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Sun's atmosphere : what the point ?

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Since 1.0 the Sun (/Kerbol) have an atmosphere, starting at 600 000m ("Flying high"). There's even a flying low (juste noted "flying at the Sun") border at 18 000m.

But what's the point ? You can't even get to 100 000 000m without exploding because of the heat. I even tried to hide myself behind an asteroid with tons of radiators. That didn't work.

Is it just to make the game kind of "scientifically correct" while nobody could even see it without cheating ?

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People have gone into Kerbol's atmosphere before. I can't find the thread right now, but there was one full of sundiving probes, and someone got up to half Kerbin's atmospheric pressure in Kerbol's atmosphere before exploding due to temperature.

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People have gone into Kerbol's atmosphere before. I can't find the thread right now, but there was one full of sundiving probes, and someone got up to half Kerbin's atmospheric pressure in Kerbol's atmosphere before exploding due to temperature.

The thread, for those interested: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124522-Solar-Limbo-How-Low-can-you-Go

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Thanks for the thread.

Unfortunately the only person who entered the atmosphere was using a glitch in 1.0.2.

The actual best sundive remains à 300 000 000m, which is far from atmosphere.

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This is totally unreal. I play sandbox so don;t bother with science, but COME ON ... SQUAD.... a sun, having an atmosphere... pray tell, why does it not burn away in mere milliseconds?

Where does this magical oxygen or whatever come from?

Please, Squad, reconsider this... KEEP IT REAL!

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This is totally unreal. I play sandbox so don;t bother with science, but COME ON ... SQUAD.... a sun, having an atmosphere... pray tell, why does it not burn away in mere milliseconds?

Where does this magical oxygen or whatever come from?

Please, Squad, reconsider this... KEEP IT REAL!



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They should have stated a gaseous atmosphere... much like our Moon has.:(

Huh? Atmosphere by definition means gaseous. Atmos is Greek for gas/vapor, sphere is Greek for round thing. Therefore an atmosphere is a ball of gas. By definition.

Of course, in KSP right now, the only planet with a real atmosphere is Kerbin. All the other planets (don't know about the sun) don't have atmospheres, they have levitating oceans.

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It's probably more like "the Sun is an object of the same type as Jool, except way bigger and hotter, and the light source is inside it"

Yeah, but Jool's atmosphere have it's use for aerobreaking and you can enter it to collect science.

Sun's one doesn't allow this.

But the thread seems to have gone into another discussion, too bad.

Actually if you want to define "atmosphere" by "ball of gas", the Sun doesn't have one, since the matter around it is in plasma state, which is different from gas.

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Ok I understand for mods.

But speaking of stock, it's not "very difficult", it's impossible, which is a bit sad. Proof of the "impossible" thing : the science points you get is the same amount that there's on Kerbin, which is ridiculous considering the "difficulty" to get there.

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What I meant by "it's like Jool" was "as far as the game engine is concerned, it's the same type of object." This may require it to have valid atmosphere heights set in its definition. The Kopernicus-using guys may have a better idea whether that's the case.

AndI mentioned Jool specifically because I read somewhere in the past that the Sun and Jool were not the same kind of object as the rocky bodies. Don't know myself, though.

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Stock contracts are auto-generated I think, so completely agree it's sad. That's being said, I've only ever encountered low-Kerbol orbit science contracts and the wiki doesn't list an atmos multiplier. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science#Celestial_body_multipliers

Happy to be corrected (and for a wiki update).

Thanks for the thread.

Unfortunately the only person who entered the atmosphere was using a glitch in 1.0.2.

The actual best sundive remains à 300 000 000m, which is far from atmosphere.

Didn't realize that or I would have never tried this!



Stripping out all the non-stock parts (which was the reason to do this in the first place, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91582-24-2-ESLD-Jump-Beacons-Dev-0-1a ), I can actually get much closer as stock has higher heat tolerance. It can survive in very low circular orbit if hyperedited there but "realistically" drops in from around Moho orbit radius.

  • 1.04 drag mechanics also results in good simulation of heat occlusion. True, radiators arranged this way won't work well in real life but it's all stock :sticktongue:
    • KSPInterstellar modifications to stock radiators are for a separate non-stock heat system and doesn't affect anything here

    [*]wide shallow fuel filled parts suffer from lots of radiative flux but

    • have a high heat tolerance
    • heat up slower than empty tanks
    • provide occlusion for all the radiators, that
    • have sufficient time to suck up and get rid of all the heat

    [*]and all the parts behind the tanks are still occluded up to a point - these also radiate heat

    [*]nose cones are amazing radiators so some radial attachment creativity there could work if anyone wants to try

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