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NASA Career-mode total conversion. [1.3] 6/3/17


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Convert a NEW stock career-mode into the NASA Space Program!

Version overhaul update for KSP 1.3



Original Content is released under Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This mod uses the some dependent parts packs along with custom content to transform your stock career mode into the NASA space program. Some stock parts which don't "fit" well with the nasa-theme are removed (the stayputnik, for example) and almost all of the dependent mod parts are renamed, re-arranged on the tech tree, or modified in some other way. Rockets tanks are grouped by name for easy reference. VAB ships are also included for the major crew pods. Adds custom flags. Also, a placeholder IVA is added to crewed parts which currently lack one (the "hitchhiker storage" IVA is used as the placeholder). Boosters and Capsules are named using original, but related, names to their nasa counterparts.

Additional Progression Contracts



Contract Configurator

Kerbal Planetary base System

This mod uses a modulemanager patch to handle parts - it doesn't delete or modify any of your existing files.

Incompatible: Any mods that contain extra parts. Sorry.

Credits : This mod contains, with permission, parts developed (forked or were abandoned) by Beale, Ledenko, CobaltWolf, and SnowWhite, all under Creative Commons. A few were unfinished beta parts which I completed myself. Also includes some icons from Community Tech Tree

This mod uses modulemanager patches to handle parts - it doesn't automatically delete or modify any of your existing files.

What you get:

A bunch of new parts, which combined with the dependency parts allow you to construct NASA vehicles and launchers including Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Orion, CST-100, STS, Explorer1, Ranger, Redstone, Atlas, Titan II, Titan III, Saturn I, Saturn V, Ares I, SLS
A generous amount of new contracts, based around specific program missions.
Completely new tech tree, redesigned from scratch.
Pruning parts out of the dependent mods that don't "fit" with the overall theme of the NASA space program.
Heavy editing of parts in the dependent mods to fit in the modified progression tree, and for balance purposes.
Craft files for most major systems, including subassembly parts for boosters.

Installation Instructions:
Unzip the contents of "gamedata" into your "gamedata" like most other mods.
If you wish, copy the craft files from the ships and subassemblies folders into your save.

Gameplay Tips:
Turn on advanced tweakables, and use autostrut for some of the larger boosters! The Saturn/Sarnus boosters in particular will wobble like wet spaghetti without this!
Try not to "get ahead" of the objectives you get contracts for. (Wait to do an orbital EVA until you get the contract for it in the Castores program) Not required, but it makes the game more interesting.

Known Issues:
A few of the included booster .craft are slightly overpowered, which is almost unavoidable in a KSP mod of this sort.

Edited by tjsnh
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Nice Job!

Although I noticed on Kerbal Stuff this has the same description as the Soviet conversion.....SHAME......but you might want to update it a bit. It still says "Soviet" and does not list OMSK as a requirement.

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Nice Job!

Although I noticed on Kerbal Stuff this has the same description as the Soviet conversion.....SHAME......but you might want to update it a bit. It still says "Soviet" and does not list OMSK as a requirement.

You must have posted while I was editing it :)

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Nice! And congratulations on another tree

Any thought on merging the soviet and US one at some point?

Maybe use the historical missions from MissionController2?

Also...do you think near future will fit in (I've been looking at the old Russian Mars plans)

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Nice! And congratulations on another tree

Any thought on merging the soviet and US one at some point?

Maybe use the historical missions from MissionController2?

Also...do you think near future will fit in (I've been looking at the old Russian Mars plans)

On merging - my original inspiration for these two packs was a meta-pack with a "split" tech tree that diverged from "start" , but I couldn't settle on a way to setup the tech tree in a way that worked right for all the stock parts that are shared between the two, and for parts that are in both "sides" but different.

On the historical missions - I'm working on a mission pack that's similar, but different, to the one you mentioned as it makes use of more verbose orbital information. This is a longer term project as doing the conversions from "real world orbital data" to "KSP orbital data" is a time consuming manual process. There should be no reason you can't install the MissionController2 pack right now, but I don't plan to add it as a dependency.

I can't speak to how other mods will interact that play with the tech tree or inject other parts. I've intentionally tried to keep the two "total conversion" mods as lightweight as possible.

Edited by tjsnh
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Stayputnik should stay in US early sattelites were very similar

There is a different probe core available early in the tech tree that doesn't look quite so much like Sputnik 1.

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I am downloading this just for the craft files.... I don't care if my download speed is measured in bits/sec....

- - - Updated - - -

Also...you should add the subassembly for the Titan III. (The one with huge SRB's)

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This applies equally to the Soviet and USA conversions: There's no way to have CKAN install subassemblies. So you might want to add that as a "known issue" or if you want you can add them to the VAB folder and they'll be installed as stock ships.

Option 3 is you can do nothing ofc. There's always a third option. =)

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I am downloading this just for the craft files.... I don't care if my download speed is measured in bits/sec....

- - - Updated - - -

Also...you should add the subassembly for the Titan III. (The one with huge SRB's)

I'm still trying to decide how to replicate the SRBs without a 2.5m SRB (I don't want to add more parts pack dependencies)

- - - Updated - - -

This applies equally to the Soviet and USA conversions: There's no way to have CKAN install subassemblies. So you might want to add that as a "known issue" or if you want you can add them to the VAB folder and they'll be installed as stock ships.

Option 3 is you can do nothing ofc. There's always a third option. =)

Noted, I'll see about doing something for the next release.

I'm not a big CKAN user myself so I won't claim to be in the know with how it handles such things.

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I'm still trying to decide how to replicate the SRBs without a 2.5m SRB (I don't want to add more parts pack dependencies)

Possibly take the "Star" OME from Tantares, scale it up to 2.5m, and make it not throttle-able or turn-off-able? But still use Lf/O?

Or strap a bunch of stock SRB's together, and hope they don't overheat?

I'll experiment with the 2nd one, but I do not have the technical capacity right now to test the 1st idea.

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Also, I'd say not to 'remove' the Tantares "Wayfarer" vernier engine, and have it be unlocked along with the Atlas parts.

I've thought about that actually, the Atlas is somewhat difficult to steer without clipping fins into it with the 1.04 aero.

This is/was the first release, I expect there will be some minor alterations like that for the next release - folks have been sending feedback.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Also....you need to unlock a 1.875m-1.25m adapter along with the Minotaur parts.....

Sorry for the late response,

I'll check again when I get home this evening - I thought one was unlocked on the same tech as the Minotaur engine.

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Sorry for the late response,

I'll check again when I get home this evening - I thought one was unlocked on the same tech as the Minotaur engine.

No, it is unlocked when you get the Thor launcher, which is on the same tech level but not node​.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Make this work with FASA and Procedural Parts and I will hug you.

I've deliberately only used "stock alike" parts mods. The parts from FASA and PP don't really "look right" coupled with the stock parts from squad, which has always bugged me.

Same reason the Soviet version of this mod doesn't use the Kosmos parts - they're great, they just don't visually "fit" with anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've deliberately only used "stock alike" parts mods. The parts from FASA and PP don't really "look right" coupled with the stock parts from squad, which has always bugged me.

Same reason the Soviet version of this mod doesn't use the Kosmos parts - they're great, they just don't visually "fit" with anything else.

Besides....FASA already has progression similar to this.

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All - update coming tonight or tomorrow.

The new Tantares is out, and I'm done tweaking the parts for use in this mod. Also made some other changes (moved a radial decoupler on the tech tree, a few other things).

I need to make a new set of craft files, as the new tantares breaks a bit of them, but I should be able to do that after work this evening. Expect a big, save breaking, update late tonight or tomorrow morning.

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I think you should make a version for RSS. I would play that! Also, when I installed with all the recommended mods, the tech tree doesn't load and the stock parts are still in there. Is the tech tree layout the same as stock or different?

Edited by legoclone09
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  • 1 month later...
I think you should make a version for RSS. I would play that! Also, when I installed with all the recommended mods, the tech tree doesn't load and the stock parts are still in there. Is the tech tree layout the same as stock or different?

Adapting it for RSS would be far more time consuming than I have time for, unfortunately. I'd have to rebalance basically every part (well into the hundreds) beyond the rebalancing I've already done.

The tech tree is default, but a lot of the stock parts are moved or removed. The vast majority of the tantares/ab/omsk parts are moved.

The tool I was using to make a custom tech tree stopped working when KSP 1.0 came out, otherwise I'd have one included.

A new update is coming soon to reflect updates to the parts mods.

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