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Fly By The Sun Contract

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Hi! I've been trying to complete the "Fly by the sun" contract for tourism.

I assumed that leaving Kerbin's SOI should be enough to complete it. But either was I wrong, or I miss something here. I left the SOI and the contract did not get fulfilled.


Does this mean I actually have to build a 8000 m/s dV monster to fullfil this contract? I don't want to wine, but this gets kind of complicated when you have RemoteTech and a Life support mod installed.

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I launched a small Ion powered probe and slowly brought my closes approach to the sun to about 7 and half million KM and that did it.

It's a tourist contract, so the lightest I can go is a Lander can. I built I TIE-(Triple Ion Engine) Ship with two Gigantor XL solar panels, because I want to keep my burns under one hour. That still doesn't make me very happy :(

Use Eve to bring you down low, and to help you return home. Just keep your inclination low enough to encounter Eve and Kerbin again.

Wait, so what is Fly-By exactly? I thought it was "on escape trajectory out of the sun"? Or is it "in space near the sun"?

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QUOTEarrow-10x10.png=Kobymaru;2049802]It's a tourist contract, so the lightest I can go is a Lander can. I built I TIE-(Triple Ion Engine) Ship with two Gigantor XL solar panelsarrow-10x10.png, because I want to keep my burns under one hour. That still doesn't make me very happy :(

Wait, so what is Fly-By exactly? I thought it was "on escape trajectory out of the sun"? Or is it "in space near the sun"?[ QUOTEarrow-10x10.png]A fly-by with the Sun is a close perigee, so using gravity to get down low and back home isn't violating the contract.

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I confess that I'm puzzled by this. "Fly by ___" generally just means "be in ___'s SoI". It's like "Orbit ___", but easier, because it's OK to be suborbital or on an escape trajectory.

I'm pretty sure I've done a "Fly by the Sun" contract for a tourist, and all I had to do was peek outside Kerbin's SoI to fulfill the contract. No idea what problem you're having, perhaps a bug?

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This is really strange. On my second mission, I suddenly completed the "Fly by the sun" contract.

I didn't really do anything different though...

Maybe this is actually a bug.

Edited by Kobymaru
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I believe it means <1mln km from the Sun, "In Space Low".

Use Eve for gravity assist and Oberth maneuver: make your craft pass it "on the front side" (link) and perform a burn near the periapsis of Eve, that way you can get your orbit really low near the Sun for cheap.

When near the Sun (and moving damn fast) create another node for Eve encounter, this time passing it from the back to gain extra velocity, and once there, create a node near the periapsis with a burn for Kerbin encounter.

Generally, a very difficult and very, very lengthy contract. You might be better off declining it.

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Were you flying the craft at the time it crossed the sphere of influence boundary? I remember reading somewhere that the contract system doesn't always trigger if the craft wasn't active (i.e. you were controlling something else or in the space centre) at the time of transition. I've not tested it myself, though I dif have an early career probe failed to trigger a Mun fly-by contract for reasons I never got to the bottom of.

I'd be interested to know if that's true or just hearsay!

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