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My collection of things: New Su-37, SpaceX/StratoLaunch, and U-2 Mock-ups (0.15)

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So I think I might just start dumping my mock-ups here instead of making a new one every day.


Click here for Su-37 post



Figured I would try to make a few of the other NASA experimental craft after the X-31, and after a while of tinkering with wing arrangements, the ER-2 took shape! I feel I\'ve got this mock-up as close as it can get with stock parts.

It even comes with detaching wing-tip 'pogos'




Approaching altitude:







You can clearly see the influence of the F-104 in the design of the U-2A, namely, they share the majority of their fuselages.




I know it doesn\'t have 6 engines, but they are too big for this scale, so 4 will have to do. This will easily get you into LKO with a bit of fuel to maneuver around up there. Turn on the SAS, throw the throttle to 100%, pull up at the end of the runway, and you\'ll easily take off. Pull the nose up to ~45 degrees and stay there until ~14km up. At this point eject from the plane (doesn\'t really matter now, but it has the fuel to make it back to KSC...), and ignite the LFE after you\'ve dropped a few meters. Try to point the nose toward the vertical until your trajectory is approaching the 45 degree mark, around then it\'ll switch to 'orbit speed' and you\'ll want to cut your thrust soon and coast to apoapsis. It\'s actually pretty smooth as long as you keep SAS on.





Old planes 0.15 planes:

MiG-29 (It flies poorly)

Rockwell-MBB X-31 (Fun if you have a joystick!)

Craft files below:

X-31 craft file. (Great little stunt plane, very stable once trimmed).

ER-2/U-2 craft files.

Stratolanch craft file.

Super Flanker craft file.

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How did you get the swept wings to attach so that they stayed straight?

Shift+q,w,e,a,s,d. Attached one to the hull, straightened it, attached another to the tip of the first, straightened it, yet another to the tip, straighten again, then alt+left-click the first wing to copy the entire assembly.

It would be interesting to see a functional SU-37. I tried, but it barely flies at all.

I can try, the Flankers/Fulcrums seem to have balance issues, but I\'ll certainly post it if it\'s flyable.

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Ok, here you go:

Su-37 Super Flanker





Taking off is...tricky. I\'d turn on SAS, zip down the runway at full throttle, as the runway ends, pull back hard, and let it bounce off the grass while still pulling back. You should take off after that bounce. Not as maneuverable as the real life counter-part, but definitely flyable, and pretty stable. You\'ll need to adjust trim with alt+s a couple of taps.

Download the craft file here!

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I really want to see what you\'d come up with for the f-14. At first I didn\'t want to ask anyone for help, but I\'ve hit a wall with this project.

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13423.0 craft file is in the OP just needs damned aerospace mod

there is my work so far, i hope you can pull ideas from it.

i can hardly wait~ im going to get out my boom box and play highway to the danger zone on a cassette tape. all while doing fly byes around the tower.

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