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Heat Wave...


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Fellow Kerbalists and Kerbonauts,

we have a heat wave here and I can't play KSP right now, because it's unusual to have AC here. Who ever is out there and has the same problem: You are not alone. We will survive this, as all our Kerbals survive re-entry heat. And soon enough we will be able to play again.

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Germany is pretty hot these days... i don´t have AC as well, but my systems coolers manage to keep the computer in non destructive temperature regions...

Thumbs up, that you will get to space again soon! :)

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At first I read that as not having 'Alternating Current' and got a bit confused, but you mean 'Air Conditioning' right?

Yeah, not much fun dripping sweat all over the keyboard I imagine. My sympathy to you all suffering with this.

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You guys, you guys think you have it bad.........

Just take a look at Texas, i had to go a week without AC, in Louisiana, and it wasnt as bad as going without AC for a week in texas......

Just know we texans deal with the heat, the humidity, and a bunch of rain (a lot of other stuff too :P )!

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Yeah, temperatures between 32 en 37 degrees Celsius here the last several days, unusual for this region. Don't have an AC though, I don't think its worth the investment due to the heat here being ... well ... unusual and therefore a rarity ... !

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4 days ago it hit 36C here (central Britain) at about 6pm, 60% relative humidity, according to my weather station at home. When the air itself is hotter than your tongue it gets pretty damn uncomfortable.

And for an added bonus the buses on my route to work and back do NOT have air con. Imagine a small, cramped tin box driving around in the blazing sun all day with only 3 openable windows and 33 people on board all moaning, sweating profusely and nearly passing out. My phone told me it was 46C and 90% inside the vehicle (on the shady side!).

When I stepped off the bus and took an icy cold breath of 36 degree Celsius air I felt genuine relief.

Britain is not prepared for this kind of weather. I fear that the Earth is on a decaying orbit.

But at least it wasn't as bad as the now legendary "Heatwave of '76" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_United_Kingdom_heat_wave

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4 days ago it hit 36C here (central Britain) at about 6pm, 60% relative humidity, according to my weather station at home. When the air itself is hotter than your tongue it gets pretty damn uncomfortable.

And for an added bonus the buses on my route to work and back do NOT have air con. Imagine a small, cramped tin box driving around in the blazing sun all day with only 3 openable windows and 33 people on board all moaning, sweating profusely and nearly passing out. My phone told me it was 46C and 90% inside the vehicle (on the shady side!).

When I stepped off the bus and took an icy cold breath of 36 degree Celsius air I felt genuine relief.

Britain is not prepared for this kind of weather. I fear that the Earth is on a decaying orbit.

But at least it wasn't as bad as the now legendary "Heatwave of '76" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_United_Kingdom_heat_wave

86 degrees is normal in texas ;-;

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86 degrees is normal in texas ;-;

Few people realize how uncomfortable it gets in Minnesota in the summer as well...but for us it's not the heat itself, it is the combination of that and the humidity. It is commonplace to get into the upper-80's or lower 90's (30C-35C) with 95 to 100% humidity in the summer; though this summer has been fairly cool for us thus far. Currently (8:30 AM local time) it's 71 degrees with 81% humidity. Expected highs of 85 degrees w/95% humidity...thank Kod for the local swimming pool (and Central Air Cond.).

Good luck and cool breezes to all who are suffering in the heat.

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No AC here either. My CPU is usually around 20-30C at idle, but this heat has had it up around 40-50c at idle the past week.

Hasn't stopped me jumping on KSP though. The room temp has been hovering around 31c so keeping a close eye on PC temps as you can imagine. It does help that I have a ceiling fan in here though.

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KELVIN is the way to go, my friend :)

But brace yourselfs, fellow europeans. Thunderstorms are coming.

*spreads his arms and looks to the sky* Oh, cleansing rain!

My laptop's cooling pad is turned on all the time. However, before the heat wave I was staying at grandma's. Without the pad, laptop reached some pretty impressive temperatures (talking about the 90s range, celsius folks!)

Back to the topic, my city can have pretty awful weather. During the winter, rain is very common. On September 29, 2013 it was the rainiest city in the world. Summer is a whole different story - temperature is known to rise close to 40 degrees. There are a lot of jokes about weather, most common is the dilemma "umbrella or sunglasses?"

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Few people realize how uncomfortable it gets in Minnesota in the summer as well...but for us it's not the heat itself, it is the combination of that and the humidity. It is commonplace to get into the upper-80's or lower 90's (30C-35C) with 95 to 100% humidity in the summer; though this summer has been fairly cool for us thus far. Currently (8:30 AM local time) it's 71 degrees with 81% humidity. Expected highs of 85 degrees w/95% humidity...thank Kod for the local swimming pool (and Central Air Cond.).

Good luck and cool breezes to all who are suffering in the heat.

You'd hate Louisiana then.. lol, I went there for a week and slept in a canvas tents with too many holes to count, 98% humidity, no air conditioning, no indoor activities, no pool, no lake.... no way to cool off. but hey, it was fun!

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You'd hate Louisiana then.. lol, I went there for a week and slept in a canvas tents with too many holes to count, 98% humidity, no air conditioning, no indoor activities, no pool, no lake.... no way to cool off. but hey, it was fun!

Yeah, the deep south is my bane weather-wise. Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia...all unbearably humid and hot. I understand why people say life moves slower down there...I wouldn't want to move at all, and I'd still be sweating.

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Yep, 39°C/102°F here in the east of France. I've been unable to toy around with KSP for a week, my PC shuts itself down after a few minutes when the game is running.

Bah, at least it's ok with my graph applications. So, Let's work ! (with a vaporous brain)

It makes sense after all, but it always surprises me how much KSP is resource demanding. I can have Illustrator, Photoshop and Soundforge open, while Premiere is rendering a video in the background, without exploding the thermometer.

PS : still, "Summertime, yay!"

Edited by Plume & Akakak
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