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Kerbal SpaceK (X) - Stage Reusability Challenge

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This challenge was inspired by the SpaceX Falcon 9 ship, and was made to realize how hard can it be to land a rocket in a platform.

The Challenge:

Make a ship capable of launch, put a payload in orbit and land in:

- Sea (Score = Score)

- Ground (Score x2)

- Ground Platform (Score x4)

- Sea platform (Score x10)

The Rules

- Stock parts only. KSP version 1.0.3 or 1.0.4 only, entries from earlier versions will not be considered.

- No cfg editing, save editing, debug menu, or any other shenanigans.

- No physics exploits, the vessel must be lifted by thrust and aerodynamic lift alone.

- Images or video of your design is required for entry, showing launch mass and cost, recovery part mass and cost recovery, and enough in between to show how your vessel works. Craft files are encouraged so we can learn from each other's techniques.

Permitted mods: Visual/immersion mods, informational mods, autopilot. KOS (But it will put you in a different category)

Forbidden mods: Anything that modifies stock parts, adds new parts, or changes the game's physics in any way.

The Scoring:

Score = Recovery part cost / (Launch Cost - Payload Cost) * 10 * multiplier

The Leaderboard:

  • Manual landing:

- Dragoon -

#2 - 15.40
- FalKon 9 -




  • KOS Automated landing:​







Medal 1 KOS.pngMedal 1 Manual.png

(Challenge base template by Red Iron Crown - Stock Payload Fraction Challenge: 1.0.4 Edition)

Edited by driconmax
Updated Leaderboard and Badges!
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What kind of payload? Can you be more specific?

Anything, from a little satellite to a manned pod. The score is based on the launch vehicle, excluding the payload.

Edited by driconmax
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Landing on the launch pad is really hard, I give up. Here's my score from a landing at KSC.

Challenge Specs:

Launch Cost: 129,407

Payload Cost:15,050

Recovered Value:107,046

Land on land: 2X multiplier

Score: 18.72

Payload Value:


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Landing on the launch pad is really hard, I give up. Here's my score from a landing at KSC.

Challenge Specs:

Launch Cost: 129,407

Payload Cost:15,050

Recovered Value:107,046

Land on land: 2X multiplier

Score: 18.72

Payload Value:


Nice landing! And good score!

Take this:


Edited by driconmax
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I feel like the hardest part is going to be getting a platform in the ocean :P






Landed a test vessel on its side. Then when I went to take a ss i hit shift. That's probably what happened with spacex.



The challenge should be: Can you get a platform into the ocean and 5km from shore.


Runway broke. Platform was fine.


Edited by iamchairs
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I feel like the hardest part is going to be getting a platform in the ocean







Landed a test vessel on its side. Then when I went to take a ss i hit shift. That's probably what happened with spacex.



The challenge should be: Can you get a platform into the ocean and 5km from shore.


Runway broke. Platform was fine.


I'll post pictures of my platform so you have an idea

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I'll post pictures of my platform so you have an idea

I feel like the hardest part is going to be getting a platform in the ocean






Landed a test vessel on its side. Then when I went to take a ss i hit shift. That's probably what happened with spacex.



The challenge should be: Can you get a platform into the ocean and 5km from shore.


Runway broke. Platform was fine.


Here they are!






Edited by driconmax
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This is currently what I'm working on. It's as close as I can get to the real falcon 9 while in KSP.

Although I could have better twr, I chose to limit some of the engines to have the same thrust as the real life counter part.

Current costs of both stages and the fuel payload is 175,360.

Cost of rocket without fuel (hopefully close to the recover cost) is 139,686.

Payload is 13 tons of fuel and costs 1102.

What I hope to do is use KOS to launch, separate and land the first stage, get into orbit and dock with a station.

Two questions though:

One: Since I may be taking an arched trajectory that may result in my first stage landing far from KSP. Isn't this going to affect the score?

Two: Can I use a stage recovery mod to save states of my vessel while piloting the separate stages.

Edited by macktruck6666
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This entry is not optimised for a good score in this challenge, but rather to resemble the part of the Falcon9 recovery I found the most incredible when first reading about it: Returning the first stage to the launchpad.

The first stage is shut down at 29km, a velocity vector of about 45 inclination and an orbital speed of approx 1.0km/s.

A quicksave is made here, and the 2nd stage is ignited and lifted to a circular orbit of 73x73km, with 437m/s dV left.

The quicksave is loaded and the first stage performs a horizontal retro-burn (900m/s dV), sending it back towards the launch site.

With airbrakes at the top, the 1st stage is stable and easy to land without toppling over, from a ballistic orbit. A suicide burn can be made from about 800-1000m.

Maneuvering for a precision landing is much harder - I have not managed that.

Launch cost: 100.243

Payload cost: 2.979 ( Large Holding Tank w. 450 Ore : 6.5 tonnes )

Recovered part cost: 74.900 (excl fuel)

Land on land: 2X multiplier

Score: 15.40

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