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Mod Community Base 3.0 - multiple bases, limited actions allowed - see rules

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Community Mod Bases 3.0

Welcome to the community base thread for Modded craft! The previous version only had Mun bases, but with the addition of Minmus and aircraft engines, it makes sense to have bases on all three landable bodies. Please read the rules and the how to request a flight section!

1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.15.2, and all current required mods. If your computer can\'t handle the full set of mods, TheCardinal has offered to help build limited mod sets to let you still fly - PM him when your turn comes up.

2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the upcoming flight List. You need to specify landing site details:

- If you plan to add to a craft one of the existing bases, specify which base your flight is planned for.

- If there is no base yet on your target planet/moon, or if the existing base already has at least 5 craft landed there, you can specify 'new <planet/moon> base.' Land at a location of your choice, and provide the name for the new base when you post your save. Exceptions to the 5 craft rule can be made if a landing site is too hard or too laggy before there 5 craft there.

- Instead of launching a new craft you can plan to move one of your existing ones from one base to another. Specify '<base name> to <base name> transfer' on your flight request.

3. I\'ll send you a PM and post in the thread when it\'s your turn to go. If you see that the person before you in the queue has posted their save file and I haven\'t gotten the notice out to you yet, definitely go ahead and start your mission!

4. At the end of your flight please post your persistent.sfs file as well a picture of the base.

5. Each person can add one mod on their turn, but doesn\'t have to. If you added one, post the name of the mod and a link to the forum thread for it in your after-flight post.

6. If you do not post a file within 48 hours, you are removed from the list and must request a new entry.

6a. If you warn me ahead of time and ask to put your turn on hold for up to 48 hours if it comes up, I\'ll just keep bumping you down instead of waiting for you to fly when you\'re not available.

7. If you screw up, you can try again in the same turn.

8. Have Fun!

Sign me up for a flight.

Destination base: Base name from the list below.

Planned additional mod: Optional, doesn\'t have to be announced, but it has to be a SINGLE mod that you will add, in addition to being able to use the mods that were added before your flight.

Current allowed bases:

Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus)

Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun)

Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun)

Lake Kostok Base (Kerbin)

Thrionian Cloria 1a, Planitia Livens (Minmus)

Aspiration Base (Mun)

The goal isn\'t to have everyone put things where ever they like and just have a shared save file. You can do that with the Kessler software, or in another thread, not here.

The goal isn\'t for everyone to set up their own Mun or Minmus base with twenty of their own rovers, a sauna, and a jukebox. You can do that without anyone else around.

The goal is to build a set of Community Bases. Where there\'s only a few bases, and each player adds their own special something to one of the bases one at a time. It ends up being a glorious mess of player A\'s little lander because he just wants to add something, player B\'s big fuel depot, player C\'s entire french cathedral made entirely out of wing parts, player D\'s rocket-propelled fighter plane, etc. When player E comes in for a landing he should be having to find a place to land among or just outside stuff added gradually over time by other players.

I\'m kicking things off with a first base on Minmus, and Carts for the first plugin. The persistence file is attached and will be updated as people finish their turns!


The Lake of Broken Landers - 36 deg. 0\' 51' S, 334 deg. 55\' 36' W (or 25 deg. 04\' 24' E)


Current craft: 7 landed, 1 scheduled

Thrionian Cloria 1a, Planitia Livens - 89 deg. 59\' 59' N, 393 deg. 33\' 51' W (or 33 deg. 33\' 51' W)


Current craft: 2 landed, 0 scheduled


Thrionian Cloria I Base - 0 deg. 42\' 44' N, 115 deg. 26\' 34' E


Current craft: 6 landed

Aluminium Oxide base - 05 deg. 45\' 10' S, 05 deg. 8\' 20\' W


Current craft: 3 landed, 3 scheduled

Aspiration Base - location

09 deg. 49\' 42' S, 25 deg. 54\' 54\' W


Current craft: 2 landed, 1 scheduled


Lake Kostok base - 79 deg. 52\' 50' S, 86 deg. 22\' 13' W


Current craft: 1 landed, 2 scheduled

Past Flights:

Undamaged - No damages.

Lightly Damaged - Small damages, able to fly.

Medially Damaged - Heavy damages, able to fly.

Heavily Damaged - Unable to fly.

Out of Fuel-Little/no damage, little/no fuel.

1. Khyron42 - Minmus Rover - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - added Carts mod

2. Candre - SEV - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - no mod added

3. dogon11 - DogonHabitation-1 - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - BACE 3.1 and Novapunch added by special exception since he expected MisterSpork\'s flight to add Novapunch.

4. MisterSpork - Cloria I HQ - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - no mod added

5. Candre - HTV - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - no mod added

6. Khyron42 - E Aho Laula - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - no mod added

7. sirscott - Munar Communications Unit - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - added MechJeb mod

8. luciencd - Mun rover mk3 - Aluminium Oxide base (Mun) - added Sunbeam Laser

9. zekes - Zekes 1 & 'Zekes 1 Debris' rover - Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun) - added Thunderbird 3

10. dogon11 - DogonHabitation-2 - Lake Kostok Base (Kerbin) - no mod added

11. speedollama - CLORIA I SHUTTLE - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - no mod added

12. Radion Space Works - Titanic Habitation Module - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - Probodobodyne added

13. Candre - Falcon33-Rover - Thrionian Cloria 1a, Planitia Livens (Minmus) - no mod added

14. MisterSpork - Thrionian 1a Rover - Thrionian Cloria 1a, Planitia Livens (Minmus) - no mod added

15. xeranes - Space Outhouse - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - no mod added

16. Tim_Barrett - Pizza Delivery Mk2 - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - no mod added

17. Cooly568 - Community Space Hotel - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - added mobile Space Port

18. zekes - Z-BL3 - Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun) - added ExPI

19. TheCardinal - Gabriel 13 - Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun) - added IFE

20. RedDwarfIV - Aspiration Observer- Aspiration Base (Mun) - added C7\'s old Mod pack

21. Candre - RCS Lander - Aspiration Base (Mun) - no mod added

Upcoming Flights:

On all of the ones stating 'no new mod announced', they\'re still free to add one - and the ones that people have listed can change - you don\'t have to announce your mod ahead of time, just your destination so that we can tell when new base options are likely to open up.

on hold to photograph the bases before 0.16 arrives!

shhhilent1 - Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus) - no new mod announced

khyron42 - Lake Kostok Base (Kerbin) - plans to add Fixed Camera mod

dogon11 - Lake Kostok Base (Kerbin) - no new mod announced

zekes - Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun) - no new mod planned

Cthulufaic - Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun) - no new mod planned

speedollama - Aluminium Oxide Base (Mun) - new mod TBD

TheCardinal - Aspiration Base (Mun) - plans to add Damned Robotics 1.2

Lord Wasteland - Aspiration Base (Mun) - plans to add Kosmos Station Parts Pack

Here\'s what you\'re expected to do when your turn comes around:

- make sure you have all the previously used mods installed.

- add one additional mod if you like.

- download the latest persistence file.

- to check that the mods are all installed, go to the tracking station. If you get any message about a vessel not being loaded because of missing parts, you\'re missing one of the previously used mods.

- make sure your craft doesn\'t use any parts other than the ones in those mods and the one you\'re adding. (The simplest way to do this is to use a separate install of KSP for the community flights, with only the appropriate mods installed.)

- fly your flight.

- if you\'re landing a rover, put on the handbrakes to keep it from rolling away when someone else lands (B key). If you\'re landing a plane you may have to retract the landing gear, or just accept the fact that it will roll away during future landings by others.

- Make a post in this thread with the persistence file as an attachment, a link to the forum thread for the mod you\'ve added, and a screenshot showing all craft that have landed at the current base, not just yours.

If you are defining a new landing site on your turn, after landing I recommend that you submit it as a place name to the Kerbin Geographic Society thread over in General Discussion.

Carts 1.32

NovaPunch 1.2beta

BACE 3.1

MechJeb 1.8.4

SUNBEAM Laser 2.1

Thunderbird 3

Probodobyne DIY kit v0.5

BigTrak v.23

Mobile Spaceport v1.1

ExPI v0.3.0

IFE v1.4.2

C7\'s old mod pack

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I\'ll try to get some rovers down on the Lake of Broken Landers on Minmus. Maybe the basic cart and the Mun rover models, if you\'re okay with more than one mission per flight window.


Base: Lake of Broken Landers, Minmus

Craft: a Multi-Purpose Roving Vehicle (MPRV) and a Small Exploration Vehicle (SEV)

I might add a small lander into the mix if I have the time; the design is pending.

No new mods required

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Base request:

Owner: Misterspork

- Thrionian Cloria I Base

-- New Mun Base

-- New mod: NovaPunch(I actually had a hard time deciding between this, BigTrak, and MechJeb, but I felt for my first base NovaPunch would be best. Ooohh, I have some crazy plans for later bases)

-- Additional Info:

--- No specified landing site(I feel like I wouldn\'t be able to do this efficiently without MechJeb or a calculator), will be equatorial

--- This is the first in a line of many 'Cloria' bases, designed to sustain a small crew and contain supplies for an extended period of time. These are not self sustaining however, and will need occasional resupply flights(Will I need to actually do these?)

--- Later, we will shift to self-sustaining 'Degnin' class bases, designed for a much larger crew, and the size of a large factory building.

--- Not built as of the time of this posting, but will be built roughly 14 hours from now, and flown immediately after.

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I\'ll try to get some rovers down on the Lake of Broken Landers on Minmus. Maybe the basic cart and the Mun rover models, if you\'re okay with more than one mission per flight window.


Base: Lake of Broken Landers, Minmus

Craft: a Multi-Purpose Roving Vehicle (MPRV) and a Small Exploration Vehicle (SEV)

I might add a small lander into the mix if I have the time; the design is pending.

No new mods required

Candre: one ship per turn. Then after your turn you can say 'put me back on the list.'

Added Candre, MisterSpork and Sal_vager to the flight list.

Candre, it\'s your turn! In past setups, it\'s worked best to build a separate install of KSP to do the community bases, with only the required mods, and save the persistence file into that separate install. That was you don\'t end up accidentally including extra mods from your primary install, and don\'t endanger your main install\'s persistence file.

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Glorious! I was hoping to see a new community base. I have improved a little since the last time I flew here , and more importantly can now use mechajeb =P

Anyways , id like a slot for the Mun base if possible. I have some ideas for a solar panel array.

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I managed to get the Small Exploration Vehicle (SEV) down on the surface and took it for a spin. I over-engineered the launch vehicle so I ended up landing on the surface of Minmus with the entire Kerbin orbit insertion stage still attached. I chose to leave the insertion stage there and pretend that it\'s a fuel depot on the surface. If you\'d like it removed I still have the pre-landing persistence file backed up. I can re-land with just the rover assembly and let it crash into the surface. Pics:




The SEV has 2 of the Cart 1.32 RCS tanks and 4 RCS thrusters, so I assume that it can get back to Kerbin. Consider it Undamaged.

Put me down on the list again; I\'d like to get a truck down in the same spot.

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I am actually on a different computer right now, so I don\'t have the prototype I built on the other. I think I have a better idea however.


New mod: NovaPunch

The Cloria I Mun base begins now. If I can finish it in the timespan of an hour, which I have confidence I can.

Wait, does it count as two ships if I have a rover attached to the main base? No right, because they were launched from one vehicle?

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Go for it Misterspork (if you haven\'t already). It\'s your turn!

Original post updated. I\'m also requesting another mission for myself, to the base Misterspork is in the middle of establishing.

I think we\'ve set the precedent already with Candre\'s landing that it\'s ok to land a ship and then detach a rover.

Let\'s go with that being ok from now on, but no more than one craft launched/moved to another base per turn!

The rovers will make great ways to move from one base to another on the same object.

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I tested my habitation base in a separate KSP. It works beautifully. Granted, It probably can\'t land on the Mun, so it\'s guaranteed for Minmus, unless by some freak accident we lose half our fuel.

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It is my largest lander(shocking, isn\'t it :P. I plan much larger though).

It is large enough for a crew of 3, and contains space for 2 week\'s supplies(In the side tanks). It has fuel to spare, but in order to return it\'ll need refueling. I can consider it stranded without help.


Rest of the album:


The album is a little out of order because I couldn\'t figure out how to reorder it :P.

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Sorry for the double post, but I would like to request a second landing:

Owner: Misterspork

- Cloria II Minmus Base

-- New Minmus Base

-- New Mod: MechJeb

-- Additional Info:

--- No specified landing site(I feel like I wouldn\'t be able to do this efficiently without MechJeb or a calculator)

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Misterspork, there\'s a problem - I\'ve tried twice now to visit your craft from the tracking station (I usually do this to make sure no ones ships are unstable and make sure that I have all the mods right.)

Both times, it starts sliding down the slope that you parked it on, then trips over its own landing gear after a minute, falls over, and falls apart. That means it\'s also going to do that the first time someone else lands at this base. Do you want to try visiting it yourself and see if you have the same problem? If so, you\'ll need to move it to where the slope is at least a little bit less.

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I think in the old thread, if it didn\'t have some means of crew return, it was considered out of fuel. With the new rule allowing transfers from base to base, I\'d say if it doesn\'t have enough to lift off and land somewhere else on the same body, it\'s out of fuel. Enough fuel to just barely hover and move to a different location within the same base wouldn\'t count. Rovers will always be green by those rules, as long as they don\'t qualify for yellow/orange/red status.

The reason I\'m even keeping track of it is that 'green' craft are eligible for moving from one base to another on a future turn.

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I think in the old thread, if it didn\'t have some means of crew return, it was considered out of fuel. With the new rule allowing transfers from base to base, I\'d say if it doesn\'t have enough to lift off and land somewhere else on the same body, it\'s out of fuel. Enough fuel to just barely hover and move to a different location within the same base wouldn\'t count. Rovers will always be green by those rules, as long as they don\'t qualify for yellow/orange/red status.

The reason I\'m even keeping track of it is that 'green' craft are eligible for moving from one base to another on a future turn.

So I either add more fuel, or it will be blue no matter what?

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Khyron42, I apologize but I must retract my request for a flight slot for the community Mod base.

Having installed NovaPunch my Mod install of KSP has become unusable, there are simply too many parts loaded into RAM, as it is my Stock install already suffers from an average frame rate of 4 to 5 on the launchpad or runway, with NovaPunch installed my frame rate was less than 1 every 2 seconds.

If things improve in version 0.15.1 I will submit a new request.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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