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Un-Appreciated Posts/Threads Thread


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Ever had a post that you thought was really informative or funny and have no one notice it? Ever had a post where you spent ages typing and making it perfect for it just to be ignored?

Here is a place that you can re-post it! Have it finally appreciated and look at others and see the things that every one else has missed.

I made a joke a few days back here. I thought it was funny but no one seems to have noticed, ah well.

I am looking forward to seeing your posts. :D

Wouldn't it be ironic if this also got ignored

Edited by worir4
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A thread that is nothing but links to our other threads wouldn't add new content to our forum. And not everything we post is going to get the recognition our brilliance obviously deserves, but that's just how it goes. :D You submits your posts and you takes your chances.

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