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The community is dying!


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  Captain Sierra said:
:/ did the thought occur that maybe those people are out playing the game rather than lurking here?

The amount of active players on steam has dropped nearly back to pre 1.0 launch, so he does kinda have a point.

We really need some real things to do and explore.. Once you have visited most planet/moons, built bases, stations and so on you will lose that feeling of achievement that you once had and then there really is not that much left to do. I have seen quite a few long time players feel the same way.

For me the only hope is unity5 since then I can hopefully do something a bit more advanced when it comes to surface stations and space stations.

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The 1.0 release brought in so many new members to our community, it's hard to think it's anywhere close to dying.

It is, however, a near-summer Saturday afternoon for most of our North American members and Saturday night for most of the Europeans, so a little less activity here on the forum can be forgiven.

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  boxman said:
The amount of active players on steam has dropped nearly back to pre 1.0 launch, so he does kinda have a point.

The 1.0 hype is finally wearing down. This indicates community death how?

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  basic.syntax said:
Did you miss the big PS4 news? The forums were On Fire for 2 days ;) Its as if Squad knew things were getting a little quiet around here, lol. We may be getting a patch next week, if all goes well. That will start us up again.

"On Fire" is the understatement of the century.

That may have rivaled the 1.0 announcement in terms of the quantity of hype and rage going on at the same time.

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  Captain Sierra said:
The 1.0 hype is finally wearing down. This indicates community death how?

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"On Fire" is the understatement of the century.

It was you who said they were all busy playing the game and steamdb stats just does not show this.

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  DarthVader said:
yah, the comunity has ben dying. it started right after .90 and accelerated rapidly after 1.0.0,1.02 has stemmed the tide. i expected the community to be better after 1.0, but since that update was rushed it didt help

When it comes to this forum it happened long before that. I saw the decline starting after .20 or so.

It might of course be that more people are active on sites like reddit or steam forums, but this forum does not seem as active as it once was.

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It's just a quiet patch. We just had the PS4 'debate', and all are waiting for 1.0.3 , once it arrives a whole new series of 'why isn't this fixed squad are rubbish' and 'I don't like it I want the old one back' posts will appear.

Squad are, rightly IMHO, making sure they have fixed all the bugs they can and balancing as best they can before releasing 1.0.3 so they don't need to spend time on 1.0.4 and can concentrate on the Unity 5 port and v1.1 so there is not a great deal going on that hasn't been talked about a lot already.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
You folks are tilting at windmills. I should ping one of the admins to get some stats for us, I would be frankly shocked if the last two months were not the highest activity months for the forum ever.

For all I know you are correct.. It is just how i see it when it comes to actual active threads.

There was a time when you would have threads on page 3 that had posts from the very same day. Today you only have scroll down on first page to see threads that has not had any posts at all today.

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  Xeldrak said:
Yes! Like new, more realistic aerodynamics that force us to overthink our age old designs! Oh...wait....

There are other things that could be done, like for example giving us something to explore on planets or adding some features that will boost creativity and change gameplay like docking ports did for .18.

What those simple docking ports did for gameplay and creativity is something we have not seen since the .18 update.

And with some of the parts they added I think they could have done alot more. I think it was a big mistake to just add only full shuttle bays for example.

I would rather see official loose hinges and powered ones, so that I can build my own hinges from scratch, so I can make build my own bays from scratch to make my ships more unique.

And those hinges could be used for so much else that they were never intended for in the first place, while that is sadly impossible when you get only fully premade bays.

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The busy summertime doesn't leave much time for video games. Of the several projects, there are.

1. HO train club setups at the county fair.

2. Gardening.

3. Lawn mowing jobs for some extra income.

4. I am cutting up a large tree that the wind blew down.

5. The train club has purchased a 24 foot trailer that will be needing custom loading racks constructed by me.

6. The barn needs painting.

7. Am busy making hay for the mini horses.

8. Steam had their summer sale of games. KSP is one of those games on sale along with Space Engineer.

9. Ark Survival Evolved became early access last week. The game, far different from the usual survival fare, is awesome. You can play it as single player,local, but you cannot pause the game when you are running it. (You risk being eaten by a carnivore.)

That leaves little time for KSP at the moment even though I have a Career game going using the latest updated KW and Novapunch Rocketry mods.

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I remember this kind of panic happening on the Spore forums. The forums were actually ebbing, as it happened, mainly because Spore had all of its active development dropped by then and there was practically no modding community, especially on the official forums. That's not happening here, so don't worry. :wink:

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The internet has unpredictable tides. But one fairly predictable thing I've noticed on KerbalX is that the weekends are always quieter followed by an above average spike on Monday. My explanation for this is that folk are actually playing the game hard over the weekend, or doing family stuff (possibly even going outside!). Then on Monday they get to work, realize it's Monday and they'd far rather being playing KSP but they can't hide doing that at work so they go check on forum and see what new craft are up on KerbalX. Also seem to get higher numbers of new craft posted on Mondays, which I think are the fruits of a hard weekend's rocket building.

I think we always expected that there would be a massive surge as 1.0 came out, followed by a lull. A lot of casual players will probably have picked it up and are now moving on to something else (lightweights ;) ). But I keep seeing the same familiar faces again and again and plenty new ones, so I really don't think it's dying.

BUT that said, I do know of a couple long time players who are getting pretty fed up with the game's performance (not so much the bugs, the actual capability of the game). I'm one of them. But frustrated or not, we're still hanging out in the forums and still playing,.... we're just a bit more irascible.

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  boxman said:
The amount of active players on steam has dropped nearly back to pre 1.0 launch, so he does kinda have a point.

In other news. The summer sale is on at steam. With discounts on lots of games. That means there is a big non-kerbal distraction happening on steam. Even Scott Manley has been showing off the classic Homeworld game recently.

  SRV Ron said:
8. Steam had their summer sale of games. KSP is one of those games on sale along with Space Engineer.

9. Ark Survival Evolved became early access last week. The game, far different from the usual survival fare, is awesome. You can play it as single player,local, but you cannot pause the game when you are running it. (You risk being eaten by a carnivore.) That leaves little time for KSP at the moment even though I have a Career game going using the latest updated KW and Novapunch Rocketry mods.

Hey you just got that one it too when I was editing my post. It can't just be me that sees this happening.
  boxman said:
There are other things that could be done, like for example giving us something to explore on planets or adding some features that will boost creativity and change gameplay like docking ports did for .18.

What those simple docking ports did for gameplay and creativity is something we have not seen since the .18 update.

And with some of the parts they added I think they could have done alot more. I think it was a big mistake to just add only full shuttle bays for example.

I would rather see official loose hinges and powered ones, so that I can build my own hinges from scratch, so I can make build my own bays from scratch to make my ships more unique.

And those hinges could be used for so much else that they were never intended for in the first place, while that is sadly impossible when you get only fully premade bays.


Have you tried mixing Station Science and Infernal robotics?

The docking ports now need a large scale logistics problem to solve to make them more interesting. Station science provides this through multi part heavy sections that must be docked together in orbit. The logistics support also provides the only real excuse for Space Shuttle development. Add in some hinges from Infernal robotic and you have a new direction to the game.

Edited by nobodyhasthis
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  r4pt0r said:
Dont worry, soon enough we will have thousands of new PS4 members flooding in with new ideas and stuff.

This scares me deeply.

  nobodyhasthis said:
Even Scott Manley has been showing off the classic Homeworld game recently.

He's way behind schedule with that. Pre-ordered it, logged almost 100 hours very fast, and then I got into a 2v2 bracket tournament with my buddy and we took second place. Yes, I play competitive HW2 and I am merciless.

  regex said:
Confirming that EVE is dying.

Just for clarification, how did EVE get involved in this discussion? Not disputing your statement though, 'tis the cold truth.

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