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Keplerian Orbit Elements for our Solar System


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Hello fellow KSP gamers!

Im currently working on a project where I need more or less all the Keplerian Orbit Elements for all the planets and moons in our solarsystem!

I have googled on/off for days for the correct figures, but cannot seem to find any site so far, with the exact figures/numbers that I need..

It is these numbers im looking for (where all figures is taken from the same point in time, and relative to their Parent celestial body.. like moon to the earth, and earth to sun):

Semi Major Axis



Longitude Of Ascending Node

Argument Of Periapsis

True Anomaly

Anyone that have a link to a site?

Kind regards


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Does this no-longer-accurately-named site have what you need? Back in the 90s I used this data for various things orbital.

EDIT: On a second look it appears that no, it's not enough. and the site is a prettied up but much barer shell of what it originally was. I guess nothing lasts.

I had a look at a cached version of this website (It still doesn't look like it has the information the OP is looking for).

There was this bit in the Pluto section though:

"Pluto reached perihelion (closest point to the Sun) on 1989 September 5 at 12:00 UT. At that time it was at 29.66 AU, or 4.4 billion kilometers, or 2.7 billion miles from the Sun. Pluto became the "eighth" planet on 1979 February 7 at 10:44 UT when it came to a distance from the Sun less than Neptune. It will continue in this status until 1999 February 11 at 11:22 UT when it will once again be further from the Sun than any other planet. Its status as the ninth planet will remain undisputed for the next 220 years when it will once again be approaching perihelion. Of course, in that time we might discovery another planet further out but only time will tell."

Sometimes it's easy to forget what an exciting last 20 years in space exploration we have actually had.

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Have you tried Wikipedia? Articles on celestial bodies have their orbital elements listed in a neat little pannel on the right. Along with whole bunch of other useful data. If you want an on-rails simulation of our Solar System, you should have everything you need there.

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Have you tried Wikipedia? Articles on celestial bodies have their orbital elements listed in a neat little pannel on the right. Along with whole bunch of other useful data. If you want an on-rails simulation of our Solar System, you should have everything you need there.

The Wikipedia site for Saturn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn got more or less what I need, it has:

Semi Major Axis



Longitude Of Ascending Node

Argument Of Periapsis

and the True Anomaly is where in the orbit the "orbiter" is at a given time.. so now I 'only' need the True anomaly from all the celestial bodies to be from the same point in time..... :b

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The Wikipedia site for Saturn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn got more or less what I need, it has:

Semi Major Axis



Longitude Of Ascending Node

Argument Of Periapsis

and the True Anomaly is where in the orbit the "orbiter" is at a given time.. so now I 'only' need the True anomaly from all the celestial bodies to be from the same point in time..... :b

For that, you use Horizons, as LordFerret recommended. Here are the settings you want for Saturn.

Ephemeris Type [change] : 	ELEMENTS
Target Body [change] : Saturn [699]
Center [change] : Sun (body center) [500@10]
Time Span [change] : Start=2015-07-17, Stop=2015-08-16, Step=1 d
Table Settings [change] : defaults
Display/Output [change] : default (formatted HTML)

Set the time span to whatever makes sense. Note that this will show you the osculating elements, because perturbations. They should drift by much in any sensible time window, so feel free to just average everything but the true/mean anomalies.

Alternatively, you can take the time of periapsis and compute mean anomaly for any moment of time. Ignoring perturbations, of course. That's probably what you should do for on-the-rails simulation. Then you can check true anomalies you get against the table.

P.S. Almost forgot. Horizons can also generate actual locations of bodies at specified times in polar or Cartesian coordinates. That's absolutely fantastic for debugging. You can run your code and compare your output to Horizons.

Edited by K^2
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Here's for one done today (covers one month)...

Object Data

 Revised: Mar 02, 2015                Saturn                                699

PHYSICAL DATA (updated 2009-May-26):
Mass (10^26 kg) = 5.68319 Density (g/cm^3) = 0.687+-.001
Equat. radius (1 bar) = 60268+-4 km Polar radius (km) = 54364+-10
Volumetric mean radius= 58232+-6 km Flattening = 0.09796

Rotation period = 10h 39m 22.4s Rot. rate(10^-4 rad/s) = 1.63785
m = w^2a^3/GM = 0.15481 Hydrostatic flat., fh = 0.09829
Inferred rot. period = 10.61+-0.02 hr ks = 3*J2/m = 0.317
Mom. of inert. I/MRo^2= 0.210 I/MRo^2 (upper bound) = 0.231
Rocky core mass (Mc/M)= 0.1027 Y factor (He/H ratio) =

GM (km^3/s^2) = 37931207.8 GM 1-sigma (km^3/s^2) = +- 98
Equ. grav, ge (m/s^2) = 10.44 Pol. grav, gp (m/s^2) = 12.14+-0.01

Geometric albedo = 0.47 Visual magnitude V(1,0)= -8.88
Vis. mag. (opposition)= +0.67 Obliquity to orbit = 26.73 deg
Sidereal orbit period = 29.447498 yr Sidereal orbit period = 10755.698 d
Mean daily motion = 0.0334979 deg/d Mean orbit velocity = 9.6624 km/s

Atmos. temp. (1 bar) = 134+-4 K Heat flow/mass (x10^7) = 15 erg/gm*s
Planetary Solar Const = 15.04 W/m^2 Dipole tilt/offset = 0.0deg/0.0Rp
Escape velocity (km/s)= 35.5 Mag.dip.mom(gauss-Rp^3)= 0.21
Aroche(ice)/Rp = 2.71 Hill's sphere rad. Rp = 1100


Ephemeris / WWW_USER Fri Jul 17 20:56:42 2015 Pasadena, USA / Horizons
Target body name: Saturn (699) {source: SAT375}
Center body name: Sun (10) {source: DE-0431LE-0431}
Center-site name: BODY CENTER
Start time : A.D. 2015-Jul-11 00:00:00.0000 CT
Stop time : A.D. 2015-Aug-10 00:00:00.0000 CT
Step-size : 1440 minutes
Center geodetic : 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.0000000 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}
Center cylindric: 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.0000000 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}
Center radii : 696000.0 x 696000.0 x 696000.0 k{Equator, meridian, pole}
System GM : 2.9599678443663086E-04 au^3/d^2
Output units : AU-D, deg, Julian day number (Tp)
Output format : 10
Reference frame : ICRF/J2000.0
Output type : GEOMETRIC osculating elements
Coordinate systm: Ecliptic and Mean Equinox of Reference Epoch
2457214.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-11 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.376905881308452E-02 QR= 9.039711533671001E+00 IN= 2.485621164448056E+00
OM= 1.136366288591595E+02 W = 3.402304735186302E+02 Tp= 2452848.995000418276
N = 3.338335561369173E-02 MA= 1.457352058343864E+02 TA= 1.490195399707901E+02
A = 9.553388227119203E+00 AD= 1.006706492056740E+01 PR= 1.078381706638115E+04
2457215.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-12 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.368012257425823E-02 QR= 9.041405421402269E+00 IN= 2.485486982023690E+00
OM= 1.136404142450671E+02 W = 3.402722173987538E+02 Tp= 2452849.707201184239
N = 3.337867994398476E-02 MA= 1.457244005334203E+02 TA= 1.490045232367375E+02
A = 9.554280362362730E+00 AD= 1.006715530332319E+01 PR= 1.078532765837782E+04
2457216.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-13 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.357014253902184E-02 QR= 9.043396129272669E+00 IN= 2.485677434787115E+00
OM= 1.136350495765851E+02 W = 3.403111299772853E+02 Tp= 2452849.917770443950
N = 3.337347624624971E-02 MA= 1.457280283153834E+02 TA= 1.490014799969451E+02
A = 9.555273492251942E+00 AD= 1.006715085523122E+01 PR= 1.078700934070224E+04
2457217.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-14 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.349816570595334E-02 QR= 9.044517721567837E+00 IN= 2.486425731136965E+00
OM= 1.136140017113594E+02 W = 3.403143304021887E+02 Tp= 2452848.882865812629
N = 3.337107506115859E-02 MA= 1.457854502984295E+02 TA= 1.490498177908874E+02
A = 9.555731847380663E+00 AD= 1.006694597319349E+01 PR= 1.078778551006326E+04
2457218.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-15 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.346251253671333E-02 QR= 9.044931050117439E+00 IN= 2.487286141324789E+00
OM= 1.135898539408443E+02 W = 3.402982574840651E+02 Tp= 2452847.445263510104
N = 3.337067307621717E-02 MA= 1.458650386096604E+02 TA= 1.491205254486988E+02
A = 9.555808586470025E+00 AD= 1.006668612282261E+01 PR= 1.078791546031378E+04
2457219.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-16 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.346767025413676E-02 QR= 9.044580787944746E+00 IN= 2.488165185457239E+00
OM= 1.135652390783447E+02 W = 3.402646278440045E+02 Tp= 2452845.764877838083
N = 3.337233880112474E-02 MA= 1.459617703231676E+02 TA= 1.492092553356676E+02
A = 9.555490608940055E+00 AD= 1.006640042993536E+01 PR= 1.078737699941686E+04
2457220.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-17 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.350269429044881E-02 QR= 9.043697417075416E+00 IN= 2.488969042345061E+00
OM= 1.135427803315537E+02 W = 3.402213405015816E+02 Tp= 2452844.074494890869
N = 3.337537599594731E-02 MA= 1.460648467512767E+02 TA= 1.493054871546256E+02
A = 9.554910893587508E+00 AD= 1.006612437009960E+01 PR= 1.078639533660127E+04
2457221.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-18 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.356102048534028E-02 QR= 9.042453485934224E+00 IN= 2.489522826860178E+00
OM= 1.135273391122974E+02 W = 3.401774983533178E+02 Tp= 2452842.739593412261
N = 3.337917755616680E-02 MA= 1.461594210874112E+02 TA= 1.493952607566173E+02
A = 9.554185406196241E+00 AD= 1.006591732645826E+01 PR= 1.078516687219844E+04
2457222.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-19 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.362969731584527E-02 QR= 9.041027974122962E+00 IN= 2.490041828934467E+00
OM= 1.135128950899858E+02 W = 3.401308055821043E+02 Tp= 2452841.423289343715
N = 3.338343832802650E-02 MA= 1.462554041805402E+02 TA= 1.494868865392732E+02
A = 9.553372446789837E+00 AD= 1.006571691945671E+01 PR= 1.078379034725635E+04
2457223.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-20 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.373362359978915E-02 QR= 9.039070577118450E+00 IN= 2.490135818069514E+00
OM= 1.135102815002796E+02 W = 3.400852902133923E+02 Tp= 2452840.740720754024
N = 3.338878194235315E-02 MA= 1.463349938805649E+02 TA= 1.495655130100484E+02
A = 9.552353124397074E+00 AD= 1.006563567167570E+01 PR= 1.078206448565725E+04
2457224.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-21 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.381680398473058E-02 QR= 9.037614960970563E+00 IN= 2.489816940383459E+00
OM= 1.135191337745173E+02 W = 3.400626186727989E+02 Tp= 2452840.923201803118
N = 3.339244529531728E-02 MA= 1.463783484316180E+02 TA= 1.496098381717060E+02
A = 9.551654477728341E+00 AD= 1.006569399448612E+01 PR= 1.078088162805147E+04
2457225.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-22 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.387766106837547E-02 QR= 9.036648253087032E+00 IN= 2.489239349729003E+00
OM= 1.135351614602523E+02 W = 3.400583123571071E+02 Tp= 2452841.700811757706
N = 3.339458164966979E-02 MA= 1.463951399275184E+02 TA= 1.496286275245149E+02
A = 9.551247107526656E+00 AD= 1.006584596196628E+01 PR= 1.078019194181340E+04
2457226.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-23 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.391514772079254E-02 QR= 9.036156555695554E+00 IN= 2.488512886555615E+00
OM= 1.135553168826980E+02 W = 3.400684013057403E+02 Tp= 2452842.859024456702
N = 3.339532255752228E-02 MA= 1.463931043546388E+02 TA= 1.496288963351546E+02
A = 9.551105837839602E+00 AD= 1.006605511998365E+01 PR= 1.077995277272476E+04
2457227.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-24 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.391672528094448E-02 QR= 9.036384613737669E+00 IN= 2.487603365156754E+00
OM= 1.135805530133581E+02 W = 3.400996052517748E+02 Tp= 2452844.535180584062
N = 3.339397480622058E-02 MA= 1.463646167561208E+02 TA= 1.496029732999261E+02
A = 9.551362818903094E+00 AD= 1.006634102406852E+01 PR= 1.078038784208880E+04
2457228.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-25 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.389494690101750E-02 QR= 9.037017111672970E+00 IN= 2.486798948660597E+00
OM= 1.136028747934243E+02 W = 3.401366272076136E+02 Tp= 2452846.131251606159
N = 3.339162197248506E-02 MA= 1.463344005904014E+02 TA= 1.495741435643432E+02
A = 9.551811484435131E+00 AD= 1.006660585719729E+01 PR= 1.078114744760355E+04
2457229.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-26 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.382688056376964E-02 QR= 9.038539621030226E+00 IN= 2.485891322745249E+00
OM= 1.136280641673878E+02 W = 3.401961984377225E+02 Tp= 2452848.148728385102
N = 3.338678791226372E-02 MA= 1.462792456745360E+02 TA= 1.495198998068578E+02
A = 9.552733464268957E+00 AD= 1.006692730750769E+01 PR= 1.078270844580900E+04
2457230.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-27 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.372063014785991E-02 QR= 9.040634924644388E+00 IN= 2.485467586586414E+00
OM= 1.136398233855977E+02 W = 3.402544545341196E+02 Tp= 2452849.460519282147
N = 3.338080369855638E-02 MA= 1.462426189014606E+02 TA= 1.494803896551439E+02
A = 9.553875116242915E+00 AD= 1.006711530784144E+01 PR= 1.078464147391301E+04
2457231.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-28 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.361690714633557E-02 QR= 9.042559562162213E+00 IN= 2.485485119444233E+00
OM= 1.136393383163095E+02 W = 3.402965279870248E+02 Tp= 2452849.951746037696
N = 3.337563377715830E-02 MA= 1.462369499011932E+02 TA= 1.494692958657816E+02
A = 9.554861694428460E+00 AD= 1.006716382669471E+01 PR= 1.078631202642143E+04
2457232.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-29 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.353304281477127E-02 QR= 9.044021805121414E+00 IN= 2.485829742031168E+00
OM= 1.136297964658249E+02 W = 3.403188247479115E+02 Tp= 2452849.733106138650
N = 3.337197524158762E-02 MA= 1.462615882715852E+02 TA= 1.494870276121902E+02
A = 9.555560008157210E+00 AD= 1.006709821119301E+01 PR= 1.078749451879533E+04
2457233.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-30 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.345920318707063E-02 QR= 9.045218629917294E+00 IN= 2.486454762974132E+00
OM= 1.136125220045889E+02 W = 3.403270871515534E+02 Tp= 2452848.943050564267
N = 3.336925663065568E-02 MA= 1.463094060574456E+02 TA= 1.495265192447912E+02
A = 9.556078998785043E+00 AD= 1.006693936765279E+01 PR= 1.078837338166158E+04
2457234.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Jul-31 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.342929829528075E-02 QR= 9.045549591593325E+00 IN= 2.487251072759670E+00
OM= 1.135905568157417E+02 W = 3.403110285540876E+02 Tp= 2452847.608214973472
N = 3.336900658056243E-02 MA= 1.463862208427691E+02 TA= 1.495950177643786E+02
A = 9.556126737604291E+00 AD= 1.006670388361526E+01 PR= 1.078845422415725E+04
2457235.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-01 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.341560647819626E-02 QR= 9.045554335281164E+00 IN= 2.488134735850641E+00
OM= 1.135662377244928E+02 W = 3.402850154451192E+02 Tp= 2452846.024703393690
N = 3.336970434012183E-02 MA= 1.464754928560152E+02 TA= 1.496758215327130E+02
A = 9.555993524916284E+00 AD= 1.006643271455140E+01 PR= 1.078822863788926E+04
2457236.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-02 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.345752292884576E-02 QR= 9.044503729548397E+00 IN= 2.489101642902499E+00
OM= 1.135396886687507E+02 W = 3.402336117161843E+02 Tp= 2452844.020254957955
N = 3.337330195811111E-02 MA= 1.465915528761764E+02 TA= 1.497842421897948E+02
A = 9.555306759749884E+00 AD= 1.006610978995137E+01 PR= 1.078706567458797E+04
2457237.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-03 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.352988410647548E-02 QR= 9.042986445379503E+00 IN= 2.489715796251792E+00
OM= 1.135228617075512E+02 W = 3.401823443415371E+02 Tp= 2452842.523225940764
N = 3.337787378869739E-02 MA= 1.466949800688090E+02 TA= 1.498828112457877E+02
A = 9.554434200854173E+00 AD= 1.006588195632884E+01 PR= 1.078558814977319E+04
2457238.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-04 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.360972408929661E-02 QR= 9.041433898693372E+00 IN= 2.489961245121883E+00
OM= 1.135161473791559E+02 W = 3.401412845080095E+02 Tp= 2452841.679706742987
N = 3.338224695193426E-02 MA= 1.467757408327818E+02 TA= 1.499610672121929E+02
A = 9.553599745087062E+00 AD= 1.006576559148075E+01 PR= 1.078417520900703E+04
2457239.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-05 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.369009126598709E-02 QR= 9.039905646306126E+00 IN= 2.490084456037433E+00
OM= 1.135127813442672E+02 W = 3.401043710778955E+02 Tp= 2452841.061418953352
N = 3.338645932148104E-02 MA= 1.468482907641394E+02 TA= 1.500318293622948E+02
A = 9.552796143073090E+00 AD= 1.006568663984005E+01 PR= 1.078281456962925E+04
2457240.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-06 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.377476566186166E-02 QR= 9.038409421503509E+00 IN= 2.489805158529160E+00
OM= 1.135204019856437E+02 W = 3.400800245055161E+02 Tp= 2452841.169899056200
N = 3.339026782415638E-02 MA= 1.468948103173917E+02 TA= 1.500790459972994E+02
A = 9.552069732980284E+00 AD= 1.006573004445706E+01 PR= 1.078158467898110E+04
2457241.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-07 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.383902478929093E-02 QR= 9.037343212247148E+00 IN= 2.489340176532847E+00
OM= 1.135330833488325E+02 W = 3.400702753033074E+02 Tp= 2452841.714030336123
N = 3.339277508745538E-02 MA= 1.469210633179295E+02 TA= 1.501066073732759E+02
A = 9.551591588560861E+00 AD= 1.006583996487457E+01 PR= 1.078077515442078E+04
2457242.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-08 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.389094966551738E-02 QR= 9.036615228350566E+00 IN= 2.488482127261915E+00
OM= 1.135564797885206E+02 W = 3.400793245786298E+02 Tp= 2452843.042543269228
N = 3.339406115485771E-02 MA= 1.469157513582565E+02 TA= 1.501046636151847E+02
A = 9.551346353949167E+00 AD= 1.006607747954777E+01 PR= 1.078035996671918E+04
2457243.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-09 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.388835039796536E-02 QR= 9.036938906702925E+00 IN= 2.487476579247267E+00
OM= 1.135839049054202E+02 W = 3.401149082684509E+02 Tp= 2452844.885985901114
N = 3.339240465460821E-02 MA= 1.468802990782140E+02 TA= 1.500721596883191E+02
A = 9.551662227712928E+00 AD= 1.006638554872293E+01 PR= 1.078089474907939E+04
2457244.500000000 = A.D. 2015-Aug-10 00:00:00.0000 (CT)
EC= 5.384069597048140E-02 QR= 9.038064192395241E+00 IN= 2.486605259502523E+00
OM= 1.136076747872952E+02 W = 3.401642455341206E+02 Tp= 2452846.707085105125
N = 3.338869101769085E-02 MA= 1.468365487952163E+02 TA= 1.500295539220370E+02
A = 9.552370466478305E+00 AD= 1.006667674056137E+01 PR= 1.078209384756221E+04
Coordinate system description:

Ecliptic and Mean Equinox of Reference Epoch

Reference epoch: J2000.0
xy-plane: plane of the Earth's orbit at the reference epoch
x-axis : out along ascending node of instantaneous plane of the Earth's
orbit and the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch
z-axis : perpendicular to the xy-plane in the directional (+ or -) sense
of Earth's north pole at the reference epoch.

Symbol meaning [1 au=149597870.700 km, 1 day=86400.0 s]:

JDCT Epoch Julian Date, Coordinate Time
EC Eccentricity, e
QR Periapsis distance, q (AU)
IN Inclination w.r.t xy-plane, i (degrees)
OM Longitude of Ascending Node, OMEGA, (degrees)
W Argument of Perifocus, w (degrees)
Tp Time of periapsis (Julian day number)
N Mean motion, n (degrees/day)
MA Mean anomaly, M (degrees)
TA True anomaly, nu (degrees)
A Semi-major axis, a (AU)
AD Apoapsis distance (AU)
PR Sidereal orbit period (day)

Geometric states/elements have no aberration corrections applied.

Computations by ...
Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Information: [URL]http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/[/URL]
Connect : [URL]telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775[/URL] (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
Author : [EMAIL="Jon.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov"]Jon.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov[/EMAIL]

Everything you're looking for is in there.

Edited by LordFerret
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