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KSP launch > Batman launch


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Considering the size, scope, and finances behind the new Batman game, the fact that the PC version did a face-flop at launch has given me a new appreciation for the successful launch of KSP.

While I still feel KSP 1.0 felt a little rushed, and might have been better off with a little more testing, I must applaud Squad's accomplishments thus far.

Keep up the great work guys. We are all eagerly awaiting 1.1 :)

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Yeah, Squad's alright. Gave us nerds one of the greatest games ever for living out our fantasies of going to space with child-like abandon.

edit: lol, That second sentence was two, then I combined it, and now it sounds stupid. It is the greatest game ever for fulfilling our childhood dreams of going to space and blowing things up, all in one.

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I wonder what would have happened if the Steam refund system would have been in place at KSP launch. How many people would have returned it and waited for it to be fixed?

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  Two said:
I wonder what would have happened if the Steam refund system would have been in place at KSP launch. How many people would have returned it and waited for it to be fixed?

I doubt many people bought it at launch. Most people wouldn't even be close to eligible for a refund.

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  hellion13 said:
I bought in a long time ago, even put it down for a year.

They could have claimed "Done!" after they implemented docking ports in .18.x and I would have been happy with my purchase.

Somehow I second that.

I don't quite get the unsatisfied mood these days towards KSP!

Most issues of KSP are balancing issues and a few more or less minor but definitely not game-braking bugs. For a game this complex this is quite a feat.

And is it worth its money? YES! definitely yes. Like hellion13 said, it was worth its money since 0.18 at least.

KSP isn't like any other game. KSP is more like your first LEGO-set. Thanks to the incredibly awesome modding community you can build on it, extend it, change it, play every variation you can think of and make it the very game you want it to be.

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  smjjames said:
Isn't there already a thread on the exact same subject as the OP???

Edit: Yep, right below this.....

Title similar, thread contents not even close.

All the 'stuff' going on in these forums just goes to prove the internet peanut gallery is alive and well. KSP is an awesome game (notice I didn't say perfect).

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  smjjames said:
Isn't there already a thread on the exact same subject as the OP???

Edit: Yep, right below this.....

Yes, both threads develop from the same fact, but want to show different aspects. But even if both were on the same (and therefore could better be merged in one), it would be that other thread to be merged in this, as it was the second one opened.

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Unity Engine.

My brother's company uses it too. It makes porting things between platforms insanely easy. You tweak stuff and alter a few things, but it's much easier than redoing the program.

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Total apples and oranges. There are aspects to the latest Batman game that are in a totally different league. Despite the horrific bugs, the optimizations on Batman are still miles and miles ahead of KSP. The texture and terrain qualities are also beyond compare. I doubt KSP could handle even 1% of the digital assets present in Batman.

Considering the hardware we have today, the fact that games like Batman even run is miraculous. Graphics cards are not magic. Pushing top-tier games through them requires skills and training wholly absent in Squad. They are in two different development universes.

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Anytime I think of a game shipping broken, my mind jumps to skyrim. I'm surprised fewer comparisons with it come up. When it first released (on console, mind you) the game was almost unplayable. But I still considered it money well spent, restarting every 30 minutes and all.

I Heard about KSP late, and didn't buy it till 0.9. Before that I played the demo, and if I'd paid as much for the demo, as I did for .9 ($30Aus) it would still have been one of the best, and by far best value of all the games I've played. It's not perfect, and it really shouldn't be consider as a >1.0 build since they're still adding features, but it's infinitely better than it's competition, because there is none.

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  Harry Rhodan said:
On the other hand Batman is shaped rather unaerodynamically and his thrust levels are also quite low. Launching him should take some effort.

Let us build a Batman sculpture in the SPH and run him through nuFAR's aero diagnostic tools. I wonder what his transonic drag curves look like.

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  pandoras kitten said:
Let us build a Batman sculpture in the SPH and run him through nuFAR's aero diagnostic tools. I wonder what his transonic drag curves look like.

Ah, good to know I'm not the only one always expecting Superman to flip over when he raises his hand in front of him while in flight!

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