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What is your Career mode setup?

One-Way Films

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Share a pic of your setup. What difficulty is it set to? Is it custom? Explain.

Here's mine. I've configured it to be a casual career mode. I can advance much faster. I'm not a person who's a fan of endlessly gathering science at the beginning nor am I a fan of an easy career. I balanced it out with massive losses if I mess up a launch. Even still, I can revert. But hey! It's casual!


hmm, there seems to be a problem with embeding Imgur...

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I use a custom setup.

Reverting is allowed, but I make sure to only use revert on flights I specifically designate as a simulation.

Starting funds are set to 150k, that gives me enough to get started, without stressing out over early contracts.

Re-entry heat and resources are set to 100%, because I believe that should be the only setting allowed.

Science and Reputation are set to 100% because they are easy to come by.

EDIT: I do not spam science in any way, so if I want it, I have to actually go get it.

Funds are set to 300%, if there was a stage recovery, or debris refund function as stock I would bump it down to 100%.

To balance out the increased funds I set penalties to 300%, so failing a contract means you make no money, aside from the small pittance you receive as an advance payment. This also makes building upgrades, hiring Kerbals, and entry price on researched parts 300% greater as well, so while you're making more money, you can't spam upgrades.

Reputation penalties are set to 300% because failure is not an option!

That's pretty much it.

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Playing the absolute standard 'normal' setup... but science is too easy to get -at any point- in the game, and I don't need the slightest mission efficiency to pile up money (with reverting enabled). I'm just slapping my bigest rocket subassembly on everything and bang, SPACE.

I'm planing to restart the default setup with 50% science gain, entry purchases and no reverts. Quickloading still on, as sometimes I just -have- to do stupid things as the voices command me.

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I pretty much leave it as is, I do turn off building destruction though as well as turn resource abundance up all the way.

Other than that I leave everything where it is set (am awful tempted to make my financial rewards a little higher...)

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Share a pic of your setup. What difficulty is it set to? Is it custom? Explain.

Here's mine. I've configured it to be a casual career mode. I can advance much faster. I'm not a person who's a fan of endlessly gathering science at the beginning nor am I a fan of an easy career. I balanced it out with massive losses if I mess up a launch. Even still, I can revert. But hey! It's casual!


hmm, there seems to be a problem with embeding Imgur...

Well the General Options are the same as yours. The Advanced Options are all at 100% except for science which is 200%. After doing the science tree multiple times I'm to impatient to leave it at 100%.

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I do hard mode settings, but allow reverts and quick saves, to allow for "simulator testing" - I don't want to have a second instance going, or flip between my career and sandbox save, for testing out designs and such. I do the hard settings because I really don't mind the grind so much, it still forces me to be creative with designs in order to accomplish things the best way. I do drop the money penalties down to normal (100%) though, since that always seems to be the big hangup for me.

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Hard with the following changes:

Allow revert

Allow quickload

Missing crews respawn

Originally I allowed revert and quickload in case of Kraken, although I admit I now abuse it - rather than come up with elaborate tests at the space centre I just run the mission for real and fix anything major with a revert/reload. I actually like the grind and gradual progress of hard mode, but during weekdays I have limited time and don't want to spend it testing.

Missing crews respawn because I simply cannot play without Jeb and I got fed up of restarting!

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