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Engine falling off when landing a plane


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I searched but didn\'t found one topic about that problem already.

I explain myself, sometimes when landing my plane a little too fast (flying with a keyboard =P ), my gears keep it up but not my reactor. They just fall when i touch the ground and explode behind me. So I can\'t take off again ^^\'

If the shock is too big, it should be the gear that have to fail first, am I right?

Ps: sorry for my english mistakes ^^\'

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I know what you mean. But in some way it\'s logic. Because you have kinetic energy, idk if KSP uses that logic but it should be normal when hitting the ground hard.

Although in real life the complete aircraft would go nuts if that happened.

I think it has to do with the connection of the parts, the breaking point (is that how you call it?) is too low or something like that.

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Si le reacteur est trop lourd et loin du train d\'atterissage, le reacteur tomberas, je ne pense pas que se soit un bug, juste le choc.

(If the engine is too heavy and far from the landing gears, it will fall off, i dont think its a bug, just a heavy landing)

pourais tu envoyer une image de l\'avion?

(Pic of the plane please?)

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why I do is bring the back landing gears at the back of plane as much as possible (and making sure it looks right). that way when you lift up while taking off or landing with the nose up, your engines wont touch the ground.

With that I\'ve landed hard on my back wheels and my back engines didn\'t blow up.

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why I do is bring the back landing gears at the back of plane as much as possible (and making sure it looks right). that way when you lift up while taking off or landing with the nose up, your engines wont touch the ground.

Yes, this helps to protect engines from touching the ground, but makes lifting off way harder.

I prefer to give wings a positive incidence angle by clicking <Shift +A/D> once or twice when attaching them. This allows a plane to takeoff/land with its fuselage being almost horizontal.

BTW I don\'t see a 'Bug' here ;)

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Also being a keyboard pilot, I can say this happens to me too.

When landing and not hitting the ground hard enough to break anything else (including landing gear), the engine pops off.

I can say for sure that the engine, or any part of the plane other than landing gear has hit the ground.

In a test involving hard maneuvering (while airborne) I\'ve also found that in a number of my planes, it is the engine in which the stresses will cause to break off first.

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Hi ^^

so yes, I meant engines, sorry ;D

and it is only the engines that are falling, not the tanks ;)

And I also have experienced engines dropping of when turning too fast (usually I\'m in the way of crashing but still =P succeeded to not crash once, but flying with only one engine is really hard ??? )

for pics of my plane, here you are:



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Another way it can be done is by making the plane tail-heavy deliberately and leaving enoguh room for the engines. It\'ll just take off as soon as you start the engines. Alternatively, you can use the part rotation to give the wings an upward angle to make takeoff easier.

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I think I see your problem - it\'s one I had when I started with spaceplanes. You\'ve attatched your landing gear to the part your engines are attached to, so the force of landing is transferred to the engine and it falls off. Put the small hardpoints facing downwards on your wings and stick the landing gear (plus struts so it doesn\'t twist and break) on those. That should fix it.

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