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[wip] [rather pic heavy] brown dwarf mod, currently unnamed


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This is the development thread for the Unnamed Brown Dwarf Mod! :D Before we get into depth, let's run over the new bodies:


Brown Dwarf

A large, gas giant like star, it will be roughly 1000C here. Will be 10,000km in radius and a thick (3,000 bars) atmosphere.

Moho-like planet

Will have one side deformed and blackened, and the other side just pockmarked with craters. Roughly 200km in radius, orbiting only 8000km from the host.

Eve-like planet

Will have a thick, 2 bar atmosphere only 50km high, with some large spires poking through the top. Has a large moon orbiting, keeping the planet highly volcanic, hence the large mountains. The moon will just be like the moon, only around 300km in radius. The planet itself will be 500km in radius, and orbiting at 16,000km.



A rather large Laythe-like planet, with an 80km thick 1.2 bar atmosphere. It will be 750km in radius and will have a gravity of 1.25g. Has 2 moons, one with a 200km radius similar to the Mun, and another as a small, far orbiting asteroid. In the brown dwarf's goldilocks zone, it will orbit at 35,000km


Dres-like planet

Only 150km in radius, this planet will be covered in lots of small mountains and craters. Will orbit at 56,000km, and will probably deviate around 8,000km.

Tiny asteroid

Nothing to behold, a tiny, cratered asteroid barely 10km across, orbiting at a SMA of 65,000km with high eccentricity.


First gas giant

Will be 2000km in radius and have anywhere from 3 to 7 moons. Orbiting at 100,000km, the gas giant will be tinged yellow with orange bands. (sorry about the image :blush:)


Second gas giant

Will be tinged purple in colour, and will have anywhere from 5 to 2 moons. Orbits at 160,000km and is 1200km in radius.

Last planet

Probably will be a small, 200km radius moon, orbiting at anywhere from 155,000km to 240,000km.

More planets and moons are likely to be added. If my computer doesn't crash. :confused:

I'm planning to use PlanetFactory CE for the first few tests, but then port it over to Kopernicus. Also, I'd like help making up names. Thankyou. Here is a nice juicy sample planet for you to give some feedback on.

name = SuperLaythe
templateName = Laythe
flightGlobalsIndex = 2834083204
bodyDescription = A large, deep water world with towering mountains and vast expanses of water. Rumour even has it that the planet has life along the shores!
GeeASL = 1.25
atmosphereContainsOxygen = True
atmosphereMaxHeight = 80000
atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier = 1.6
atmosphereMultiplier = 1.2
inclination = 2
eccentricity = 0.03
semiMajorAxis = 35000000
referenceBody = BrownDwarf

Thanks in advance,


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It's called looking at the example files and figuring it out.

Oh. They were less complicated than I thought. I should move KSC to Super Laythe.

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How can you do models for planets? There aren't any image heightmaps.

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What goes in the "Cache" folder? Images?

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I still need a little bit of a tutorial; the top section makes sense but then it goes odd.

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Looks like an awesome idea...

I would like to try this out sometime soon...

I hope development will be smooth.

Coming in anywhere from a month to a few. :wink:

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We have 3 names!

Brown dwarf: Proksolar

Moho like planet: Ablatus

Super laythe: Kaia

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It's called looking at the example files and figuring it out.

Also, Kopernicus is freezing in the loader at ModuleManager.

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Kopernicus is superior. Don't use PF.

Kopernicus seems to be a bit unstable. And at the moment I'm just getting the concept done.

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Kopernicus seems to be a bit unstable. And at the moment I'm just getting the concept done.

I'm dumb. :confused: I was using 0.90 for something for 1.0.X!

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@Kopernicus {
name = Proksolar
flightGlobalsIndex = 4300
description = Once a fully blown star, a nearby supernova nearly destroyed it and blasted huge amounts of gas into orbit, coalescing into the 19 bodies orbiting it today. The brown dwarf still has a large amount of gas orbiting in a ring 40,000km out.
radius = 10000000
mass = 1.898*10000000000000000000000000000*25
geeASL = 361
referenceBody = Sun
color = random, colour, stuff
inclination = 113
eccentricity = 0.4
semiMajorAxis = 20000000000

Will this work? And how do you do the atmosphere?

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Just someone, please, I need a full tutorial. There are so many incarnations of Kopernicus - Kopernicus, KopernicusCore, Kopernicus Tech - that it is hard to know what to use, and I don't know the API very well for each version.

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so kopernicustech is an outdated plugin, same with kopernicus core. Use the current Kopernicus for your planets. Best advice i can give is to look at the example planets included in the downloads, and look at existing planet pack such as OPM, New Horizons, and Trans-Kepuntian to see how the configs work. theres no tutorial currently, it's mainly trial and error. Work on a tutorial is slowly progressing when i get time free........

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Thanks, it just seemed that those two plugins were what to use. Maybe I'll work on a tutorial. Also, OPM has the files compressed.

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name = Proksolar
flightGlobalsIndex = 9500
referenceBody = Sun
inclination = 118
eccentricity = 0.5
semiMajorAxis = 21000000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
color = 102,0,0,1
description = WIP
radius = 10000000
geeASL = 361
rotationPeriod = 100000
rotates = true
tidallyLocked = false
initalRotation = 0
isHomeWorld = false
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 //currently WIP
lightColor = 0,0,0,0 //currently WIP
enabled = true
oxygen = false
altitude = 1000000
key = 0 3000
key = 1000000 0
//WIP too
key = 0 1000
key = 1000000 200
//and this

That is the code for the central brown dwarf. Any problems? Also, is my programming style bad? I know I have to do the actual atmosphere, but it'll come later.

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Update: The eve like planet will be a binary system with a 400km radius moon, Ablatus will have a ring, Proksolar will have a ring around the "asteroid belt" and the two gas giants are respectively 3000km and 2000km in radius.

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Kopernicus works!


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What's happening here?


type = Atmospheric
fadeStart = 0
fadeEnd = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Cache/Textures/Proksolar
shininess = 0
specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
0.0 = 255,99,56,1
1.0 = 163,0,0,1

Edited by JebKeb
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Our team over at Astro's Kopernicus planets stumbled upon that problem too - and we fixed it with just changing the atmosphere colors.

I'll help with some structuring if you need it, however, to just give you an idea of the GameData structuring:


Then it will be either (picking up from Proksolar):

/Textures/Proksolar_color (.png)


I'll probably do a structure map and put it up.

Edit: Here you go! You don't need a PluginData folder for gas giants. Do not use Normals on Gas giants.


Remember, you can name your mod whatever you want as long as the structure stays mostly like this:

For Textures and Normal: GameData/(Name of mod)/Planet/Textures/planet_color OR planet_normal.

For Height: GameData/(Name of mod)/Planet/PluginData/planet_height

For Config: GameData/(Name of mod)/Planet/Planet.cfg

Edited by Astrofox
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I should write a tutorial soon. Thanks for the help :wink:, and sorry for the previous and future inactivity. I'll be back by the 15th, I was and will be on holiday.

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How do you calculate eccentricity, based on the peripasis and the apoapsis? You can go all mathy on me - I'm OK.

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Do not use Normals on Gas giants.

Now I must do it, for the glory of shiny awesomeness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Full info table for all planets of Proksolar

[TABLE=width: 500]







[TD]Unnamed Dres[/TD]











[TD]Ref body[/TD]













[TD]Orbit in km[/TD]












[TD]Radius in km[/TD]




































[TD]Atmo pressure[/TD]












[TD]Atmo height in km[/TD]












Full info table for moons of planets of Proksolar.

[TABLE=width: 500]



[TD]Ikulna 2/



Kaia Moon[/TD]


Kaia Asteroid[/TD]



[TD]Thin Oxy Atmo Moon







Moon [/TD]










Moon 2[/TD]



[TD]Ref body[/TD]




[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant


[TD]Gas Giant




[TD]Orbit in km[/TD]














[TD]Radius in km[/TD]




























[TD]Atmo pressure[/TD]














[TD]Atmo height in km[/TD]














[TD]Useless one oops[/TD]














Now I shall stop babbling.


Also, I'm back, but will be sometimes inavaliable.

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