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My nation post is already pretty much completed :3

In semi-related news, my nation\'s anthem is the song from KSP\'s credits. Because Lunus is awesome like that.


I really should get a real anthem up, and not just a horrible chant.

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i cant do the test for 2 ressons

1. microsoft office had buggered up on me

2.i am freeking out due to my end of ks3 exams :o :o :o

so asked im the apply thing for a deal

membership now=do test later when i can

How about no? You need to do the test to get membership. And what is ks3?

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That isn\'t how it works, popeter. You have your cause and effect mixed up.

Test first, then RP. I did it whilst doing my GCSEs.


@Lordwasteland, \'KS3\' is Key Stage 3\'. Around year 7 to year 9 in UK secondary schools.

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That isn\'t how it works, popeter. You have your cause and effect mixed up.

Test first, then RP. I did it whilst doing my GCSEs.


@Lordwasteland, \'KS3\' is Key Stage 3\'. Around year 7 to year 9 in UK secondary schools.

...And to be honest I should actually be revising for my end of KS3 science exam, which is tomorrow, and which I haven\'t revised for much, instead of sitting here and typing this.

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Anyone get access to the site?

As with all the \'outages\' of this site before, it still works on my kindle, for no readily apparent reason. There were a few people who could get on with normal home connections in the last outages as well, including one using the same internet package as me. Anyone have any idea why this could be happening?

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