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77 Industries - Other Construction Materials 0.2 - titanium


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Want something different than steel as a construction element?

I present to you titanium and aluminium!


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This is a demo vehicle:

see 77I-Alu Rover on KerbalX.com

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Aluminum has roughly a third of the density of steel, so I've divided stats like breaking force, breaking torque, crash tolerance, by three. And you've still got a very strong material.

Cost has risen, max temp set to 800.

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Edit: version 0.2:

added titanium

77 Industries - Other Construction Materials

Edited by Snark
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One of the advantages of aluminium is that for some things such as armour plate, it needs to be three times as thick for the same protection, and that hugely reduces the need for a separate frame, since the thicker plates are stiffer. It's like the use of monocoque structures in aircraft and cars. But, where the resistance to penetration isn't needed, it's not so obvious an advantage. To be honest, I'm not sure if the Kerbals are using steel or aluminium already.

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a few mineral suggestions:

iron: half the density of steel, so should have half the stats, as well as half the cost

plastic: 1/3 the density of aluminum, same crash tolerance, 1/3 the heat tolerance

concrete: 3x as dense as steel, 100mps crash tolerance, VERY heat resistant

paper: with just 10 plates, it's only 0.1 tons, very low crash speed (5) low heat resistance (400)

that's all i could think of with real minerals

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Plywood might be interesting.

It doesn't melt and i don't think it wil burn in a vacuum.

Just the right material for an interplanetary tool shed.

Very Kerbal.

I think it's funny, it's very realistic for pre-1943 airplanes, you're correct and what a nice start on the forum. Welcome!

a few mineral suggestions:

iron: half the density of steel, so should have half the stats, as well as half the cost

plastic: 1/3 the density of aluminum, same crash tolerance, 1/3 the heat tolerance

concrete: 3x as dense as steel, 100mps crash tolerance, VERY heat resistant

paper: with just 10 plates, it's only 0.1 tons, very low crash speed (5) low heat resistance (400)

that's all i could think of with real minerals

Again very nice suggestions, very nice first post, welcome!

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  • 4 weeks later...







in my opinion, you should use prices a factor.

titanium is awesome, but very expensive

and aluminium have it's advantagens, but is more expensive that iron.

just check these videos out:

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I'm not a hero at texturing, if someone knows some good textures, I'll be happy to use them.

Currently planning implementing the following materials:






Plastic ... let's assume we're talking about ABS - used for LEGO.

and for plastic I could choose to have FS textureswitcher support. Or maybe Kerbpaint support.

... Maybe I'll even put in some LEGO blocks ... if someone can provide me with the models :D

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Hey Azimech i was thinking, since you brought this up in BAD-T, maybe you could utilise the old P-Fairing mod to generate wing surfaces to wrap around a frame built out of this.

P.S I'm tempted to have a go at making the models for lego blocks but I'm busy enough making my own mod. :P

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Hey Azimech i was thinking, since you brought this up in BAD-T, maybe you could utilise the old P-Fairing mod to generate wing surfaces to wrap around a frame built out of this.

The old p-fairing mod? Why not the present? :-P I think it's doable but not very easy for wings.

@Erasmusguy: I was just thinking about this ... I could ask Lack for permission to use his triangles, I can resize some Squad models and adapt the values.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I'm diggin the idea of this mod. I wouldn't get too wrapped up in providing an astronomical list of potential materials. I would keep it realistic and simple. Aluminum, steel, plastic, titanium, maybe gold or ceramic. I wouldn't go too far overboard with that aspect. You'll start running into situations where the differences will be negligable and there will always be the O.P. material. The more you add, the more difficult balance becomes.

I can't wait to see this in 1.1. The only thing I would add would be that anything other than steel would need to be researched first in some way.

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