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KSP ValentinaxJeb Shipping!


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In my fanon:

- Jeb's wife Millie-Mae is an accountant. She briefly became the breadwinner of the family after Jeb got discharged from the Confederate Air Force and was toiling away at his finanically-insolvent junkyard, until he was recruited for the Space Program.

- Valentina met her future husband Yurov during the Great Kerbin War, when he was responsible for training her to fly military gliders. After the war, Yurov got into politics and eventually became the Minister of Science and Industry in their native country of Krussia.

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Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val are siblings. So, no spaceshipping for you!

Romantic Relationships in the United Kerbin Defence Force and the United Kerbin Space Probe Agency

Classified File

Jebediah is married to Jetspha Kerman. Jetspha Kerman is the head of VAB Operations.

-Jeb has 12 children (4 litters of 3).

Bill is agendered due to a time-travelling incident.

Bob was briefly married to fellow cowardly-astronaut Carphe Kerman, for tax reasons.

Valentina was married to Kirrim Kerman until he was dissolved in a vat of acid filled with specially bred acid resistant sharks for siding with the OSHA once.

-Valentina had one children who died the same year she was born due to a time-travelling incident.

Carphe was briefly married to Bob for tax reasons, and briefly dated a KSC Intern. Carphe was later abducted by aliens and killed.

Jobald Kerman is married to 5 women. This is completely legal on Kerbin. Those women were each married to 5 men, and all of the men were married to each other. I'll let you figure out how that works.

Derderrin Kerman was married to an astronaut, until she found out that he only went in a plane above 50 kilometers, which isn't space.

Wernher von Kerman is married to Maria von Kerman

Linus was dating some astronaut who went missing after some alien invasion.

Mortimer is cold and alone.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Why is this even a thing?

For the same reason that there's been a Fan Works forum on this board since it was set up. Folks like to write their own stories. It helps that KSP is a great game for stories because a) rockets and spaceflight and B) there's very little official backstory or canon to KSP, so plenty of room for players to fill in their own.

Moving on. :)

In my fanon, Val isn't even a kerbonaut right now. She'll have heard of Jeb and maybe seen him on TV but that's about it. As for them getting together - they're probably too similar for that to work. Although.... "I'm either starting to like her or I'm going to kill her." #HanSolo.

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Please, please no

The word "ship" used in this fandom context makes me want to punch a baby into a heliocentric orbit with an aphelion of 2.1 AU, perihelion of 0.8 AU, semi-major axis of 1.4 AU, an inclination of 1.1 degrees, longitude of ascending node of 22.3 degrees, and an argument of perihelion of 43.2 degrees.

It's 2:17 AM and I have no idea what I'm doing

A solid idea, but you're going to have to wait about another month to achieve that inclination

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The word "ship" used in this fandom context makes me want to punch a baby into a heliocentric orbit with an aphelion of 2.1 AU, perihelion of 0.8 AU, semi-major axis of 1.4 AU, an inclination of 1.1 degrees, longitude of ascending node of 22.3 degrees, and an argument of perihelion of 43.2 degrees.

It's 2:17 AM and I have no idea what I'm doing

Hey now, there's nothing wrong with shipping characters. I don't think the Kerbals feel romantic or sexual feelings to one another, but I'm not gonna rain on someone elses' parade if they think differently.
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