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KSP Caveman Challenge!

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Was thinking of doing this myself until I realized I'd have to collect science manually.

I don't know, might endure the right-click-a-thon just to participate...

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  5thHorseman said:
I have been assuming that outside resources are fine. I've even considered using outside dV calculators, though I don't think I need them for Mun or Minmus (at worst, I'll just revert and tweak. It's not like a Mun or Minmus land-and-come-home mission takes all that much time).

I figure I'll do tests in an install with KER to figure stuff out, then try it in a vanilla.

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  mattssheep4 said:
I figure I'll do tests in an install with KER to figure stuff out, then try it in a vanilla.

Phillistine! Cavemen don't test with FAR! Shun the nonbeliever!! :sticktongue:

Seriously... There's nothing in the rules that says you can't do that, but the fun of caveman- style is figuring it all out on your own.



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well only 3 nodes to go and I've only done 1 landing on each moon so far. working around that weight limit is a PITA if I want to get any decent dv in orbit. Napkin math is showing a bit over 2.7kdv once in LKO on my best design if I want to bring 1 of each experiment. Just barely enough to land on mun and get back (although my first probe faild that last bit and had to transmit) If I want to go interplanetary I'll probably have to lob a couple T400s into orbit with a docking port on them (the tiny one is in the last tier) and build a stack of gas cans on the end of the probe once in orbit. Think that will prety much kill the extention I had planed for after the challenge as it would take 3-4 launches for strap on fuel tanks for every probe I want to send out and have return... thats more time than I wana put into this :P well either that or farm the moons but that gets old fast as well.

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  merendel said:
well only 3 nodes to go and I've only done 1 landing on each moon so far. working around that weight limit is a PITA if I want to get any decent dv in orbit. Napkin math is showing a bit over 2.7kdv once in LKO on my best design if I want to bring 1 of each experiment. Just barely enough to land on mun and get back (although my first probe faild that last bit and had to transmit) If I want to go interplanetary I'll probably have to lob a couple T400s into orbit with a docking port on them (the tiny one is in the last tier) and build a stack of gas cans on the end of the probe once in orbit. Think that will prety much kill the extention I had planed for after the challenge as it would take 3-4 launches for strap on fuel tanks for every probe I want to send out and have return... thats more time than I wana put into this :P well either that or farm the moons but that gets old fast as well.

Funny, I had the *exact same* experience. I transmitted from the surface early- on until I worked out how to get home. My one mission to Minmus made it home, but I wasted so much DV trying to get an encounter that it scared me off from trying it again.



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  GoSlash27 said:
Funny, I had the *exact same* experience. I transmitted from the surface early- on until I worked out how to get home. My one mission to Minmus made it home, but I wasted so much DV trying to get an encounter that it scared me off from trying it again.



For me it was the fact that I also got a satellite contract for mun that I tried to double duty. After completing that contract I landed and was probably 20dv short of achieving orbit agian, tried anyway and transmitted before crashing. As for minus I just left at the DN/AN. Tilted the map so I could line up my orbit, mun's orbit, kerbin, and minmus's orbit and did my burn when my craft was flying through that imaginary point while minmus was a bit less than 1/4th of an orbit from the node. Managed to hit it on my first try, was a crappy encounter but it got the job done. since this was my mun prob I could have made a few biome hops but only had 1 set of experiements and no way to reset them.

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  GoSlash27 said:
Phillistine! Cavemen don't test with FAR! Shun the nonbeliever!! :sticktongue:

Seriously... There's nothing in the rules that says you can't do that, but the fun of caveman- style is figuring it all out on your own.



This is true. I'm most of the way through it by now, and I never actually took the effort to do it first in another install. Mostly because its a challenge, and challenges are fun.

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  Kaboom! said:
Wow, people are actually trying this! I'll go for it and post my steps to succeed. Can we use KJR?


Sorry, no. No mods. Although in this case KJR won't help anyway; you won't be able to build anything big enough to have structural integrity problems.



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  GoSlash27 said:

Sorry, no. No mods. Although in this case KJR won't help anyway; you won't be able to build anything big enough to have structural integrity problems.



Oh, ok. Wish me luck, probably gonna give it up, but might as well go for it! Wish me luck.
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Congratulations, Merendel! You are hereby initiated into the clan as the first member. It's scary to see how similar your early designs were to mine.
Perhaps it's because we're so limited by our options, but I prefer to think of it as "primitive minds think alike"

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There's really only so many ways to make orbit with 18 tons and 30 parts to play with :P Cant really lob more than 2-3 tons of payload up, higher mass fractions require launchers too large or complex for the low tech constraints. Heck even if we had access to higher tier nodes alot of things are out, dont think I could even get a refinery into orbit for example.

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My "Kill me" (because I deserve it after designing this monstrosity) vessel should *just* have the fuel to land on Minmus and come home, if everything goes perfectly. Sadly, it REQUIRES a pilot and seats 1, so It won't get me the scientist bonus, but it's starting to look like that's a pipe dream anyway. I'm hoping to get episode 2 recorded tomorrow and posted Friday, but I'll give you a hint: non-symmetrical.

I gotta say, Slashy, that this has been more of a challenge (and therefore more enjoyable) than I thought it would be. Thanks for the idea!

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  5thHorseman said:
My "Kill me" (because I deserve it after designing this monstrosity) vessel should *just* have the fuel to land on Minmus and come home, if everything goes perfectly. Sadly, it REQUIRES a pilot and seats 1, so It won't get me the scientist bonus, but it's starting to look like that's a pipe dream anyway. I'm hoping to get episode 2 recorded tomorrow and posted Friday, but I'll give you a hint: non-symmetrical.

I gotta say, Slashy, that this has been more of a challenge (and therefore more enjoyable) than I thought it would be. Thanks for the idea!


We have faith in you! Another bonus: The pics and videos submitted for this challenge will make excellent tutorials for folks who are just getting started. For example, my favorite early contraption...


A jet- powered parasail, perfect for collecting science from the rooftops :D



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  GoSlash27 said:

We have faith in you! Another bonus: The pics and videos submitted for this challenge will make excellent tutorials for folks who are just getting started. For example, my favorite early contraption...


A jet- powered parasail, perfect for collecting science from the rooftops :D



I dont know whats scarier. that you actually built that thing or that it apparently worked.

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  merendel said:
I dont know whats scarier. that you actually built that thing or that it apparently worked.

Oh, it works beautifully! :D Doesn't even need a "pilot" because it's naturally stable. Also very easy for a newbie to fly and land on a precise spot.

Here, check it out for yourself:


Takeoff: Don't bother with SAS. Just throttle up to full. Nose down a bit to keep the tail from dragging. It should liftoff and climbout on its own. Engage the parking brake after takeoff.

Cruise: Throttle to about 90% for level flight. Steer with yaw.

Landing: Check to make sure parking brake is engaged. Throttle to 75% and apply full pitch up. Control descent rate with throttle and lateral drift with yaw. Throttle to zero on touchdown.



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  GoSlash27 said:

We have faith in you! Another bonus: The pics and videos submitted for this challenge will make excellent tutorials for folks who are just getting started. For example, my favorite early contraption...

It took a lot of practice but I can get the ship to orbit consistently. I have to (via the thrust limiter) throttle down one of the engines as I rise through the air and the center of mass changes, all while making sure I aim correctly for my gravity turn. Poor Bob, but I *need* a pilot's ability to hold a heading for this one.

Hopefully it won't take 9 separate missions to get all of the Minmus biomes :D I think I only need a couple, especially if I drill down and get the extra science doodad.

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I'm working on this still. Haven't had much time to dedicate but this weekend should be good. I made a poor tech tree decision and I've hampered some progression (picked heavy rocketry early, hoping to use kickback srb, but its too heavy. and still dont have solar), but I am not deterred! I am caveman!

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  Mesklin said:
My submission for challenge, good training for piloting skills :D


Wait, we're allowed to use KER?? That would make life so much easier! I temporarily gave up yesterday after accidentally pressing Alt-F4 just as I was reaching Minmus (I was wanting Alt-F5).. - I don't usually play on Windows so I was a bit flabbergasted to have the game disappear.

So far I have all of the first 4 tiers unlocked and 2 nodes in the 5th level.

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I used KER only in VAB and SPH, not for flying. Constructing ships without instruments looks like masochism for me. In any case, I can construct right ships in different game session and move it to challenge session.

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  micha said:
Wait, we're allowed to use KER?? That would make life so much easier! I temporarily gave up yesterday after accidentally pressing Alt-F4 just as I was reaching Minmus (I was wanting Alt-F5).. - I don't usually play on Windows so I was a bit flabbergasted to have the game disappear.

So far I have all of the first 4 tiers unlocked and 2 nodes in the 5th level.


No, we're not....



- - - Updated - - -

  Mesklin said:
My submission for challenge, good training for piloting skills :D



Sorry, but I can't accept this entry. No mods allowed. Darn shame, 'cuz I know you put a lot of work into it. :(

Constructing ships without instruments looks like masochism for me.

Ahh, but that's the entire point, dear boy ;) "Caveman" is about getting the job done with only the most primitive parts and tools. That's what makes it difficult.



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