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Contracts... the weak link in KSP

Pixel Kola

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The game and gameplay are solid, fun, addictive, entertaining and endless... Especially when you start. You have real, logical contracts/missions. Launch a vessel, obtain an altitude, escape the atmosphere, orbit Kerbin... and then, ferry 5 tourists on a sub-ourbital trajectory on the Mun...

After the first taste of the game it just becomes ridiculous. The contracts are illogical, dropping Duna missions on us before Mun or Minmus? Yes, this has happened to me many times.

I've looked into mods like Contract Configurator and Seti Contracts, Initial Contracts... They help a lost but they don't stop the avalanche of stock crap contracts.

Is there a simple mod that cuts off stock contracts and allows you to create your own set that is logical and can be used in a storyline type of career mode?

I get into KSP days at a time but then the lack of purpose and random in-cohesive contracts just overwhelms me and I have to step away for a few weeks.

Maybe Squad will focus on contracts and the way they are generated, allowing for a completely custom setup.

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I dont know, everytime I unlock tech, it wants me to test it which I find.. almost logical. However, the starting contracts go for a long time, after orbiting Kerbin, you get Flyby the Mun, Orbit the Mun, Land on the Mun kind of stuff. The only problem is that the contrafts are cluttered with rich tourists that dont give a good money unless you have a SSTEverywhere.

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You could use Contract Configurator to create your own contracts and/or use the many contract packs for it, and then use StockNoContracts to make sure nothing else shows up. Pretty sure that does exactly what you're asking for. You will have to learn the "language" that ContractConfigurator uses, but from what I hear it's not too complicated. There are gobs of examples in those contract packs, in any case.

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There have been a few attempts to fix the silly contracts, things like Better Than Starting Manned or the entire SETI pack aims to re-balance the entire career experience to be more logical and cohesive, but those are the only two I know of, and neither work fully with 1.0+.

If anyone knows of any more, I would love to know myself, I too really detest the stock contract/career system.

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