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Getting single digit frames on a monster Pc.

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I have an i7-5930k CPU,and a Titan X Gpu, and 16 gb of ram. However, i'm still getting extreme lag when playing with ships with a high part count. I am playing at 4k, but KSP is a processor heavy game so I'm sure that's not the reason. All mods are up to date. Any tips? I also have crashes sometimes that state the error as an access violation by KSP.exe, and the same error also states that i have 0 gb of memory in the system.

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What sort of number do you mean by "high part count"? The physics simulation in KSP is single threaded and is a complex problem when dealing with large numbers of objects. There are also various inefficiencies in the game that cause some vessels to lag much worse than their part count should imply. The switch to Unity 5 should improve the physics simulation some and the rewrite of the UI related code for Unity 5 should also help matters. Hopefully Squad will also take the opportunity to fix some of the other long-standing bugs and inefficiencies at the same time.

As for the crashes, you will need to provide the details mentioned in the "How to get support" sticky thread in this sub-forum for us to be able to give you a definite answer but it sounds like the game is hitting the memory limit of a 32 bit process. Reducing the number of mods and/or the texture resolution and monitoring the memory usage and restarting the game before it reaches 3.5 gb is about the best you can do at the moment.

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What sort of number do you mean by "high part count"? The physics simulation in KSP is single threaded and is a complex problem when dealing with large numbers of objects. There are also various inefficiencies in the game that cause some vessels to lag much worse than their part count should imply. The switch to Unity 5 should improve the physics simulation some and the rewrite of the UI related code for Unity 5 should also help matters. Hopefully Squad will also take the opportunity to fix some of the other long-standing bugs and inefficiencies at the same time.

Anything over 160 parts results in almost unplayable frame rates.

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1) How many parachutes of any type are on your ship?

2) What does your console say? Any spam?

"and the same error also states that i have 0 gb of memory in the system."

I think this means your 32bit client is running out of memory due to mods. When monitoring task manager does Kerbal Space Program's entry go above 3.5~ish gb?

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I ask about the parachutes and the console because there is an exception being thrown by the parachutes in 1.0.4 that *may* generate lag. Considering you have none, that is not an issue.

"Console" is viewable in game and is also copied to a log file. You can find it in your Kerbal Space Program folder as the file "output_log.txt"*. If you had parachute exceptions they would show in there, but since you don't have any parachutes it doesn't matter.

*Note the full path is: Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\output_log.txt

I do not think I can help you further, but if you upload all the information asked for in this post:


then hopefully somebody more wise than I will be able to help you with your issue.

Good luck man!

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Hey just wanted to let you know I'm having this same problem and not really sure what's causing it.

I don't have a 'monster PC' but it's OK.

* 64 bit Windows 8.1 but 32 bit client

* GTX 970

* AMD 3.2 ghz quad core processor

* 16 gigs DDR3 memory

Should be far more than enough to run KSP but for some reason I'm getting crawling on an 82 part craft (4 parachutes) and a 130 part craft (10 parachutes). My KSP on the launch pad is using 30% of processor power by itself (total of 35% used across the machine) and 3,500 megs of memory (total of about 60% across the machine).

I guess KSP is hitting a memory threshold and that's what's slowing it down? Is playing in Linux the only way to actually play KSP with mods? I'm only using about 40 of them, though some are big mods like Astronomers and EVE.

Edit: Nope, not a memory issue, or not entirely. I uninstalled Astronomer's and EVE and got an extra 500 megs sitting on the launch pad (sitting at 2,900 now) but no improvement in frame rate.

Edited by Shiv
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