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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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.sfs editing was involved in getting two craft to the surface at once? or some mod?

I imagine you'd press f5 just after seperation, make a copy, fly one craft down, copy stats relevant to its landing, then fly the other craft down, and paste the stats for the first craft you landed. I think you'd also have to edit the files for the kerbals that died? or will the time of death and all that update when you put a craft in that says they have the kerbonaut there, alive?

I may just try .sfs editing to get some suborbital spaceplane launchers working.....

That should actually become a feature of the game, stuff that leaves physics range in the atmosphere should be stored temporarily, so you can go attempt to fly it if you wish.

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.sfs editing was involved in getting two craft to the surface at once? or some mod?

Nope, I waited to about 8000m, ejected Bob, took some screenshots, opened his chute, and pressed "[" to switch to Tedus who was still within 2km of the capsule. Landed Tedus, then IIRC went to map view and switched to Bob's capsule which was still coming down at ~3m/s. Landed him, ran down the street high-fiving random strangers, returned to desk and made the comic.

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So what's to become of the two unintended settlers now?

I can't tell you that yet, Pete. What I can give you is a rough idea of what will update soonest over the next few weeks.

--First I'll ease everyone back into D,OB! with a brief interlude sequence.

--Then probably we come back to E:O0 for an interlude/epilogue to Ch3 which will unfortunately raise more questions about Bob's and Tedus's fate than it answers.

--Then back to D,OB! and fast forward to Hummlebee's (attempted) return to Kerbin. This will finish that book.

--And finally the Kerbfleet saga continues in E:O0 (likely including some events that occurred while Hummlebee was en route to Kerbin) where I promise the story which has had a Beginning and most of a Middle will have the rest of the Middle and an End.

And that is all I am going to say about that. J'ai dit!

- - - Updated - - -

Well, it took longer than I thought it would--which one of you clowns voted for Gregmore? :)

I finally voted myself, for Tedus. My original intent in writing this was to make it all about Dilsby's struggles to command a doomed mission, but Tedus's banter with Bob got to be so much fun it gave him a larger role. In fact he grew on me so much it literally saved his life. (Yes, I was originally not even going to try to save him!) So Tedus gets my vote for exceeding the author's expectations and taking the story somewhere I wasn't originally going to go.

Edited by Kuzzter
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Tedus bear FTW, and whoever voted for Gregmore is a hippie "I voted for Gregmore before it was cool, and it will never be cool to vote for gregmore"

CONSPIRACY TIME!!! Kuzzter said "Hummblebee's (attempted) return" "ee's (attempted) re" "(attempted)"

So Jeb, Bill, Vall and Lisa will be lost in interplanetary space confirmed!

But seriously, context on you attempted part?

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Am I really the only person who voted for Greg on the Poll? (or Pol ba-dum-tsss) Srsly, he's just so down to earth, plus he's just like a normal guy. I hope something happens soon involving him though; he's so quiet and reserved I don't think most people know he exists!

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But seriously, context on you attempted part?

Some attempts are successful, some are not. We don't know yet which kind this will be. But as Gretzky Kerman once said, "You miss 100% of the maneuver nodes you don't set."

- - - Updated - - -

Am I really the only person who voted for Greg on the Poll? (or Pol ba-dum-tsss) Srsly, he's just so down to earth, plus he's just like a normal guy. I hope something happens soon involving him though; he's so quiet and reserved I don't think most people know he exists!

Says the guy who bothered to drive around Gilly :) Well, he's the last 'boat' driver in the Eve system who can reach a working spacecraft, so maybe that will give him some more to do when the story rolls back around. Or else I make a running gag about ignoring him...

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Would the Hummblebee fly okay on Kerbin?

Oh sure, I actually flew it around Kerbin a bit before I took off for Duna, and landed it off-runway a couple of times. Initial trials just lifted off from the runway on the aerospikes, not using Orange Knight. I'm not a complete munatic! This was all back in 1.0.2, but hopefully once Hummlebee gets through re-entry the aero will be similar enough in 1.0.4.

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What? How did Bob get 7 votes ahead of Clauselle? They were tied for the longest time!

Dunno--he's showing up in D:OB! right now in Val's Kerbahashi Maru sequence, that may have something to do with it.

- - - Updated - - -

Is it just me, or is that wing floating!?

It's leaning against the side of the ship. Very interesting, since I'm pretty sure it's the dorsal tailfin--so it had to have come forward in the crash, slid along the top and came to rest right there.

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Ohhh, yeah. A friend of mine not on the Forum saw the panels and suggested

for those last three panels. I concur :D


I read first this comment, then I saw the chapter 3 ending.

Tedus is my new hero! :cool:

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