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Mk2 Fuel Trick - Double the fuel amount in half of the space


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I found this very intriguing and tried it out on one of my space planes in lieu of a short LF&O. What I found was that while storage did improve, drag went up dramatically. I tried cycling the doors, but it didn't seem to help any.

Is there a trick to using this method without the drag penalty? I attached the additional stuff to the rear of the preceding bulkhead. Should I have attached it to the FL-T400 instead?

Hey Slashy. I'm pretty sure that you have to attach the extra stuff to the FL-T400. I think that's the only way to get the parts occluded from drag.

Happy landings!

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Hey Slashy. I'm pretty sure that you have to attach the extra stuff to the FL-T400. I think that's the only way to get the parts occluded from drag.

Happy landings!

That's the way I do it, and as for whoever said they prefer to add extra mk2 parts instead for lift, that's just fine if it works for your design, but I found shorter planes to be more stable on rentry when they are empty since empty mk2 parts present a low mass and high drag that you don't want alot of forward of the CoM, which will move backwards towards the engines as you empty. Certainly nice that the game allows for different workable designs though.

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You can replace the wet wings & strakes with an additional Mk.1 fuel tank in the jet stacks and dry wings.


Something like this:




Interesting design inspiration there! Thanks for sharing with us.

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Hah, did I begin the fad for Poodle MK2 spaceplanes, or is that an older design?

*note to self. Test viability of SRBs as intermediate engines of spaceplanes. One Kickback for main hull should do it.*

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That one's current as of 1.04. In fact, I decided to fully develop it and release it on the shared craft forum this weekend. It's listed as the "Mainway Adobe".

You may well be the first to use the Poodle in conjunction with 2 TJs. There ain't nuthin' new under the sun, and it happens to be the best engine for the job (if a little awkward). Just the right amount of thrust and excellent Isp without being a boat anchor.



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