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Adventures of a Kerbonaut!


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<Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 - 12:07>

-Hello? One-two, testing?

*taps* *taps* *taps*

-Frank, is that microphone on? I'm trying to record an entry to my diary!

-Sure Jeb, its on, go ahead!


-Hello everybody, my name is Jebediah Kerman! I have recently been promoted to full-fledged Kerbonaut! I am about to embark on my journey to be the first Kerbal to set foot on the Sun. I am confident that one day, I'll be able to do this! :cool:

Engineers are currently tailoring my new space suit. It's expected to be ready tonight around 5 or 6 PM. I'll be sure to embark as soon as I can! So this is more of an introduction to what I plan to do in the near future! I will be trying very hard to collect important science that we need here on Kerbin in order to reach as far as possible. The sun being pretty far in the sky, I'll need a good dose of technology to reach it, as well as an unhealthy amount of stupidity. Don't you worry, I've got the stupidity thing down already!

I'll bring a camera crew with me on every single one of my expeditions, so that you can watch my progresses live, and I will make entries into this diary after every one of my missions. That way, if you couldn't see it live, you will still be able to get informed on my progresses!

So join me tonight on my adventure to the far ends of the galaxy! :confused:

<Wednesday, July 15th, 2015 - 07:51>

Wow, yesterday was quite the adventure! I have put on my new space suit around 6, and I finally got to see the stars from a little bit closer! My bosses didn't let me achieve a proper orbit around me beloved Kerbin, but I did reach out of the atmosphere, which I guess is quite the achievement for a guy who never got into a rocket before.

Space feels... Empty. I did not get permission from Command to do an EVA yet. Something about the Kerbonaut building not being big enough. It doesn't rellay make sense, but orders are orders!

The camera crew did an awesome job at following my progresses, but the engineers back at base are proper imbecils when it comes to desining space crafts... They would contruct some weird, unefficient piles of dump and blammed their lack of know-how on having contracts to fullfill testing stuff from places that those things should never be used. those idiots even asked me to open my chutes at 20 000 meters up in the sky, while I was going almost at 1km per second. Those mofos are crazy!!!

I'm glad tho, because even if my engineer crew are idiots, there is a force that seems like they just won't let me go. everythime things looked desperate, I was magically pulled back onto the launch pad by an unknown force. My bosses told me its a new technology called "Flight Reverting". I'm not so sure how they do that, but all I know is it saved my butt a few times. Okay, a LOT of times. Hopefully the science guys come out with some new parts that are more efficient than the ones we have at the moment, because this is getting nowhere!

I can see my bosses are dedicated to make this base a cutting-edge facility as a few of the buildings around here were noticably improved!

All in all, everybody were happy, we made a bit of money, we gained some reputation and we learnt a couple things from the experiments me did. My bosses want to try and send probes to analyse the Mun and maybe even Minmus next time we explore the universe, which should help us learn valuable things about our solar system! Technology here on Kerbin is now quite advanced enough to do that at the moment, but the science guy told me he's making progresses in that regards! What this guy is doing is nothing short of witchcraft, but I'm not going to complain as this helps us tremendously!

<Monday, July 21st, 2015 - 09:30>

Another good day at work yesterday. I ended up visiting another space facility nammed "sandbox" to try and find new ways of sending stuff in orbit even if our technology is very limited. I'm apparently not so good at desinging low-science vessels. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point. am I trying too hard to make things while I could make them more simple and more efficient? Is my flying itself not up to par? I doubt that as even if I don't claim to be the best pilot out there, I don't do anything really wrong... There are thing I could surely do better, but not to the point of having so much trouble.

I'll go back to that "sandbox" facility to try some more designs tonight.

Edited by Thunder_86
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