer see the need to strip down an install anymore. Loading times are less than half what they were (used to be 60-90+ seconds just for stock...) and missing parts can be annoying when testing things. If you do still want to remove parts, try deleting the partDatabase file next to KSP.exe

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Ah, thanks everyone!


I no longer see the need to strip down an install anymore. Loading times are less than half what they were (used to be 60-90+ seconds just for stock...) and missing parts can be annoying when testing things. If you do still want to remove parts, try deleting the partDatabase file next to KSP.exe

I think it's worth it. I'm impatient and running on a potato computer. And because we're hacking stuff together from spotty documentation, I find myself restarting KSP really often just to test out a tiny, subtle quirk.

Edited by beabop
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  • 2 weeks later...
I find myself restarting KSP really often just to test out a tiny, subtle quirk.

Yeah, that's a pain e.g when messing with GUI: move that button a pixel left, restart... change that font size to be two pixel less, restart... missed it, restart...

If only there were a way to have some config and to read the freshest values from there, say, every second.

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1.0.4 added a static ConfigNode.Parse(string s) that allow you to get a ConfigNode from a string. You can easily read a file content and have it parsed.

If you need a database reload you have the ALT F11 menu in the main menu or space center (be aware that it can mess up mods that uses KSPAddon)

Edit: the ALT F11 require ModuleManager

Edited by sarbian
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