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[1.0.5] Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.0.2 Released!


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15 minutes ago, Kowgan said:

@PocketBrotector Nice release, thanks for the effort!

I noticed that some of the modules you're adding _might_ be doubled in game:
As an example, UKS-KPBS_Cupola.cfg adds the following modules, amongst others: ModuleLifeSupport, ReplacementParts, USI_ModuleFieldRepair.

But those same modules are added by the USI-LS config, at LSModule.cfg, line 113:

So, wouldn't it double these modules in that (and other) part(s) in the game?

I thought it shouldn't, as the LSModule filter should exclude everything that already has a ModuleLifeSupport. Now that you point it out, I suppose that we could have duplicates depending on the order in which patches are applied. I have so far found ModuleManager's internal workings to be slightly opaque, so I think I'll have to look into this further to make sure everything is getting the correct values and modules. 

Thanks for pointing this out, as I've been creating a number of patches for various mods and I'd hate to get them all wrong :) 

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No problem! Your work is unvaluable, thank you so much for the effort.

Yes, that's the thing. I don't know the order of patch application, other than using ":Final". Other than that, I thought the apply order would be according to files' alphabetical order. Maybe you could work around this and prevent any duplicates by simply adding the HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport] filter.

Edited by Kowgan
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43 minutes ago, Kowgan said:

There's no difference. Since I don't use MKS, my patch will only rebalance things to meet USI-LS.
PocketBrotector's patch will automatically detect if you use MKS or not, and will apply the patches accordingly. Choose any of them. :)

Sorry to be a pain bu how exactly do I install? Do I replace an existing config, or make a new one?

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1 hour ago, Kowgan said:

There's no difference. Since I don't use MKS, my patch will only rebalance things to meet USI-LS.
PocketBrotector's patch will automatically detect if you use MKS or not, and will apply the patches accordingly. Plus, his patch is prettier, and will update extra bits and pieces here and there. :)

Thanks a bunch!

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Another update on the IVA. The model for the ground floor is almost done. I have separated it into different sections.
You can see a preview of it below.



On 15.2.2016 at 2:34 AM, PocketBrotector said:

Nils277 was kind enough to mention my UKS/USI-LS compatibility patches for KPBS in the OP, so I updated them and actually created a release this time. These config files incorporate all USI-LS core functions (life support recyclers; habitation space & multipliers) and most of the functions of the "Duna"/"Ranger" module series from UKS (cultivation, logistics, storage). See the readme for details, give it a spin, and report any issues.

Thats a nice version there! I had a little different approach in mind for the habitation/recycler and multiplier. But i will look through and evaluate which is more reasonable :wink:

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On 13-2-2016 at 4:54 PM, Nils277 said:

I have tried to reproduce your bug but the inventory stays with the kerbal for me. Maybe it is related to the fact, that the two airlocks you mentioned have their own KIS inventory. Maybe it is transfered to it. Can you look of your stiff lands in there? Or send me a log so that i can see what happens?

I re-checked to try and see what really happens and I found we're both correct.
Whenever I transfer a Kerbal to the airlock and EVA his equipment gets transferred to the airlock inventory. It's an extra step but can easily be retrieved. Whenever the Kerbal gets back into the airlock and gets transferred to another part he gets to keep his equipment with him.
Having to pick up equipment is only a minor bug, it's nothing more than a small inconvenience. Otherwise I still love what you're doing with this mod. Looking forward to new updates.
But please be careful not to make it too big. If it gets too big people might drop it as it will become too big a strain on their system. It might eventually be better to split it to a base mode and several add-on packs focused on other mod dependencies. For example people not using KIS/KAS will most likely not be interested in the KIS containers. And people playing without life support mods might have little use for a greenhouse.

Edited by Tex_NL
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1 hour ago, Tex_NL said:

I re-checked to try and see what really happens and I found we're both correct.
Whenever I transfer a Kerbal to the airlock and EVA his equipment gets transferred to the airlock inventory. It's an extra step but can easily be retrieved. Whenever the Kerbal gets back into the airlock and gets transferred to another part he gets to keep his equipment with him.
Having to pick up equipment is only a minor bug, it's nothing more than a small inconvenience. Otherwise I still love what you're doing with this mod. Looking forward to new updates.
But please be careful not to make it too big. If it gets too big people might drop it as it will become too big a strain on their system. It might eventually be better to split it to a base mode and several add-on packs focused on other mod dependencies. For example people not using KIS/KAS will most likely not be interested in the KIS containers. And people playing without life support mods might have little use for a greenhouse.

When i tried to reproduce the bug, the inventory of the kerbal did not get transfered into the inventory of the Airlock. I wonder what causes this...

You are right about the growing mod. I also have considered breaking the mod into two or more separate mods.
Already asked a few months ago whether it would be wise to make the storage/container system into a separate mod, when i added the container parts for size2. But there has not been much enthusiams about it.

I decided to make a poll to decide in what form the mod will be delivered. 

  1. KPBS should stay in one piece!
  2. Two separate mods: Kerbal Planetary Base System & Kerbal Modular Container System.
  3. Two separate mods: Kerbal Planetary Base System & KPBS Mod Support Pack.
  4. Four separate mods: Kerbal Planetary Base System & Kerbal Modular Container System & Two Mod Support Packs.

This poll will decide on how the mod will be delivered when it is released!



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3 hours ago, Nils277 said:

Another update on the IVA. The model for the ground floor is almost done. I have separated it into different sections.
You can see a preview of it below.



Thats a nice version there! I had a little different approach in mind for the habitation/recycler and multiplier. But i will look through and evaluate which is more reasonable :wink:


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I just found out with regret that Kerbal Stuff does not host Mods anymore. ;.; 

Therefore, this mod will be not available from CKAN the next few days. I will make an account (or find my old one) for GitHub and make a pull request to update the source for KPBS.
No doubt the people behind CKAN will have a lot to do in the next days to update all broken mods...so i cannot estimate when it will be available again. In the meantime it is still available via Curse.

35 minutes ago, davidy12 said:


Now that leaves the question, I have to ask, what's next? You have made one of the BEST IVAs and BEST base parts I've EVER seen, so what's next?

Most likely tweaks and rebalancing of some parts of the LS mods as well as a new Rover Mod. But i most likely will first develop a bit in my other (non KSP related) project before the Rover Mod will see the light of day.  

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12 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

I just found out with regret that Kerbal Stuff does not host Mods anymore. ;.; 

Therefore, this mod will be not available from CKAN the next few days. I will make an account (or find my old one) for GitHub and make a pull request to update the source for KPBS.
No doubt the people behind CKAN will have a lot to do in the next days to update all broken mods...so i cannot estimate when it will be available again. In the meantime it is still available via Curse.

Most likely tweaks and rebalancing of some parts of the LS mods as well as a new Rover Mod. But i most likely will first develop a bit in my other (non KSP related) project before the Rover Mod will see the light of day.  

What kind of rovers?

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well probably the ice Kream rover:D:confused:, not- this is a running joke with nils.

actually I can't answer for Nils, but a lot of what he has done on kpbs lends itself for making rovers. If I was to request anything for the mod besides the aformentioned module it will be a 2 pax habitat and a 1 pax lab with extendable sides ( to better distribute the CG. And a extensible variable height airlock 

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On February 15, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Kowgan said:

No problem! Your work is unvaluable, thank you so much for the effort.

Yes, that's the thing. I don't know the order of patch application, other than using ":Final". Other than that, I thought the apply order would be according to files' alphabetical order. Maybe you could work around this and prevent any duplicates by simply adding the HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport] filter.

I addressed this issue and rereleased. Thanks again!

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Issue: Contracts don't detect crew capacity change upon deployment of e.g. the 4-kerbal habitat, greenhouse, or science lab. This also affects the auto-deployment upon vessel load if those parts are crewed.

Workaround: Scene change to Space Center or another ship and back, or quicksave and quickload.


May be difficult/impossible to fix, but probably worth a note as "known issues".

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More Career mode weirdness:

If a kerbal to be rescued spawns in a deployable part, it will first appear retracted. Scene switching, however, automatically deploys it, which can cause some trouble if you need to recover the part and only brought enough heat shield for the retracted base. (not tested what EVA does; I expect that the Kerbal might be "locked out" until the part is deployed)


  1. Avoid scene switching (could be difficult in long missions)
  2. Bring a bigger heat shield
  3. Bring a crew pod that you can store the kerbal safely in while keeping the part retracted
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7 hours ago, Spheniscine said:

Issue: Contracts don't detect crew capacity change upon deployment of e.g. the 4-kerbal habitat, greenhouse, or science lab. This also affects the auto-deployment upon vessel load if those parts are crewed.

Workaround: Scene change to Space Center or another ship and back, or quicksave and quickload.


May be difficult/impossible to fix, but probably worth a note as "known issues".

I will take a look at the API and hope that there is a way to trigger an update for the contract to get the updated number of allowed kerbals. Otherwise i will add it to the known issues. 

2 hours ago, Spheniscine said:

More Career mode weirdness:

If a kerbal to be rescued spawns in a deployable part, it will first appear retracted. Scene switching, however, automatically deploys it, which can cause some trouble if you need to recover the part and only brought enough heat shield for the retracted base. (not tested what EVA does; I expect that the Kerbal might be "locked out" until the part is deployed)


  1. Avoid scene switching (could be difficult in long missions)
  2. Bring a bigger heat shield
  3. Bring a crew pod that you can store the kerbal safely in while keeping the part retracted

This is related to a big problem i fixed some time ago. Before that, the Kerbal was sitting in the retracted part and was not able to get into IVA because the hatch was blocked. (KSP ignores the fact that there are 0 seats in a part an still puts the kerbal inside) I changed the code so that the part automatically deploys when a kerbal is inside. I also considers just forcing the Kerbal to leave the part, but that seemed unrealistic to me.

The part should be deployed though when you get to the part the first time. Do i understand it right, that the part is retracted during the whole time when you first reached that part?

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25 minutes ago, Nils277 said:



Do i understand it right, that the part is retracted during the whole time when you first reached that part?


Yes. I'm not sure if it's just me though.

Edit: Ugh; not sure why I stuffed up the quoting like that; can't seem to fix it.

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