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Say Hello to the White Bar Group!

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I will no longer be maintaining this group, it was fun while it lasted!

There are currently well over n people on the forum who have selected the option to hide their rep. This gives them one white bar on their Reputation counter, meaning that they are the famous...

White Bar Group!

This is meant to be a catalog for newbies and experienced forum-goers alike, as to the silliest and most likely to fuss with their profile settings individuals on the KSP forums. If one of these guys stops by to say hello on a thread, or even give reputation, be sure to say hi!

Since they don't show up on the member list, you WILL have post in this thread for me to find you.

Here they are, in order of decreasing silliness:

n)Mad Rocket Scientist. He made this list, which instantly rockets him up to the top of the list. Because I say so. He is clearly the awesomest guy on the forums, as he's on the top of this list!

n)Zucal. He first tipped the most awesome Mad Rocket Scientist of as to this feature, so he deserves a sort of sidekick level fame. Builds great craft, too! WHITE IRON CROWN HAS RETURNED!

n)DuoDex. He's a moderator, so good work on that. He's on Mad Rocket Scientist's friend list, so he deserves a passing mention, right after 45nd unit 34th gaffer CGI department secretary to 5th assistant shader. Being a mod sounds like a hard job, so kudos to him for that. Claims that he was the first to use this feature, if anyone can prove that, nothing could change.

n)Kenbobo. Do I know him? He's the PS4 hypetrain driver. He likes Space oddity, and Star Trek, so he gets some mention. He started the 1.0 hypetrain, so like, whatever. Says he's a "nebraskan that likes corn" if that's funny, tell me.

n)SaturnianBlue. I was actually able to type his username without looking, so that means that he's helped lots on the American rockets project, which, since it was started by me, means that he gets some of the awesomeness that rubbed off of ME!!!!

n)The Laythe Initiative.Dres. Changed his old username, driving me crazy!!!!! His username was hard to type, so I considered removing him from the list, but I realized that he didn't care about being on the list, so he had to be.

n)Spartwo. He's a "Militarist", whatever that's supposed to mean, and he has a bit over 3,000 posts, which clearly indicates that he's barely worthy of this list. He builds interesting craft, though.

n)Fel. He does... something. And he does it well. If I figure out what he does, I'll tell you. Pretty sure I've never seen him before, so this spot at the bottom of the list is only a bit to high.

n)sal_vager. He's a moderator, he has a awesome avatar, and he... fights fires. Virtual fires. If you see any virtual fires, tell him. He doesn't have a profile pic, so he obviously deserves the nth spot on this list.

n)Columbia. He has a Space Shuttle as an avatar, which clearly indicates that he prefers cheap American engineering over quality Russian engineering. He's on Mad Rocket Scientist's friend list, though, so he has that much going for him.

n)Starwhip. He is clearly extremely cruel to stars and should be abolished from this list. *Sniff* Those poor, maltreated, stars. What did they ever do to him! *Sniff* Also, he defiles save files, another reason to not have him on this list.

n)UnionPacific1983WP. Has 24 posts, doesn't care where he is, and agrees with the majority of living humans that twitter is a is a website on the internet. Clearly grounds for expulsion from this list, except he likes trains, and so does Mad Rocket Scientist.

n)RAINCRAFTER. All caps username? Cheater. But he says that he'll never get on the light green group, so he deserves our... something. Sympathy? I wouldn't know, I'm on the light green group.

n)Joshwoo69. Creates backpacks, so that's nice. Lurks on twitch streams, which I do too. Also, clearly deserving of this nth spot on the list.

n)Overfloater. You didn't think I could find you, did you? He says he floats over, but if anyone would take the time to explain to him that that's not possible without a hot air balloon.

n)regex. According to someone else's sig (the only real to get info) he has as many infractions as a troll! He mostly posts in general, clearly making him a obvious choice for this spot on this list.

n)worir4. He doesn't blink, and has Quotes in his sig! I know, right? Weirdo... He was the hypetrain nosecone, though.

n)LABHOUSE. Since their "2" looks like a "Z", they gets on this list, with the MRS seal of "semi-approval".

n)Vagani. Builds cars. That's right, cars! in a game about spaceships! He's making a movie, with a plot, and a crew. He says his cars were voted best on Kerbin. BY WHO?

n)SpaceLaunchSystem. Makes some replicas... but with MODS! Burn the heathen. He is a unskilled modder, which is nice for him, I suppose, but, still, MODS? Right? Like, I know!

n)windows_x_seven. His video made my browser lag, he can't build a SSTO, PLUS he loves the round-8 tank. Why is he on this list again? Oh yeah, he's on my friend list. Ahh well, 'tis the curse of fame. Said his description was too light-hearted. MWHA HA HA! DIEEEEE! DIEEE! lol omg epic noob! :mad:

n)Red Iron Crown. He typed his normal password into the username box, he once impersonated squad, and once made the forums explode with a alter ego with negative rep. Clearly not worthy of the most awesome white bar group, but he's given me rep twice.

n)Kozak. Used to be called "Waffle Master", and he used to master waffles, so, if you're a waffle: Panic, and run, not walk, to the nearest exit/airlock/egress point, etc.

n)LavaCake. Used to think that the mun was made out of cheese. He owns a company that builds cars. And he joined because of another Forumer. TRIPLE THREAT!

n)FireFaced. Says he's on the surface of Jool, so he's a liar. If he can give us the EVA report from Jool's surface, I'd believe him, but until then... E: Now has a EVA report from Jool, supposedly.

n)DMSP. Says it's spelled DMSP, but I think it's DSMP. Recently exploded, leaving a expanding cloud of more than 50,000 pieces of debris.

n)Gojira. Likes IRL rockets, and wastes his signature, cluttering up the forums in a extremely rude manner. Now has no signature, wasting the forum's space even worse! He says he's 17, but... don't believe everything you read.

n)Yakuzi. He's a "Spaceplane shaman" which Mad Rocket Scientist is not, so I should abolish him from this list. Still has a Round-8 profile pic.

n)AlphaAsh. He makes mods to add new bases to Kerbin. BORING! Says: I'm a geek, I'm a know-it-all, I'm arrogant. EDIT: It's Monday. That's arrogant. Wednesday is obnoxious.

n)Yukon0009. He's a Weavy Geapons Huy, which means he takes spoonerisms to a whole new level. He lied about his age on the forum sign-up page, and would be banished from the forums, except he's on MRS' friend list.

n)Kaboom!. Has punctuation in his user name. Yes, that's right, punctuation in his user name! Would be removed from this list, except he isn't on it yet.

n)Kuzzter. Makes a graphic novel, which is okay enough for this list, but really, not. We're only kidding ourselves, list fame 5 sorta. Did some thing called "Eve rocks," which I assume has something to do with a rock called "Eve" on the side of a Welsh mountain.

n)2001kraft. WHY DID YOU DO IT!! AHH! You spelt "craft" "kraft" ahh, the pain!! You know, every time you spell craft that way, a "C" dies. :( What a monster!

n)Laythe Dweller. Actually requested a blurb! Ha ha ha! He wants this written about him: Nobody really knows anything about this guy. He did something with Krakens, I think. Just another noob. Ha ha ha! As if he could influence what's written about him! I would remove him from the forums right now, but, like any self-respecting supervillian, I'll leave him because he "has spirit," so he can survive to plot my downfall.

n)CelticCossack51. Every time I see his username, I think of this:

So he gets on the list.

n)WinkAllKerb'. That is a weird username. Says he's mostly grumpy, but not mostly. Riiight. *Backs away slowly, and adds to list*

n)TheMoonRover. Is his avatar a reference to extremely unrealistic movie? Does he really advertise a mod which adds very old parts from KSP? Did he edit that post? Why did he join this group? Is this a question? Wait, who's writing this? Am I channeling Lemony Snicket? Now I'm confused?

n)K3achas. Actually says he's a awesome person! Sounds like a superiority complex to me. This is responsible for the paradox in which those with an inferiority complex are the ones who present themselves in the best light possible; while those with a superiority complex may not attempt to make themselves look good. Actually, this cheap knock-off complex probably does nothing.

n)Bev7787. 95% of his explosions are on purpose. His occupation is adding struts, maybe SpaceX should hire him. He would be removed from this list, but his sig says he still supports the go stock movement.

n)xtoro. Captain, we have a strange object on scanners! Go to visual. It appears to be an opinion about rep! Go to red alert! Man battle stations! Prepare anti-matter cannons! Aye aye, sir! Oh no, it's using it's rep-is-meaningless cannons! The engines canna take more of this! Shields to full! Prepare conventional ranking cannons! FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We hit it, sir!

n)Lime. Has a BLOG! That's right, a blog! Incredible! Unbearable! Of all the absurd, inane, insane, illegal, stupid, absurd things, a blog! Oh, wait, I have one. Never mind.

Want to know how much rep you have? Want to be a white bar? Look at windows_x_seven's tutorial: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128631-Tutorial-How-to-see-your-REP-after-hiding-it?p=2078280#post2078280

That's everyone I know of right now, if you are a White Bar, post here and I will add you.



Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
You'll never know! MWHA HA HA!
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I did this because I could, and decided I will keep it this way forever. Not sure there is anything special about be though, so I don't care if I'm on the list. I just lurk forums of all types :P.

Edited by Dres
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  kenbobo said:
I'm part of the group!
  SaturnianBlue said:
Party on! :) Officially top 5 I guess?
  The Laythe Initiative said:
I did this because I could, and decided I will keep it this way forever. Not sure there is anything special about be though, I just lurk forums of all types :P.


I hope the jokes are funny, and not offensive.

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  kenbobo said:
maybe add to my joke "nebraskan that likes corn" as to feed the funny nebraska stereotype?


  Spartwo said:
  Fel said:
White Bars are Cool

Will add you guys.

  Robotengineer said:
Why would anyone want to hide their rep?

I don't know, this is mostly a joke for me.

- - - Updated - - -

  DuoDex said:
I would like to n point out that I happen to be the first one to actually use this feature. Cough, cough, cough ;)

I will mention that.

- - - Updated - - -

Is the name of this thread too much like a place where alcoholic beverages are served, which excludes patrons of different skin color?

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I don't get it! Is this a self love thread, or "I'm better than you all, and here is why"...... I still don't get it.

Mind you, I use the forums to post, not to get rep or show off about it, or hiding it... then again, I never knew such a feature as hiding it existed... will I ever use it now that I know its there? No!

In the past, I have given rep if the person asks for it, or others have said they have given it AND I think the person is worthy of it based on what they are getting rep for. Other times, it never occurs to me to give rep. I cannot see the point of it, might be different if it had some actual use on the forums, like access to a special elite area for show offs... :)

No, honestly, I cannot see the point... I think when you get to a certain rep, you can hide it.... is that the case? For what reason?

Still baffles me... at least you guys are not bragging about how many pokemon cards you have... :)

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I don't get it! Is this a self love thread, or "I'm better than you all, and here is why"...... I still don't get it.

Mind you, I use the forums to post, not to get rep or show off about it, or hiding it... then again, I never knew such a feature as hiding it existed... will I ever use it now that I know its there? No!

In the past, I have given rep if the person asks for it, or others have said they have given it AND I think the person is worthy of it based on what they are getting rep for. Other times, it never occurs to me to give rep. I cannot see the point of it, might be different if it had some actual use on the forums, like access to a special elite area for show offs...

No, honestly, I cannot see the point... I think when you get to a certain rep, you can hide it.... is that the case? For what reason?

Still baffles me... at least you guys are not bragging about how many pokemon cards you have...

I think you're reading this wrong. Recently the option to hide your rep amount was added, and so MRS started a thread to parody the Light-Green Group one. Just a bit of harmless fun with a forum oddity :)

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  kiwi1960 said:
Yeah, I get that... but why hide it? Its not as if it counts for much at the end of the day.... does it?

Why even have it at all?

Where *IS* the rep shown anyhow.... :(

It's more humble, especially when compared to the thread that this is parodying. Rep's shown as the little reputation_pos.png icon under your user title and you can see your exact amount on your profile.

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  kiwi1960 said:
I don't get it! Is this a self love thread, or "I'm better than you all, and here is why"...... I still don't get it.

Mind you, I use the forums to post, not to get rep or show off about it, or hiding it... then again, I never knew such a feature as hiding it existed... will I ever use it now that I know its there? No!

In the past, I have given rep if the person asks for it, or others have said they have given it AND I think the person is worthy of it based on what they are getting rep for. Other times, it never occurs to me to give rep. I cannot see the point of it, might be different if it had some actual use on the forums, like access to a special elite area for show offs... :)

No, honestly, I cannot see the point... I think when you get to a certain rep, you can hide it.... is that the case? For what reason?

Still baffles me... at least you guys are not bragging about how many pokemon cards you have... :)

  kiwi1960 said:
Yeah, I get that... but why hide it? Its not as if it counts for much at the end of the day.... does it?

Why even have it at all?

Where *IS* the rep shown anyhow.... :(

Short story: Blame Duodex.

Long story: A couple people started to use this feature, which I don't think any of them intended to keep, and I made this thread, which is a parody of the "Light Green Group" which always has kind things to say about everyone on the list, while mine pokes fun at everyone on the list.

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