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[WIP][1.04] DSD Mobile Labs - "With more Data Storage than you can shake an experiment at!"


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This is my first mod; constructive criticism is very welcome! :D

We at Joint Development Inc., like many others, have noticed that the 1.0 Mobile Processing Lab (MPL) is cool in theory, but somewhat lackluster in execution. Specifically, the MPL is greatly lacking in data storage. To remedy this, JDI has crammed a bunch of data storage devices into the standard MPL, along with some basic hardware to operate them. (We're sorry about that thumb drive you left on your desk, we promise it is being put to better use.)

What this mod does

I felt that the current stock MPL didn't really anywhere very well at the moment. It processes too slowly to be useful earlier in career mode, and has too little capacity later on. Additionally it has truly massive return if you were willing to timewarp babysit the thing. I aimed to fix these issues.

- Moves the stock MPL earlier in the tech tree and reduces its weight. Nerfs the data-to-science conversion rate significantly, but dramatically increases peak processing speed to compensate.

- Adds two extra MPLs to the tech tree with increased data storage capacity and processing speeds adjusted to that capacity.

The parts:


A Mobile Processing Labs sans some crew space. Not only does the DSD-1 boast storage for up to 3000 data, but also contains a co-processor which can greatly* speed processing of stored data. Notice: Data storage on this magnitude requires significant energy investment.


*Slightly. Maybe.

The DSD-1 is has a better data-to-science conversion ratio than the stock MPL, but converts at a slower rate.* It is heavier than the stock MPL as well, and costs quite a bit more electricity. In general it is probably an upgrade to the stock version except in situations where you aren't expecting much more than 500 data and/or have a serious weight restriction.

*All labs, including the stock MPL, process at peak speed with completely full. However, a lab with a slower peak processing rate but higher data capacity may still produce more science even over a short term. This is because processing speed is directly proportional to how full the data storage is.


Utilizing advances in Shove-it-in-Harder® technology, JDI has been able to more than triple the storage density of previous versions. The co-processor was even liberated from a real computer this time!


The DSD-2 maintains its predecessors data to science conversion rate, while significantly enhancing available data storage, science storage, and peak processing rate. The downside is significant weight, and an even greater electrical footprint.

Future Plans

  • Custom models/textures
  • Heat management
  • Resource requirements
  • Mod compatibility

My goal is to create an alternative set of mobile labs which allow for greater data storage and processing efficiency, but will require coolant and/or radiators to function. Additionally, the stock lab, despite its shortcomings, is deeply overpowered. I'm hoping to reign in the raw science production a bit, while improving other characteristics in such a way that the labs are still attractive. I.E., more fun, less cheese.

Stuff to Know

Most of this information applies to vanilla KSP as well as my mod.

  • A scientist's experience level (number of stars) has a HUGE effect on their effective contribution. Never use zero star scientists if possible, as even one star scientist is six times more effective!
  • The processing speed of the lab is directly proportional to the amount of data stored in it. Try to keep you labs stocked with data.


Download: Kerbal Stuff

Source: Github


- Balanced return rates with my vision for the mod

- Added CTT compatibility


- Added custom models


- Initial testing release

In progress model for DSD-1:

[table=width: 500]






All of these are just ideas. I may implement all of them, or none.

I'm considering at least four labs total, five if you include the stock MPL.

Stock MPL changes

Balanced to be an alternative to more powerful options (but which have their own economic and logistic shortcomings). Probably unlock concurrently with the DSD-1.

  • Reduce weight by .5 tons
  • reduce data to science ratio (stock is 1:5)
  • improve processing speed - I'd like to see the lab process about 35 data per Kerbin day when fully crewed, which would finish 500 data in about two kerbal weeks, rather than in a year or whatever.

Basic MPL

A preliminary MPL designed to be researched early on and give players science options prior to unlocking 2.5m capacity. Frankly, the stock tree is so small that this isn't all that relevant, but I'm building this mod with heavily modded tech trees like CTT in mind.

  • 1.25m (possibly 1.85m) part
  • 1 crew capacity
  • 2:1 data to science return, but no homeworld modifier - currently the game reduces data conversion by 90% if you are landed on your homeworld. This lab would not suffer from that shortcoming.
  • lightweight (1-1.5t)
  • Rover attachment points for surface deployment, as well door placement with rover builds in mind.


First DSD MPL, designed for orbital deployment. I'm hoping this one will be the core of early-to-midgame stations.

  • Enhanced data storage over stock. (currently 3000)
  • Electrical cost while active, enough to necessitate electrically minded design and placement.
  • if possible, code plugin to have electric charge usage scale with amount of data stored. - I dunno if I can do this, but it would be cool :D
  • Heavier than stock
  • Reduced crew capacity, but increased return per science over stock - Net result is a lab with (hopefully) slower processing but better long term return, along with much greater storage capacity.


Flagship DSD MPL

  • Greatly enhanced data storage (currently 10,000)
  • Increased power drain.
  • Same science per data as DSD-1, but allow 2 crew - this means a direct performance upgrade due to second kerbal.
  • Heavier than DSD-1

Drone MPL

A very rudimentary lab unlocked fairly late in the tree. Designed to be placed on rovers you don't intend to recover.

  • Processes data at the speed of a one star scientist , but operates unmanned.
  • Profile similar to Material Exposure Bay, but heavier.
  • lower data capacity
  • same return rate as Basic MPL. (2 data: 1 science)


I'm considering a heating mechanic. If I can figure out how to code it, I'd like the DSD-1 & 2 to produce heat while storing data, preferably scaling the heat production to the amount of storage currently being used. If I did implement this, the heating would be scaled to be manageable with stock radiators.


Alternatively, I am considering making the DSD-1 & 2 consume a "coolant" resource of some variety while they are in operation. The resource would be CRP compliant, and if possible I would just add it as an option to existing tanks via Firespitter fuelswitch. I'm not terribly sold on this idea though, since it adds some extra maintenance requirements, but no real gameplay improvements.

COMPLETE Custom models


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Edited by JDCollie
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uhh, very nice! I was almost about changing the .cfg settings for the Mobile Processing Lab, but your mod does it exactly the way I need it! :D I've always felt, that the Data Storage amount is way to little. Even with numerous Mobile labs on one ship/base you can only store 500 units (why?) of data. Good job and can't wait to see the wip DSD-1 model!!

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  Herman Kerbal said:
uhh, very nice! I was almost about changing the .cfg settings for the Mobile Processing Lab, but your mod does it exactly the way I need it! :D I've always felt, that the Data Storage amount is way to little. Even with numerous Mobile labs on one ship/base you can only store 500 units (why?) of data. Good job and can't wait to see the wip DSD-1 model!!

I'm glad someone finds it useful :D Let me know if it does anything stupid on you. :)

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  FreeThinker said:
Lol, for KSPI I modified the Laberatorium exactly same as a late game Mobile Processing Lab.

Lol, for KSPI I modified the Laberatorium exactly same as a late game Mobile Processing Lab. I guess you could simply copy past everything.

That a realy nice looking model by the way.

Edited by FreeThinker
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  FreeThinker said:
Lol, for KSPI I modified the Laberatorium exactly same as a late game Mobile Processing Lab. I guess you could simply copy past everything.

That a realy nice looking model by the way.

Thanks! :D

I've never actually modeled anything before, so this has been quite and adventure.

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  ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:
I like the stockalike textures.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, by the way, is there any chance of adding standalone data storage? Because that would be neat.

That idea is actually my original goal with this mod. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find an API for the new function SQUAD added which controls data. Once I do, I'm definitely hoping to make a standalone storage option :D

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Huh, looks like I had a basic misunderstanding regarding the function of Scientist stars. Time for testing. . .


After some trial and error, I came up with the following formula for the data-to-science conversion:

The science per day from a single lab is equal to the sum of the following equation for each kerbal scientist in the lab.

Single scientist contribution:

(data stored)(lab's "scientistBonus")(lab's "scienceMultiplier")(54*10^(2-(lab "researchTime")))(1+4(number of scientist stars))*(1+(.1904717*((lab's "scientistBonus")-.25))) = science per day for scientist

Wow, totally got that wrong . . . several times too >.<

Correct Formula:

storedData x scientistBonus x scienceMultiplier x (54 x 10^(2 - researchTime)) x (4 x kerbalExperienceLevel + scientistBonus / .25) = single scientist's contribution to science per day

Total "Science per day":

science per day = sumâ‚ + sumâ‚‚ + . . . + sumâ‚™

So a lab with 3000 science, one three-star scientist, a scienceMultiplier of 3, a researchTime of 5, and a scientistBonus of .32 will produce:

3000*.32*3*(54*10^(2-5))*(4*3+(.32/.25))) = 2065.3056 science per day


Bah, still not right . . . back to testing.


HA, got it! (I think)

Edited by JDCollie
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