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[1.0.5] Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.0.2 Released!


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when you said about heatshields, i thought they were under the modules, not on the horizontal nodes :P

Had considered them as well. But i thought is was kind of unrealistic to land them that way... :wink:

Well peoples, there's a new way for you to deliver your base modules. As of a few minutes ago, the official rerelease of Nertea's Mk4 Spaceplane System came out.


When you can put 45 tons in orbit easy, its not a hard stretch to jump over to the Mun carrying less than 20.

Hey, was just testing the base parts in the old Mk4 parts and was able to make a interesting transporter.

This is a really gigantic plane there. Although the parts should also fit into the MK3 parts :wink:

Some of you asked on how to land these bases on other planets and probably also how to enter an atmosphre with them...so here is a small mission to eve as an example:

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amazing as always mr nills :D

but valentina is never coming back :P

and cool bigfoot usage :D

Jep, have to send a rescue mission to get her back :D Or maybe some other Kerbals to at least keep her some company.

Oh, regarding the bugs and the weird behaviour...there was one (really) significant change from the last version. While writing the code for the categories i ran into some problems and discoverd that they appeared because i compiled the last .dll's against the .Net 4.0 Framework and changed that to 3.5 in the most recent one. There may be a really big change in the compiled code and may have caused some weird things when interacting with other mods...I still wonder why this worked in the first place. :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure about it...a garage that unfolds like in your image to be bigger and higher might work, but i actually want to focus on the LS-Mods and the Bugs for now. It will maybe come in some update.

I made a list with all the things that were suggested and it is on this too...but the list got really long :wink:

Edited by Nils277
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Had considered them as well. But i thought is was kind of unrealistic to land them that way...

I thought that too!

Just a note to stay that the adapters are really well executed. Good Job!

I can see what you mean about trying to make landing gear with wheels. That would be cool as one part. If possible making them alternately deployable. Now looking forward to TAC-LS integration.


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v0.1.4 makes me more giddy than a 5 year old at Christmas:D

Wish I could give you more rep!


Just saw that you have future plans for UKS integration. This is going to be totally awesome


I just noticed this, how come all the windows in the cupola IVA are tinted blue? is this intentional?


Edited by peachoftree
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What was the reason for the change for the doors to be put on top rather than on the sides? and why not include both? I think for a planetary aspect It's a great feature Easy in and easy out no fumbling with ladders and such

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Any chance of adding a Community Tech Tree cfg? I started one but as you keep adding parts you may want to consider it.

This is up to date as of the version before the ISRU; I haven't updated it yet. I wasn't real sure where was best to put the parts but tried to match them some to the OKS/MKS parts some.

// Command@PART[KKAOSS_Service_g]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree]
@TechRequired = commandModules
@TechRequired = unmannedTech
@TechRequired = commandModules
@TechRequired = advUnmanned

// Tanks
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction

@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction
@TechRequired = specializedConstruction

@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites
@TechRequired = composites

@TechRequired = longTermHabitation
@TechRequired = shortTermHabitation
@TechRequired = hydroponics

Also the cupopla part isn't CLS passable right now.

- - - Updated - - -

Oops. Didn't see the change in the first post about the plans to add CTT compatibility. Feel free to do whatever with my config.

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What was the reason for the change for the doors to be put on top rather than on the sides? and why not include both? I think for a planetary aspect It's a great feature Easy in and easy out no fumbling with ladders and such

There were many saying that the doors on the side were too small for the Kerbals to pass trough. But the regions where the doors were prevented me from scaling them up.

Also there was a bug report where the module spawned for a rescue contract but there was no way to get the kerbal out because the door was hidden.

You don't have to worry about ladders though, all parts with the hatch on the roof have ladders build in :wink:

Because perfectly transparent surfaces are boring?

Exactly that. Maybe i'll make them a little more transparent, but add scratches or so^^

Any chance of adding a Community Tech Tree cfg? I started one but as you keep adding parts you may want to consider it.

This is up to date as of the version before the ISRU; I haven't updated it yet. I wasn't real sure where was best to put the parts but tried to match them some to the OKS/MKS parts some.

Also the cupopla part isn't CLS passable right now.

- - - Updated - - -

Oops. Didn't see the change in the first post about the plans to add CTT compatibility. Feel free to do whatever with my config.

For the cupola...sorry copy and past error, will be fixed :wink:

Thanks for the posted code for CTT...i already brooded on where to put the parts there. This will be very helpful.

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Is there any way you can release an alternate version with the doors on the side again? cause... That mad a LOT more sense to me than haveing them up top. or perhaps having both :o and being able to select the hatch to eva through

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Is there any way you can release an alternate version with the doors on the side again? cause... That mad a LOT more sense to me than haveing them up top. or perhaps having both :o and being able to select the hatch to eva through

Hmm...i unfortunatly replaced the old files. Hopefully they are somewhere in the original version on a usb-stick. When more people also wish to have the original placement back i'll consider adding an optional replacement for them.

can you post it here? :D

Here you go:

Life Support
Station Science
Tweakable Tanks
Smaller Modular Storage
Universal Storage
Treakable Switch
Larger Adapter for fuel
Raster prop monitor
Vertival Adapter

This list does in fact neither represent the order the suggestion are implemented nor gaurantees that they are implemented at all.

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If the outside of the window is blue colored, what do you expect to see from the inside? Blue of course.

How it appears from the exterior isn't relevant. A window that is meant for viewing through should be more optically clear from the interior.

case in point:


Hmm...i unfortunatly replaced the old files. Hopefully they are somewhere in the original version on a usb-stick. When more people also wish to have the original placement back i'll consider adding an optional replacement for them.

Here you go:

Life Support

This list does in fact neither represent the order the suggestion are implemented nor gaurantees that they are implemented at all.

I can provide configs for Ioncross

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That might be possible, although this would make it possible to add Kerbals into the parts in the VAB and SPH. I think this is still a good trade-off

Well, that's the way the Pathfinder mod deals with its inflatable module. It's probably the easiest way of solving the inventory issue. I'll take a look at the code from Pathfinder, maybe I can find the lines that do this.

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Well, that's the way the Pathfinder mod deals with its inflatable module. It's probably the easiest way of solving the inventory issue. I'll take a look at the code from Pathfinder, maybe I can find the lines that do this.

Remember that 1) I remember hearing I believe from this thread that Kospy is working on KIS being able to handle inflatables better, and 2) being able to seat crew in editor then terminating those seats in flight could potentially cause Bad Things. Ultimately its up ti Nils to weigh that decision.

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Well, that's the way the Pathfinder mod deals with its inflatable module. It's probably the easiest way of solving the inventory issue. I'll take a look at the code from Pathfinder, maybe I can find the lines that do this.

I'm doing a ton of testing on Angel-125's Pathfinder, DSEV and M.O.L.E. mods and I'm pretty sure that he's doing this through the plugin he built to manage all his switchable storage and what not. I'm not 100% certain on that but try poking Angel to find out.

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Remember that 1) I remember hearing I believe from this thread that Kospy is working on KIS being able to handle inflatables better, and 2) being able to seat crew in editor then terminating those seats in flight could potentially cause Bad Things. Ultimately its up ti Nils to weigh that decision.

I think it's a perfectly fine stop gap for a WIP mod while waiting for Kospy to do his stuff.

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Remember that 1) I remember hearing I believe from this thread that Kospy is working on KIS being able to handle inflatables better, and 2) being able to seat crew in editor then terminating those seats in flight could potentially cause Bad Things. Ultimately its up ti Nils to weigh that decision.

Okay, yeah, bad things might happen, but there is a simple answer to it: don't put crew inside a closed module. Also, Nils has the decision. I'm just trying to make his life a little easier.

I'm doing a ton of testing on Angel-125's Pathfinder, DSEV and M.O.L.E. mods and I'm pretty sure that he's doing this through the plugin he built to manage all his switchable storage and what not. I'm not 100% certain on that but try poking Angel to find out.

I'll take a look at that :).

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Okay, yeah, bad things might happen, but there is a simple answer to it: don't put crew inside a closed module.

The problem is that the game will happily create rescue missions using any pod with a crew capacity, apparently.

I solve the "roof" problem (not really much of a problem, where you enter seems arbitrary, and if you nitpick the roof, then what about an airlock where none is visible in the IVA?) by sticking a gangway airlock as an entrance for the base, then I transfer the guy where I need him. Any substantial base will have either a cupola, a planetary command module, or a dedicated airlock, anyway, I think.

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0. First of all, great mod. Just 18mb's of memory used are also simply amazing. The first thing I ded was a cute little rover, similar to the one in Mars Direct concept video.

1. About lighthouse... Maybe you could keep windows transparent but light up the interior instead? At least that how it happens IRL. :P

2. Would benefit greatly from RPM support. I guess all the props from cupola dashboard can be removed with RPM and replaced with one screen and a few indicators. Some props can also be added to each other IVA, just for informational purpose. Look at how it is done in NearFuture habitats.

3. Would also be good to have something like airlock in standard semicircle profile, with hole for kerbal. Like this, but with your profile and no stairs: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92064-0-25-0-Part-Fuselage-with-Deployable-Airstairs-v0-7-2014-11-01

4. Part in standard profile with sideways-pointing 1.25m attach node or nodes would be good as well. Mainly for integrating airlocks and dock ports. It can have IVA similar to ISS nodes, with cargo bags and similar stuff, and 1-kerbal capacity.

5. Need to think of a smart way to move and assemble them. Will play around in the next few days.

Edited by sashan
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5. Need to think of a smart way to move and assemble them. Will play around in the next few days.

I have been using KIS to bring in the modules inside an expanded container (many times larger then the largest container in KIS) and have been driving the container over to where I'm want to set up and placing down a custom concrete block to build off of.

As for my suggestions.

1) a slab or object to mount the base parts onto that works Like KIS concrete block but with far more strength and is flush to the ground so that I can mount my bases straight to the ground.

2) Some form of large capacity KIS inventory to haul these parts around with.

3) Some vertical base segments.

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