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[1.0.4] Solar System Expanded: Real Solar System Expansion pack


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Solar System Expanded - Version 1.0

Expansion Pack for the addon Real Solar System

You may have seen this mod in KSP 0.90. I completely redid everything to work with the new 1.0.x RSS, and added some new things, with a lot of the old objects coming later. I also gave it a real name (SSE).

Essentially, this mod adds new real life moons, dwarf planets (coming soon), and asteroids (coming soon) to KSP through Real Solar System.

I decided to make a thread for this release because some users were having installation issues with the last version and helping through Reddit or Youtube is more difficult than a thread that anyone can contribute to.


Uses RSS by NathanKell

The Pack currently includes:

Moons of Pluto:



* Note - I am aware that Hydra, Nix, and Kerberos are missing. I felt that Styx served as an example of a small moon and I am waiting for the New Horizons flyby to add in the rest of them.

All Outer Moons of Neptune







Inner Moons of Neptune


Expect many more bodies to be added in coming releases. Note that this pack will use more memory than standard RSS and will take longer to launch due to Color maps being .png instead of .dds.


1. Install Real Solar System.

2. Copy the Gamedata folder from SSE and paste it over your KSP Gamedata folder. Merge when prompted. Replace config with the SSE config when prompted.

3. Launch KSP. If you have memory issues, try OpenGL mode or Linux 64-bit.

DOWNLOAD LINK (inoperative until a license is shown)

(KerbalStuff is currently broken for me and I can't upload files. Therefore I can't upload it there until I figure out how to fix that.)


NathanKell for Real Solar System

Space Engine for object textures

Album of Everything New in Version 1.0

Some Examples of what you might see using SSE:

Proteus, 2nd Largest moon of Neptune


STYX, Pluto's smallest moon, with CHARON, Pluto's largest moon, in the background


Video Tour of the new moons in 1.0 and information on the mod:


Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Lutetia

Jupiter and Neptune Trojan Asteroids

ALL of Neptune's moons (Currently, all outer moons are in)

Kuiper Belt Objects, Scattered Disc Objects

All of Pluto's moons (After New Horizons Flyby)


Edited by srbgaming
Added license
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  • 3 weeks later...
  pozine said:
Hi there, I tried to install your mod and failed. RSS doesn't load at all after merging the folders.

Also, I had a look at what you've done and it looks like really good work!

I'll try to figure out what the problem is when I get back to my computer as I'm currently traveling. Can you post specifics on what failed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

thank you very much sir, I was preciesly looking for this. ^^

i saw your video and (what i think) overhear you speaking about jupiters rings what made me notice the lack of rings on neptune and uranus rings. (not that i blame you for it ^^")

but because you gave a shoutout to the people who where planning to use the pack and feedback i would like to offer an helping hand in previous mansianed rings.

I might have an idea on how to code them, i just need to do a little reseuch on there diameter.

as soon as your pack finnish downloading i will dig a bit in the code to see if i can chance it as easy as in RSS -w-

ref pictures so you know what i mean:

UR: http://airandspace.si.edu/webimages/previews/WEB11414-2010p.jpg

NE: http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1373955361_neptune-with-rings.jpg

JU: http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/images/screenshots/various/jupiter_Jupiter_Rings_1__Bob_Hegwood.jpg

goodluck with your travel and i look forward in coopareting with you sir.


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