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I made my first cinimatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I like it, but not my choice of music however, that's just a bigoted option you can ignore.

I hope nobody was on-board when your MIR was de-orbited. :)

R.I.P. Stacy, we'll miss you.

Thank you so much! It means so much to hear that so early. Don't mind the influence of the music, with recent events in my life There is bound to be better days.

By the way it was an ISS

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I'd love to know what tools you used and how you did things like panning past the ISS in orbit. I've never made a cinematic, I'd be interesting to hear the perspective of a first timer.

Its funny, I used camera tools and you have to play with the mod a bit to get the intended affect, if you see a split second normal view its because of my sloppy editing.

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Its funny, I used camera tools and you have to play with the mod a bit to get the intended affect, if you see a split second normal view its because of my sloppy editing.

KerbCam is also a good tool for getting interesting shots in videos. Always plan to start the shot a little before you start recording, it helps prevent the split-second normal view problem. :)

Oh, and nice video. I liked it.

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That was so engaging, I didnt realise that 3.30 minutes had gone by! What I loved about this was its simplicity. To me, and im not an arty farty person, was that it felt like a dance, especially when you started to burn up and your solar panels went boom......after that your "arms" kept dancing to the music which isnt my sort of thing but none the less perfect for this experience.

Constructive criticism though, after the impact the cockpit scene did nothing for me, plus at times the camera was a little shakey.

DO NOT take that to heart......I enjoed watching it and will watch again for sure.

In a nutshell, a brilliant watch.....have some rep from me for your efforts

EDIT: My apologies friend......RIP Stacy

Edited by maceemiller
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